path: root/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts
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Diffstat (limited to 'arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts
index e9f87cb61ade..97d768730952 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/hisilicon/hi3660-hikey960.dts
@@ -197,6 +197,325 @@
+ * Legend: proper name = the GPIO line is used as GPIO
+ * NC = not connected (pin out but not routed from the chip to
+ * anything the board)
+ * "[PER]" = pin is muxed for [peripheral] (not GPIO)
+ * "" = no idea, schematic doesn't say, could be
+ * unrouted (not connected to any external pin)
+ * LSEC = Low Speed External Connector
+ * HSEC = High Speed External Connector
+ *
+ * Line names are taken from "HiKey 960 Board ver A" schematics
+ * from Huawei. The 40 pin low speed expansion connector is named
+ * J2002 63453-140LF.
+ *
+ * For the lines routed to the external connectors the
+ * lines are named after the 96Boards CE Specification 1.0,
+ * Appendix "Expansion Connector Signal Description".
+ *
+ * When the 96Board naming of a line and the schematic name of
+ * the same line are in conflict, the 96Board specification
+ * takes precedence, which means that the external UART on the
+ * LSEC is named UART0 while the schematic and SoC names this
+ * UART3. This is only for the informational lines i.e. "[FOO]",
+ * the GPIO named lines "GPIO-A" thru "GPIO-L" are the only
+ * ones actually used for GPIO.
+ */
+&gpio0 {
+ /* GPIO_000-GPIO_007 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "",
+ "TP901", /* TEST_MODE connected to TP901 */
+ "[PMU0_SSI]",
+ "[PMU1_SSI]",
+ "[PMU2_SSI]",
+ "[PMU0_CLKOUT]",
+ "[JTAG_TCK]",
+ "[JTAG_TMS]";
+&gpio1 {
+ /* GPIO_008-GPIO_015 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[JTAG_TRST_N]",
+ "[JTAG_TDI]",
+ "[JTAG_TDO]",
+ "NC", "NC",
+ "[I2C3_SCL]",
+ "[I2C3_SDA]",
+ "NC";
+&gpio2 {
+ /* GPIO_016-GPIO_023 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC", "NC", "NC",
+ "GPIO-J", /* LSEC pin 32: GPIO_019 */
+ "GPIO_020_HDMI_SEL",
+ "GPIO-L", /* LSEC pin 34: GPIO_021 */
+ "GPIO-G"; /* LSEC pin 29: LCD_TE0 */
+&gpio3 {
+ /* GPIO_024-GPIO_031 */
+ /* The rail from pin BK36 is named LCD_TE0, we assume to be muxed as GPIO for GPIO-G */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[CSI0_MCLK]", /* HSEC pin 15: ISP_CCLK0_MCAM */
+ "[CSI1_MCLK]", /* HSEC pin 17: ISP_CCLK1_SCAM */
+ "NC",
+ "[I2C2_SCL]", /* HSEC pin 32: ISP_SCL0 */
+ "[I2C2_SDA]", /* HSEC pin 34: ISP_SDA0 */
+ "[I2C3_SCL]", /* HSEC pin 36: ISP_SCL1 */
+ "[I2C3_SDA]", /* HSEC pin 38: ISP_SDA1 */
+ "NC";
+&gpio4 {
+ /* GPIO_032-GPIO_039 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC", "NC",
+ "PWR_BTN_N", /* LSEC pin 4: GPIO_034_PWRON_DET */
+ "GPIO_035_PMU2_EN",
+ "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio5 {
+ /* GPIO_040-GPIO_047 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "GPIO-H", /* LSEC pin 30: GPIO_040_LCD_RST_N */
+ "GPIO_041_HDMI_PD",
+ "TP904", /* Test point */
+ "TP905", /* Test point */
+ "NC", "NC",
+ "GPIO_046_HUB_VDD33_EN",
+ "GPIO_047_PMU1_EN";
+&gpio6 {
+ /* GPIO_048-GPIO_055 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC", "NC", "NC",
+ "GPIO_051_WIFI_EN",
+ "GPIO-I", /* LSEC pin 31: GPIO_052_CAM0_RST_N */
+ /*
+ * These two pins should be used for SD(IO) data according to the
+ * 96boards specification but seems to be repurposed for a IRDA UART.
+ * They are however named according to the spec.
