path: root/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h
diff options
authorArend van Spriel <>2011-10-05 13:19:03 +0200
committerJohn W. Linville <>2011-10-11 15:55:30 -0400
commit5b435de0d786869c95d1962121af0d7df2542009 (patch)
tree9b7cfbc4aa9f1ec0e719e3a0c677bd9f4e56540d /drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h
parent5f68a2b0a890d086e40fc7b55f4a0c32c28bc0d2 (diff)
net: wireless: add brcm80211 drivers
Add the brcm80211 tree to drivers/net/wireless, and disable the version that's in drivers/staging. This version includes the sources currently in staging, plus any changes that have been sent out for review. Sources in staging will be deleted in a followup patch. Signed-off-by: Arend van Spriel <> Signed-off-by: John W. Linville <>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h')
1 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7a2554f611a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/brcm80211/brcmsmac/main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Broadcom Corporation
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _BRCM_MAIN_H_
+#define _BRCM_MAIN_H_
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <brcmu_utils.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "d11.h"
+#include "scb.h"
+#define INVCHANNEL 255 /* invalid channel */
+/* max # brcms_c_module_register() calls */
+#define SEQNUM_SHIFT 4
+#define SEQNUM_MAX 0x1000
+#define NTXRATE 64 /* # tx MPDUs rate is reported for */
+/* Maximum wait time for a MAC suspend */
+/* uS: 83mS is max packet time (64KB ampdu @ 6Mbps) */
+#define BRCMS_MAX_MAC_SUSPEND 83000
+/* responses for probe requests older that this are tossed, zero to disable */
+#define BRCMS_PRB_RESP_TIMEOUT 0 /* Disable probe response timeout */
+/* transmit buffer max headroom for protocol headers */
+#define TXOFF (D11_TXH_LEN + D11_PHY_HDR_LEN)
+#define AC_COUNT 4
+/* Macros for doing definition and get/set of bitfields
+ * Usage example, e.g. a three-bit field (bits 4-6):
+ * #define <NAME>_M BITFIELD_MASK(3)
+ * #define <NAME>_S 4
+ * ...
+ * regval = R_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo);
+ * field = GFIELD(regval, <NAME>);
+ * regval = SFIELD(regval, <NAME>, 1);
+ * W_REG(osh, &regs->regfoo, regval);
+ */
+#define BITFIELD_MASK(width) \
+ (((unsigned)1 << (width)) - 1)
+#define GFIELD(val, field) \
+ (((val) >> field ## _S) & field ## _M)
+#define SFIELD(val, field, bits) \
+ (((val) & (~(field ## _M << field ## _S))) | \
+ ((unsigned)(bits) << field ## _S))
+#define SW_TIMER_MAC_STAT_UPD 30 /* periodic MAC stats update */
+/* max # supported core revisions (0 .. MAXCOREREV - 1) */
+#define MAXCOREREV 28
+/* Double check that unsupported cores are not enabled */
+#error "Configuration for D11CONF includes unsupported versions."
