path: root/drivers/pci/pci-stub.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-09PCI: Replace printk(KERN_INFO) with pr_info(), etcMohan Kumar
2018-03-19PCI: Tidy commentsBjorn Helgaas
2018-02-01Merge branch 'pci/spdx' into nextBjorn Helgaas
2018-01-28PCI: Add SPDX GPL-2.0 to replace GPL v2 boilerplateBjorn Helgaas
2018-01-18PCI: Add wrappers for dev_printk()Frederick Lawler
2014-06-10PCI: Whitespace cleanupRyan Desfosses
2013-11-14PCI: Fix whitespace, capitalization, and spelling errorsBjorn Helgaas
2012-11-07PCI: Convert dev_printk(KERN_<LEVEL> to dev_<level>(Joe Perches
2010-12-23PCI: pci-stub: ignore zero-length id parametersTejun Heo
2010-12-23PCI: Skip id checking if no id is passedYinghai Lu
2009-09-09PCI: pci-stub: add pci_stub.ids parameterTejun Heo
2009-01-07PCI: pci-stub module to reserve pci deviceChris Wright
101'>101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
" Description:	Comshare Dimension Definition Language (CDL)
" Author:	Raul Segura Acevedo <>
" Last Change:	Fri Nov 30 13:35:48  2001 CST

if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal indentexpr=CdlGetIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys&
setlocal indentkeys+==~else,=~endif,=~then,;,),=

" Only define the function once.
if exists("*CdlGetIndent")

" find out if an "...=..." expresion is an assignment (or a conditional)
" it scans 'line' first, and then the previos lines
fun! CdlAsignment(lnum, line)
  let f = -1
  let lnum = a:lnum
  let line = a:line
  while lnum > 0 && f == -1
    " line without members [a] of [b]:[c]...
    let inicio = 0
    while 1
      " keywords that help to decide
      let inicio = matchend(line, '\c\<\(expr\|\a*if\|and\|or\|not\|else\|then\|memberis\|\k\+of\)\>\|[<>;]', inicio)
      if inicio < 0
      " it's formula if there's a ';', 'elsE', 'theN', 'enDif' or 'expr'
      " conditional if there's a '<', '>', 'elseif', 'if', 'and', 'or', 'not',
      " 'memberis', 'childrenof' and other \k\+of funcions
      let f = line[inicio-1] =~? '[en;]' || strpart(line, inicio-4, 4) =~? 'ndif\|expr'
    let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum-1)
    let line = substitute(getline(lnum), '\c\(\[[^]]*]\(\s*of\s*\|:\)*\)\+', ' ', 'g')
  " if we hit the start of the file then f = -1, return 1 (formula)
  return f != 0

fun! CdlGetIndent(lnum)
  let thisline = getline(a:lnum)
  if match(thisline, '^\s*\(\k\+\|\[[^]]*]\)\s*\(,\|;\s*$\)') >= 0
    " it's an attributes line
    return shiftwidth()
  elseif match(thisline, '^\c\s*\([{}]\|\/[*/]\|dimension\|schedule\|group\|hierarchy\|class\)') >= 0
    " it's a header or '{' or '}' or a comment
    return 0

  let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
  " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
  if lnum == 0
    return 0

  let ind = indent(lnum)
  let line = getline(lnum)

  " Whether a '=' is a conditional or an assignment. -1 means we don't know
  " yet.
  " One 'closing' element at the beginning of the line has already reduced the
  " indent, but 'else', 'elseif' & 'then' increment it for the next line.
  " '=' at the beginning already has the right indent (increased for
  " asignments).
  let f = -1
  let inicio = matchend(line, '^\c\s*\(else\a*\|then\|endif\|/[*/]\|[);={]\)')
  if inicio > 0
    let c = line[inicio-1]
    " ')' and '=' don't change indent and are useless to set 'f'
    if c == '{'
      return shiftwidth()
    elseif c != ')' && c != '='
      let f = 1 " all but 'elseif' are followed by a formula
      if c ==? 'n' || c ==? 'e' " 'then', 'else'
	let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
      elseif strpart(line, inicio-6, 6) ==? 'elseif' " elseif, set f to conditional
	let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
	let f = 0

  " remove members [a] of [b]:[c]... (inicio remainds valid)
  let line = substitute(line, '\c\(\[[^]]*]\(\s*of\s*\|:\)*\)\+', ' ', 'g')
  while 1
    " search for the next interesting element
    let inicio=matchend(line, '\c\<if\|endif\|[()=;]', inicio)
    if inicio < 0

    let c = line[inicio-1]
    " 'expr(...)' containing the formula
    if strpart(line, inicio-5, 5) ==? 'expr('
      let ind = 0
      let f = 1
    elseif c == ')' || c== ';' || strpart(line, inicio-5, 5) ==? 'endif'
      let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
    elseif c == '(' || c ==? 'f' " '(' or 'if'
      let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
    else " c == '='
      " if it is an asignment increase indent
      if f == -1 " we don't know yet, find out
	let f = CdlAsignment(lnum, strpart(line, 0, inicio))
      if f == 1 " formula increase it
	let ind = ind + shiftwidth()

  " CURRENT LINE, if it starts with a closing element, decrease indent
  " or if it starts with '=' (asignment), increase indent
  if match(thisline, '^\c\s*\(else\|then\|endif\|[);]\)') >= 0
    let ind = ind - shiftwidth()
  elseif match(thisline, '^\s*=') >= 0
    if f == -1 " we don't know yet if is an asignment, find out
      let f = CdlAsignment(lnum, "")
    if f == 1 " formula increase it
      let ind = ind + shiftwidth()

  return ind