path: root/Documentation
diff options
authorHerbert Valerio Riedel <>2007-11-26 18:50:42 +0100
committerRussell King <>2008-01-26 14:37:31 +0000
commit6331acd78f7916db16ec20b50d7838bd4944cd27 (patch)
treead803b2054ad21333cb013763c9bc6e022b88adc /Documentation
parent3c9a071d77e007464952a2d41b6686d98eb3f0b8 (diff)
[ARM] 4671/1: ep93xx: remove obsolete gpio_line_* operations
With the new GPIO methods in place the old gpio_line_* methods are redundant, so this patch finally removes the old legacy gpio_line_* wrappers. Signed-off-by: Herbert Valerio Riedel <> Acked-by: Lennert Buytenhek <> Signed-off-by: Russell King <>
Diffstat (limited to 'Documentation')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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Results of test49.vim:
*** Test   7: OK (90563)
*** Test   8: OK (562493431)
*** Test   9: OK (363)
*** Test  10: OK (559615)
*** Test  11: OK (2049)
*** Test  12: OK (352256)
*** Test  13: OK (145)
*** Test  14: OK (42413)
*** Test  15: OK (42413)
*** Test  16: OK (8722)
*** Test  17: OK (285127993)
*** Test  18: OK (67224583)
*** Test  19: OK (69275973)
*** Test  20: OK (1874575085)
*** Test  21: OK (147932225)
*** Test  22: OK (4161)
*** Test  23: OK (49)
*** Test  24: OK (41)
*** Test  25: OK (260177811)
*** Test  26: OK (1681500476)
*** Test  27: OK (1996459)
*** Test  28: OK (1996459)
*** Test  29: OK (170428555)
*** Test  30: OK (190905173)
*** Test  31: OK (190905173)
*** Test  32: OK (354833067)
--- Test  33: sum = 178275600 (ok)
*** Test  33: OK (1216907538)
*** Test  34: OK (2146584868)
*** Test  35: OK (2146584868)
*** Test  36: OK (1071644672)
*** Test  37: OK (1071644672)
*** Test  38: OK (357908480)
*** Test  39: OK (357908480)
*** Test  40: OK (357908480)
*** Test  41: OK (3076095)
*** Test  42: OK (1505155949)
*** Test  43: OK (1157763329)
*** Test  44: OK (1031761407)
*** Test  45: OK (1157763329)
*** Test  46: OK (739407)
*** Test  47: OK (371213935)
*** Test  48: OK (756255461)
*** Test  49: OK (179000669)
*** Test  50: OK (363550045)
*** Test  51: OK (40744667)
*** Test  52: OK (1247112011)
*** Test  53: OK (131071)
*** Test  54: OK (2047)
*** Test  55: OK (1023)
*** Test  56: OK (511)
*** Test  57: OK (2147450880)
*** Test  58: OK (624945)
*** Test  59: OK (2038431743)
*** Test  60: OK (311511339)
*** Test  61: OK (374889517)
*** Test  62: OK (286331153)
*** Test  63: OK (236978127)
*** Test  64: OK (1499645335)
*** Test  65: OK (70187)
*** Test  66: OK (5464)
*** Test  67: OK (212514423)
*** Test  68: OK (212514423)
*** Test  69: OK (8995471)
*** Test  70: OK (69544277)
*** Test  71: OK (34886997)
*** Test  72: OK (1789569365)
*** Test  73: OK (9032615)
*** Test  74: OK (224907669)
*** Test  75: OK (2000403408)
*** Test  76: OK (1610087935)
*** Test  77: OK (1388671)
*** Test  78: OK (134217728)
*** Test  79: OK (70288929)
*** Test  80: OK (17895765)
*** Test  81: OK (387)
*** Test  82: OK (8454401)
*** Test  83: OK (2835)
*** Test  84: OK (934782101)
*** Test  85: OK (198689)
--- Test  86: No Crash for vimgrep on BufUnload
*** Test  86: OK (0)
--- Test  87: 3
--- Test  87: 5
--- Test  87: abcdefghijk
--- Test  87: Successfully executed funcref Add2
*** Test  87: OK (0)
--- Test  88: All tests were run with throwing exceptions on error.
	      The $VIMNOERRTHROW control is not configured.
--- Test  88: All tests were run with throwing exceptions on interrupt.
	      The $VIMNOINTTHROW control is not configured.
*** Test  88: OK (50443995)