+#endif /* Bad versions */
+/* values for shortslot_override */
+#define BRCMS_SHORTSLOT_AUTO -1 /* Driver will manage Shortslot setting */
+#define BRCMS_SHORTSLOT_OFF 0 /* Turn off short slot */
+#define BRCMS_SHORTSLOT_ON 1 /* Turn on short slot */
+/* value for short/long and mixmode/greenfield preamble */
+#define BRCMS_SHORT_PREAMBLE (1 << 0)
+#define BRCMS_GF_PREAMBLE (1 << 1)
+#define BRCMS_MM_PREAMBLE (1 << 2)
+#define BRCMS_IS_MIMO_PREAMBLE(_pre) (((_pre) == BRCMS_GF_PREAMBLE) || \
+ ((_pre) == BRCMS_MM_PREAMBLE))
+/* TxFrameID */
+/* seq and frag bits: SEQNUM_SHIFT, FRAGNUM_MASK (802.11.h) */
+/* rate epoch bits: TXFID_RATE_SHIFT, TXFID_RATE_MASK ((wlc_rate.c) */
+#define TXFID_QUEUE_MASK 0x0007 /* Bits 0-2 */
+#define TXFID_SEQ_MASK 0x7FE0 /* Bits 5-15 */
+#define TXFID_SEQ_SHIFT 5 /* Number of bit shifts */
+#define TXFID_RATE_PROBE_MASK 0x8000 /* Bit 15 for rate probe */
+#define TXFID_RATE_MASK 0x0018 /* Mask for bits 3 and 4 */
+#define TXFID_RATE_SHIFT 3 /* Shift 3 bits for rate mask */
+/* promote boardrev */
+#define BOARDREV_PROMOTABLE 0xFF /* from */
+#define BOARDREV_PROMOTED 1 /* to */
+#define DATA_BLOCK_TX_SUPR (1 << 4)
+/* 802.1D Priority to TX FIFO number for wme */
+extern const u8 prio2fifo[];
+/* Ucode MCTL_WAKE override bits */
+/* stuff pulled in from wlc.c */
+/* Interrupt bit error summary. Don't include I_RU: we refill DMA at other
+ * times; and if we run out, constant I_RU interrupts may cause lockup. We
+ * will still get error counts from rx0ovfl.
+ */
+#define I_ERRORS (I_PC | I_PD | I_DE | I_RO | I_XU)
+/* default software intmasks */
+#define DEF_RXINTMASK (I_RI) /* enable rx int on rxfifo only */
+#define MAXTXPKTS 6 /* max # pkts pending */
+/* frameburst */
+#define MAXTXFRAMEBURST 8 /* vanilla xpress mode: max frames/burst */
+#define MAXFRAMEBURST_TXOP 10000 /* Frameburst TXOP in usec */
+#define NFIFO 6 /* # tx/rx fifopairs */
+/* PLL requests */
+/* pll is shared on old chips */
+/* hold pll for radio monitor register checking */
+/* hold/release pll for some short operation */
+#define BRCMS_PLLREQ_FLIP 0x4
+#define CHANNEL_BANDUNIT(wlc, ch) \
+#define OTHERBANDUNIT(wlc) \
+ ((uint)((wlc)->band->bandunit ? BAND_2G_INDEX : BAND_5G_INDEX))
+ * 802.11 protection information
+ *
+ * _g: use g spec protection, driver internal.
+ * g_override: override for use of g spec protection.
+ * gmode_user: user config gmode, operating band->gmode is different.
+ * overlap: Overlap BSS/IBSS protection for both 11g and 11n.
+ * nmode_user: user config nmode, operating pub->nmode is different.
+ * n_cfg: use OFDM protection on MIMO frames.
+ * n_cfg_override: override for use of N protection.
+ * nongf: non-GF present protection.
+ * nongf_override: override for use of GF protection.
+ * n_pam_override: override for preamble: MM or GF.
+ * n_obss: indicated OBSS Non-HT STA present.
+struct brcms_protection {
+ bool _g;
+ s8 g_override;
+ u8 gmode_user;
+ s8 overlap;
+ s8 nmode_user;
+ s8 n_cfg;
+ s8 n_cfg_override;
+ bool nongf;
+ s8 nongf_override;
+ s8 n_pam_override;
+ bool n_obss;
+ * anything affecting the single/dual streams/antenna operation
+ *
+ * hw_txchain: HW txchain bitmap cfg.
+ * txchain: txchain bitmap being used.
+ * txstreams: number of txchains being used.
+ * hw_rxchain: HW rxchain bitmap cfg.
+ * rxchain: rxchain bitmap being used.
+ * rxstreams: number of rxchains being used.
+ * ant_rx_ovr: rx antenna override.
+ * txant: userTx antenna setting.
+ * phytxant: phyTx antenna setting in txheader.
+ * ss_opmode: singlestream Operational mode, 0:siso; 1:cdd.
+ * ss_algosel_auto: if true, use wlc->stf->ss_algo_channel;
+ * else use wlc->band->stf->ss_mode_band.
+ * ss_algo_channel: ss based on per-channel algo: 0: SISO, 1: CDD 2: STBC.
+ * rxchain_restore_delay: delay time to restore default rxchain.