+ */
+ "[SD_DAT1]", /* HSEC pin 3: UART0_IRDA_RXD */
+ "[SD_DAT2]", /* HSEC pin 5: UART0_IRDA_TXD */
+ "[UART1_RXD]"; /* LSEC pin 13: DEBUG_UART6_RXD */
+&gpio7 {
+ /* GPIO_056-GPIO_063 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[UART1_TXD]", /* LSEC pin 11: DEBUG_UART6_TXD */
+ "[UART0_CTS]", /* LSEC pin 3: UART3_CTS_N */
+ "[UART0_RTS]", /* LSEC pin 9: UART3_RTS_N */
+ "[UART0_RXD]", /* LSEC pin 7: UART3_RXD */
+ "[UART0_TXD]", /* LSEC pin 5: UART3_TXD */
+&gpio8 {
+ /* GPIO_064-GPIO_071 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC",
+ "NC",
+ "GPIO_068_SEL",
+ "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio9 {
+ /* GPIO_072-GPIO_079 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC", "NC", "NC",
+ "GPIO-K", /* LSEC pin 33: GPIO_075_CAM1_RST_N */
+ "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio10 {
+ /* GPIO_080-GPIO_087 */
+ gpio-line-names = "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio11 {
+ /* GPIO_088-GPIO_095 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC",
+ "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio12 {
+ /* GPIO_096-GPIO_103 */
+ gpio-line-names = "NC", "NC", "NC", "", "", "", "", "NC";
+&gpio13 {
+ /* GPIO_104-GPIO_111 */
+ gpio-line-names = "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio14 {
+ /* GPIO_112-GPIO_119 */
+ gpio-line-names = "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC";
+&gpio15 {
+ /* GPIO_120-GPIO_127 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC",
+ "GPIO_126_BT_EN",
+ "TP902"; /* GPIO_127_JTAG_SEL0 */
+&gpio16 {
+ /* GPIO_128-GPIO_135 */
+ gpio-line-names = "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
+&gpio17 {
+ /* GPIO_136-GPIO_143 */
+ gpio-line-names = "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
+&gpio18 {
+ /* GPIO_144-GPIO_151 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[UFS_REF_CLK]",
+ "[UFS_RST_N]",
+ "[SPI1_SCLK]", /* HSEC pin 9: GPIO_146_SPI3_CLK */
+ "[SPI1_DIN]", /* HSEC pin 11: GPIO_147_SPI3_DI */
+ "[SPI1_DOUT]", /* HSEC pin 1: GPIO_148_SPI3_DO */
+ "[SPI1_CS]", /* HSEC pin 7: GPIO_149_SPI3_CS0_N */
+ "GPIO_150_USER_LED1",
+ "GPIO_151_USER_LED2";
+&gpio19 {
+ /* GPIO_152-GPIO_159 */
+ gpio-line-names = "NC", "NC", "NC", "NC", "", "", "", "";
+&gpio20 {
+ /* GPIO_160-GPIO_167 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[SD_CLK]",
+ "[SD_CMD]",
+ "[SD_DATA0]",
+ "[SD_DATA1]",
+ "[SD_DATA2]",
+ "[SD_DATA3]",
+ "", "";
+&gpio21 {
+ /* GPIO_168-GPIO_175 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[WL_SDIO_CLK]",
+ "[WL_SDIO_CMD]",
+ "[WL_SDIO_DATA0]",
+ "[WL_SDIO_DATA1]",
+ "[WL_SDIO_DATA2]",
+ "[WL_SDIO_DATA3]",
+ "", "";
+&gpio22 {
+ /* GPIO_176-GPIO_183 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[GPIO_176_PMU_PWR_HOLD]",
+ "NA",
+ "[SYSCLK_EN]",
+ "GPIO_180_HDMI_INT",
+ "NA",
+ "GPIO-F", /* LSEC pin 28: LCD_BL_PWM */
+ "[I2C0_SCL]"; /* LSEC pin 15 */
+&gpio23 {
+ /* GPIO_184-GPIO_191 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[I2C0_SDA]", /* LSEC pin 17 */
+ "[I2C1_SCL]", /* Actual SoC I2C1 */
+ "[I2C1_SDA]", /* Actual SoC I2C1 */
+ "[I2C1_SCL]", /* LSEC pin 19: I2C7_SCL */
+ "[I2C1_SDA]", /* LSEC pin 21: I2C7_SDA */
+ "GPIO_189_USER_LED3",
+ "GPIO_190_USER_LED4",
+ "";
+&gpio24 {
+ /* GPIO_192-GPIO_199 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[PCM_DI]", /* LSEC pin 22: GPIO_192_I2S0_DI */
+ "[PCM_DO]", /* LSEC pin 20: GPIO_193_I2S0_DO */
+ "[PCM_CLK]", /* LSEC pin 18: GPIO_194_I2S0_XCLK */
+ "[PCM_FS]", /* LSEC pin 16: GPIO_195_I2S0_XFS */
+ "[GPIO_196_I2S2_DI]",
+ "[GPIO_197_I2S2_DO]",
+ "[GPIO_198_I2S2_XCLK]",
+ "[GPIO_199_I2S2_XFS]";
+&gpio25 {
+ /* GPIO_200-GPIO_207 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "NC",
+ "NC",
+ "GPIO_203_SD_DET",
+ "GPIO_204_PMU12_IRQ_N",
+&gpio26 {
+ /* GPIO_208-GPIO_215 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "GPIO-A", /* LSEC pin 23: GPIO_208 */
+ "GPIO-B", /* LSEC pin 24: GPIO_209 */
+ "GPIO-C", /* LSEC pin 25: GPIO_210 */
+ "GPIO-D", /* LSEC pin 26: GPIO_211 */
+ "GPIO-E", /* LSEC pin 27: GPIO_212 */
+ "[PCIE_WAKE_N]",
+ "[SPI0_CLK]"; /* LSEC pin 8: SPI2_CLK */
+&gpio27 {
+ /* GPIO_216-GPIO_223 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "[SPI0_DIN]", /* LSEC pin 10: SPI2_DI */
+ "[SPI0_DOUT]", /* LSEC pin 14: SPI2_DO */
+ "[SPI0_CS]", /* LSEC pin 12: SPI2_CS0_N */
+ "GPIO_219_CC_INT",
+ "NC",
+ "NC",
+ "[PMU_INT]",
+ "";
+&gpio28 {
+ /* GPIO_224-GPIO_231 */
+ gpio-line-names =
+ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
&i2c0 {
/* On Low speed expansion */
label = "LS-I2C0";