+ * ldpc: AUTO/ON/OFF ldpc cap supported.
+ * txcore[MAX_STREAMS_SUPPORTED + 1]: bitmap of selected core for each Nsts.
+ * spatial_policy:
+ */
+struct brcms_stf {
+ u8 hw_txchain;
+ u8 txchain;
+ u8 txstreams;
+ u8 hw_rxchain;
+ u8 rxchain;
+ u8 rxstreams;
+ u8 ant_rx_ovr;
+ s8 txant;
+ u16 phytxant;
+ u8 ss_opmode;
+ bool ss_algosel_auto;
+ u16 ss_algo_channel;
+ u8 rxchain_restore_delay;
+ s8 ldpc;
+ u8 txcore[MAX_STREAMS_SUPPORTED + 1];
+ s8 spatial_policy;
+#define BRCMS_STF_SS_STBC_TX(wlc, scb) \
+ (((wlc)->stf->txstreams > 1) && (((wlc)->band->band_stf_stbc_tx == ON) \
+ || (((scb)->flags & SCB_STBCCAP) && \
+ (wlc)->band->band_stf_stbc_tx == AUTO && \
+ isset(&((wlc)->stf->ss_algo_channel), PHY_TXC1_MODE_STBC))))
+#define BRCMS_STBC_CAP_PHY(wlc) (BRCMS_ISNPHY(wlc->band) && \
+ NREV_GE(wlc->band->phyrev, 3))
+#define BRCMS_SGI_CAP_PHY(wlc) ((BRCMS_ISNPHY(wlc->band) && \
+ NREV_GE(wlc->band->phyrev, 3)) || \
+ BRCMS_ISLCNPHY(wlc->band))
+#define BRCMS_CHAN_CHANNEL(x) (((x) & RXS_CHAN_ID_MASK) \
+ * core state (mac)
+ */
+struct brcms_core {
+ uint coreidx; /* # sb enumerated core */
+ /* fifo */
+ uint *txavail[NFIFO]; /* # tx descriptors available */
+ s16 txpktpend[NFIFO]; /* tx admission control */
+ struct macstat *macstat_snapshot; /* mac hw prev read values */
+ * band state (phy+ana+radio)
+ */
+struct brcms_band {
+ int bandtype; /* BRCM_BAND_2G, BRCM_BAND_5G */
+ uint bandunit; /* bandstate[] index */
+ u16 phytype; /* phytype */
+ u16 phyrev;
+ u16 radioid;
+ u16 radiorev;
+ struct brcms_phy_pub *pi; /* pointer to phy specific information */
+ bool abgphy_encore;
+ u8 gmode; /* currently active gmode */
+ struct scb *hwrs_scb; /* permanent scb for hw rateset */
+ /* band-specific copy of default_bss.rateset */
+ struct brcms_c_rateset defrateset;
+ u8 band_stf_ss_mode; /* Configured STF type, 0:siso; 1:cdd */
+ s8 band_stf_stbc_tx; /* STBC TX 0:off; 1:force on; -1:auto */
+ /* rates supported by chip (phy-specific) */
+ struct brcms_c_rateset hw_rateset;
+ u8 basic_rate[BRCM_MAXRATE + 1]; /* basic rates indexed by rate */
+ bool mimo_cap_40; /* 40 MHz cap enabled on this band */
+ s8 antgain; /* antenna gain from srom */
+ u16 CWmin; /* minimum size of contention window, in unit of aSlotTime */
+ u16 CWmax; /* maximum size of contention window, in unit of aSlotTime */
+ struct ieee80211_supported_band band;
+/* module control blocks */
+struct modulecb {
+ /* module name : NULL indicates empty array member */
+ char name[32];
+ /* handle passed when handler 'doiovar' is called */
+ struct brcms_info *hdl;
+ int (*down_fn)(void *handle); /* down handler. Note: the int returned
+ * by the down function is a count of the
+ * number of timers that could not be
+ * freed.
+ */
+struct brcms_hw_band {
+ int bandtype; /* BRCM_BAND_2G, BRCM_BAND_5G */
+ uint bandunit; /* bandstate[] index */
+ u16 mhfs[MHFMAX]; /* MHF array shadow */
+ u8 bandhw_stf_ss_mode; /* HW configured STF type, 0:siso; 1:cdd */
+ u16 CWmin;
+ u16 CWmax;
+ u32 core_flags;
+ u16 phytype; /* phytype */
+ u16 phyrev;
+ u16 radioid;
+ u16 radiorev;
+ struct brcms_phy_pub *pi; /* pointer to phy specific information */
+ bool abgphy_encore;
+struct brcms_hardware {
+ bool _piomode; /* true if pio mode */
+ struct brcms_c_info *wlc;
+ /* fifo */
+ struct dma_pub *di[NFIFO]; /* dma handles, per fifo */
+ uint unit; /* device instance number */
+ /* version info */
+ u16 vendorid; /* PCI vendor id */
+ u16 deviceid; /* PCI device id */
+ uint corerev; /* core revision */
+ u8 sromrev; /* version # of the srom */
+ u16 boardrev; /* version # of particular board */
+ u32 boardflags; /* Board specific flags from srom */
+ u32 boardflags2; /* More board flags if sromrev >= 4 */
+ u32 machwcap; /* MAC capabilities */
+ u32 machwcap_backup; /* backup of machwcap */
+ struct si_pub *sih; /* SI handle (cookie for siutils calls) */
+ struct d11regs __iomem *regs; /* pointer to device registers */
+ struct phy_shim_info *physhim; /* phy shim layer handler */
+ struct shared_phy *phy_sh; /* pointer to shared phy state */
+ struct brcms_hw_band *band;/* pointer to active per-band state */
+ /* band state per phy/radio */
+ struct brcms_hw_band *bandstate[MAXBANDS];
+ u16 bmac_phytxant; /* cache of high phytxant state */
+ bool shortslot; /* currently using 11g ShortSlot timing */
+ u16 SRL; /* 802.11 dot11ShortRetryLimit */
+ u16 LRL; /* 802.11 dot11LongRetryLimit */
+ u16 SFBL; /* Short Frame Rate Fallback Limit */
+ u16 LFBL; /* Long Frame Rate Fallback Limit */
+ bool up; /* d11 hardware up and running */
+ uint now; /* # elapsed seconds */
+ uint _nbands; /* # bands supported */
+ u16 chanspec; /* bmac chanspec shadow */
+ uint *txavail[NFIFO]; /* # tx descriptors available */
+ const u16 *xmtfifo_sz; /* fifo size in 256B for each xmt fifo */
+ u32 pllreq; /* pll requests to keep PLL on */
+ u8 suspended_fifos; /* Which TX fifo to remain awake for */
+ u32 maccontrol; /* Cached value of maccontrol */
+ uint mac_suspend_depth; /* current depth of mac_suspend levels */
+ u32 wake_override; /* bit flags to force MAC to WAKE mode */
+ u32 mute_override; /* Prevent ucode from sending beacons */
+ u8 etheraddr[ETH_ALEN]; /* currently configured ethernet address */
+ bool noreset; /* true= do not reset hw, used by WLC_OUT */
+ bool forcefastclk; /* true if h/w is forcing to use fast clk */
+ bool clk; /* core is out of reset and has clock */
+ bool sbclk; /* sb has clock */
+ bool phyclk; /* phy is out of reset and has clock */
+ bool ucode_loaded; /* true after ucode downloaded */
+ u8 hw_stf_ss_opmode; /* STF single stream operation mode */
+ u8 antsel_type; /* Type of boardlevel mimo antenna switch-logic
+ * 0 = N/A, 1 = 2x4 board, 2 = 2x3 CB2 board
+ */
+ u32 antsel_avail; /*
+ * put struct antsel_info here if more info is
+ * needed
+ */
+/* TX Queue information
+ *
+ * Each flow of traffic out of the device has a TX Queue with independent
+ * flow control. Several interfaces may be associated with a single TX Queue
+ * if they belong to the same flow of traffic from the device. For multi-channel
+ * operation there are independent TX Queues for each channel.
+ */
+struct brcms_txq_info {
+ struct brcms_txq_info *next;
+ struct pktq q;
+ uint stopped; /* tx flow control bits */
+ * Principal common driver data structure.
+ *
+ * pub: pointer to driver public state.
+ * wl: pointer to specific private state.
+ * regs: pointer to device registers.
+ * hw: HW related state.
+ * clkreq_override: setting for clkreq for PCIE : Auto, 0, 1.
+ * fastpwrup_dly: time in us needed to bring up d11 fast clock.
+ * macintstatus: bit channel between isr and dpc.
+ * macintmask: sw runtime master macintmask value.
+ * defmacintmask: default "on" macintmask value.
+ * clk: core is out of reset and has clock.
+ * core: pointer to active io core.
+ * band: pointer to active per-band state.
+ * corestate: per-core state (one per hw core).
+ * bandstate: per-band state (one per phy/radio).
+ * qvalid: DirFrmQValid and BcMcFrmQValid.
+ * ampdu: ampdu module handler.
+ * asi: antsel module handler.
+ * cmi: channel manager module handler.
+ * vendorid: PCI vendor id.
+ * deviceid: PCI device id.
+ * ucode_rev: microcode revision.
+ * machwcap: MAC capabilities, BMAC shadow.
+ * perm_etheraddr: original sprom local ethernet address.
+ * bandlocked: disable auto multi-band switching.
+ * bandinit_pending: track band init in auto band.
+ * radio_monitor: radio timer is running.
+ * going_down: down path intermediate variable.
+ * mpc: enable minimum power consumption.
+ * mpc_dlycnt: # of watchdog cnt before turn disable radio.
+ * mpc_offcnt: # of watchdog cnt that radio is disabled.
+ * mpc_delay_off: delay radio disable by # of watchdog cnt.
+ * prev_non_delay_mpc: prev state brcms_c_is_non_delay_mpc.
+ * wdtimer: timer for watchdog routine.
+ * radio_timer: timer for hw radio button monitor routine.
+ * monitor: monitor (MPDU sniffing) mode.
+ * bcnmisc_monitor: bcns promisc mode override for monitor.
+ * _rifs: enable per-packet rifs.
+ * bcn_li_bcn: beacon listen interval in # beacons.
+ * bcn_li_dtim: beacon listen interval in # dtims.
+ * WDarmed: watchdog timer is armed.
+ * WDlast: last time wlc_watchdog() was called.
+ * edcf_txop[AC_COUNT]: current txop for each ac.
+ * wme_retries: per-AC retry limits.
+ * tx_prec_map: Precedence map based on HW FIFO space.
+ * fifo2prec_map[NFIFO]: pointer to fifo2_prec map based on WME.
+ * bsscfg: set of BSS configurations, idx 0 is default and always valid.
+ * cfg: the primary bsscfg (can be AP or STA).
+ * tx_queues: common TX Queue list.
+ * modulecb:
+ * mimoft: SIGN or 11N.
+ * cck_40txbw: 11N, cck tx b/w override when in 40MHZ mode.
+ * ofdm_40txbw: 11N, ofdm tx b/w override when in 40MHZ mode.
+ * mimo_40txbw: 11N, mimo tx b/w override when in 40MHZ mode.
+ * default_bss: configured BSS parameters.
+ * mc_fid_counter: BC/MC FIFO frame ID counter.
+ * country_default: saved country for leaving 802.11d auto-country mode.
+ * autocountry_default: initial country for 802.11d auto-country mode.
+ * prb_resp_timeout: do not send prb resp if request older
+ * than this, 0 = disable.
+ * home_chanspec: shared home chanspec.
+ * chanspec: target operational channel.
+ * usr_fragthresh: user configured fragmentation threshold.
+ * fragthresh[NFIFO]: per-fifo fragmentation thresholds.
+ * RTSThresh: 802.11 dot11RTSThreshold.
+ * SRL: 802.11 dot11ShortRetryLimit.
+ * LRL: 802.11 dot11LongRetryLimit.
+ * SFBL: Short Frame Rate Fallback Limit.
+ * LFBL: Long Frame Rate Fallback Limit.
+ * shortslot: currently using 11g ShortSlot timing.
+ * shortslot_override: 11g ShortSlot override.
+ * include_legacy_erp: include Legacy ERP info elt ID 47 as well as g ID 42.
+ * PLCPHdr_override: 802.11b Preamble Type override.
+ * stf:
+ * bcn_rspec: save bcn ratespec purpose.
+ * tempsense_lasttime;
+ * tx_duty_cycle_ofdm: maximum allowed duty cycle for OFDM.
+ * tx_duty_cycle_cck: maximum allowed duty cycle for CCK.
+ * pkt_queue: txq for transmit packets.
+ * wiphy:
+ * pri_scb: primary Station Control Block
+ */
+struct brcms_c_info {
+ struct brcms_pub *pub;
+ struct brcms_info *wl;
+ struct d11regs __iomem *regs;
+ struct brcms_hardware *hw;
+ /* clock */
+ u16 fastpwrup_dly;
+ /* interrupt */
+ u32 macintstatus;
+ u32 macintmask;
+ u32 defmacintmask;
+ bool clk;
+ /* multiband */
+ struct brcms_core *core;
+ struct brcms_band *band;
+ struct brcms_core *corestate;
+ struct brcms_band *bandstate[MAXBANDS];
+ /* packet queue */
+ uint qvalid;
+ struct ampdu_info *ampdu;
+ struct antsel_info *asi;
+ struct brcms_cm_info *cmi;
+ u16 vendorid;
+ u16 deviceid;
+ uint ucode_rev;
+ u8 perm_etheraddr[ETH_ALEN];
+ bool bandlocked;
+ bool bandinit_pending;
+ bool radio_monitor;
+ bool going_down;
+ bool mpc;
+ u8 mpc_dlycnt;
+ u8 mpc_offcnt;
+ u8 mpc_delay_off;
+ u8 prev_non_delay_mpc;
+ struct brcms_timer *wdtimer;
+ struct brcms_timer *radio_timer;
+ /* promiscuous */
+ bool monitor;
+ bool bcnmisc_monitor;
+ /* driver feature */
+ bool _rifs;
+ /* AP-STA synchronization, power save */
+ u8 bcn_li_bcn;
+ u8 bcn_li_dtim;
+ bool WDarmed;
+ u32 WDlast;
+ /* WME */
+ u16 edcf_txop[AC_COUNT];
+ u16 wme_retries[AC_COUNT];
+ u16 tx_prec_map;
+ u16 fifo2prec_map[NFIFO];
+ struct brcms_bss_cfg *bsscfg;
+ /* tx queue */
+ struct brcms_txq_info *tx_queues;
+ struct modulecb *modulecb;
+ u8 mimoft;
+ s8 cck_40txbw;
+ s8 ofdm_40txbw;
+ s8 mimo_40txbw;
+ struct brcms_bss_info *default_bss;
+ u16 mc_fid_counter;
+ char country_default[BRCM_CNTRY_BUF_SZ];
+ char autocountry_default[BRCM_CNTRY_BUF_SZ];
+ u16 prb_resp_timeout;
+ u16 home_chanspec;
+ /* PHY parameters */
+ u16 chanspec;
+ u16 usr_fragthresh;
+ u16 fragthresh[NFIFO];
+ u16 RTSThresh;
+ u16 SRL;
+ u16 LRL;
+ u16 SFBL;
+ u16 LFBL;
+ /* network config */
+ bool shortslot;
+ s8 shortslot_override;
+ bool include_legacy_erp;
+ struct brcms_protection *protection;
+ s8 PLCPHdr_override;
+ struct brcms_stf *stf;
+ u32 bcn_rspec;
+ uint tempsense_lasttime;
+ u16 tx_duty_cycle_ofdm;
+ u16 tx_duty_cycle_cck;
+ struct brcms_txq_info *pkt_queue;
+ struct wiphy *wiphy;
+ struct scb pri_scb;
+/* antsel module specific state */
+struct antsel_info {
+ struct brcms_c_info *wlc; /* pointer to main wlc structure */
+ struct brcms_pub *pub; /* pointer to public fn */
+ u8 antsel_type; /* Type of boardlevel mimo antenna switch-logic
+ * 0 = N/A, 1 = 2x4 board, 2 = 2x3 CB2 board
+ */
+ u8 antsel_antswitch; /* board level antenna switch type */
+ bool antsel_avail; /* Ant selection availability (SROM based) */
+ struct brcms_antselcfg antcfg_11n; /* antenna configuration */
+ struct brcms_antselcfg antcfg_cur; /* current antenna config (auto) */
+ * BSS configuration state
+ *
+ * wlc: wlc to which this bsscfg belongs to.
+ * up: is this configuration up operational
+ * enable: is this configuration enabled
+ * associated: is BSS in ASSOCIATED state
+ * BSS: infraustructure or adhoc
+ * SSID_len: the length of SSID
+ * SSID: SSID string
+ *
+ *
+ * BSSID: BSSID (associated)
+ * cur_etheraddr: h/w address
+ * flags: BSSCFG flags; see below
+ *
+ * current_bss: BSS parms in ASSOCIATED state
+ *
+ *
+ * ID: 'unique' ID of this bsscfg, assigned at bsscfg allocation
+ */
+struct brcms_bss_cfg {
+ struct brcms_c_info *wlc;
+ bool up;
+ bool enable;
+ bool associated;
+ bool BSS;
+ u8 SSID_len;
+ u8 cur_etheraddr[ETH_ALEN];
+ struct brcms_bss_info *current_bss;
+extern void brcms_c_fatal_error(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_b_rpc_watchdog(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_recv(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, struct sk_buff *p);
+extern void brcms_c_txfifo(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, uint fifo,
+ struct sk_buff *p,
+ bool commit, s8 txpktpend);
+extern void brcms_c_txfifo_complete(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, uint fifo,
+ s8 txpktpend);
+extern void brcms_c_txq_enq(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, struct scb *scb,
+ struct sk_buff *sdu, uint prec);
+extern void brcms_c_info_init(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, int unit);
+extern void brcms_c_print_txstatus(struct tx_status *txs);
+extern int brcms_b_xmtfifo_sz_get(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint fifo,
+ uint *blocks);
+#if defined(BCMDBG)
+extern void brcms_c_print_rxh(struct d11rxhdr *rxh);
+extern void brcms_c_print_txdesc(struct d11txh *txh);
+#define brcms_c_print_txdesc(a)
+extern void brcms_c_setxband(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint bandunit);
+extern void brcms_c_coredisable(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw);
+extern bool brcms_c_valid_rate(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u32 rate,
+ int band, bool verbose);
+extern void brcms_c_ap_upd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+/* helper functions */
+extern void brcms_c_shm_ssid_upd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_bss_cfg *cfg);
+extern int brcms_c_set_gmode(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u8 gmode, bool config);
+extern void brcms_c_mac_bcn_promisc_change(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ bool promisc);
+extern void brcms_c_mac_bcn_promisc(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_mac_promisc(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_txflowcontrol(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_txq_info *qi,
+ bool on, int prio);
+extern void brcms_c_txflowcontrol_override(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_txq_info *qi,
+ bool on, uint override);
+extern bool brcms_c_txflowcontrol_prio_isset(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_txq_info *qi,
+ int prio);
+extern void brcms_c_send_q(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern int brcms_c_prep_pdu(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, struct sk_buff *pdu,
+ uint *fifo);
+extern u16 brcms_c_calc_lsig_len(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u32 ratespec,
+ uint mac_len);
+extern u32 brcms_c_rspec_to_rts_rspec(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ u32 rspec,
+ bool use_rspec, u16 mimo_ctlchbw);
+extern u16 brcms_c_compute_rtscts_dur(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, bool cts_only,
+ u32 rts_rate,
+ u32 frame_rate,
+ u8 rts_preamble_type,
+ u8 frame_preamble_type, uint frame_len,
+ bool ba);
+extern void brcms_c_tbtt(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_inval_dma_pkts(struct brcms_hardware *hw,
+ struct ieee80211_sta *sta,
+ void (*dma_callback_fn));
+/* Shared memory access */
+extern void brcms_c_copyto_shm(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, uint offset,
+ const void *buf, int len);
+extern void brcms_c_update_beacon(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_update_probe_resp(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, bool suspend);
+extern void brcms_c_bss_update_probe_resp(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_bss_cfg *cfg,
+ bool suspend);
+extern bool brcms_c_ismpc(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern bool brcms_c_is_non_delay_mpc(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_radio_mpc_upd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern bool brcms_c_prec_enq_head(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, struct pktq *q,
+ struct sk_buff *pkt, int prec, bool head);
+extern u16 brcms_c_phytxctl1_calc(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u32 rspec);
+extern void brcms_c_compute_plcp(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, u32 rate,
+ uint length, u8 *plcp);
+extern uint brcms_c_calc_frame_time(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ u32 ratespec,
+ u8 preamble_type, uint mac_len);
+extern void brcms_c_set_chanspec(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ u16 chanspec);
+extern bool brcms_c_timers_init(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, int unit);
+extern int brcms_c_set_nmode(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_mimops_action_ht_send(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_bss_cfg *bsscfg,
+ u8 mimops_mode);
+extern void brcms_c_switch_shortslot(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, bool shortslot);
+extern void brcms_c_set_bssid(struct brcms_bss_cfg *cfg);
+extern void brcms_c_edcf_setparams(struct brcms_c_info *wlc, bool suspend);
+extern void brcms_c_set_ratetable(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern int brcms_c_set_mac(struct brcms_bss_cfg *cfg);
+extern void brcms_c_beacon_phytxctl_txant_upd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ u32 bcn_rate);
+extern void brcms_c_mod_prb_rsp_rate_table(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ uint frame_len);
+extern u32 brcms_c_lowest_basic_rspec(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ struct brcms_c_rateset *rs);
+extern void brcms_c_radio_disable(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_bcn_li_upd(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_c_set_home_chanspec(struct brcms_c_info *wlc,
+ u16 chanspec);
+extern bool brcms_c_ps_allowed(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern bool brcms_c_stay_awake(struct brcms_c_info *wlc);
+extern void brcms_b_antsel_type_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ u8 antsel_type);
+/* chanspec, ucode interface */
+extern void brcms_b_set_chanspec(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ u16 chanspec,
+ bool mute, struct txpwr_limits *txpwr);
+extern void brcms_b_write_shm(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint offset,
+ u16 v);
+extern u16 brcms_b_read_shm(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint offset);
+extern void brcms_b_mhf(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u8 idx, u16 mask,
+ u16 val, int bands);
+extern void brcms_b_corereset(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u32 flags);
+extern void brcms_b_mctrl(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u32 mask, u32 val);
+extern void brcms_b_phy_reset(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw);
+extern void brcms_b_bw_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u16 bw);
+extern void brcms_b_core_phypll_reset(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw);
+extern void brcms_c_ucode_wake_override_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ u32 override_bit);
+extern void brcms_c_ucode_wake_override_clear(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ u32 override_bit);
+extern void brcms_b_write_template_ram(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ int offset, int len, void *buf);
+extern u16 brcms_b_rate_shm_offset(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u8 rate);
+extern void brcms_b_copyto_objmem(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ uint offset, const void *buf, int len,
+ u32 sel);
+extern void brcms_b_copyfrom_objmem(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, uint offset,
+ void *buf, int len, u32 sel);
+extern void brcms_b_switch_macfreq(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u8 spurmode);
+extern u16 brcms_b_get_txant(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw);
+extern void brcms_b_phyclk_fgc(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, bool clk);
+extern void brcms_b_macphyclk_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, bool clk);
+extern void brcms_b_core_phypll_ctl(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, bool on);
+extern void brcms_b_txant_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw, u16 phytxant);
+extern void brcms_b_band_stf_ss_set(struct brcms_hardware *wlc_hw,
+ u8 stf_mode);
+extern void brcms_c_init_scb(struct scb *scb);
+#endif /* _BRCM_MAIN_H_ */