path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-12-20Merge pull request #8 from matthiasbeyer/minorHEADmasterMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Merge pull request #9 from matthiasbeyer/docMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Add documentation for IcalTime typeMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Remove From implementation that issues implicit clone() callMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Fix: Normalize time before instantiating new IcalTime object in and_hms()Matthias Beyer
2019-12-20Add tests for invalid hour, minute and secondMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Fix: Normalize time before instantiating objectMatthias Beyer
2019-12-20Add test for invalid month or day dateMatthias Beyer
2019-12-13Remove tests that depend on local time or dateMatthias Beyer
2019-10-08Minor cleanups: Remove unused stuffMatthias Beyer
2019-10-08Run cargo fmtMatthias Beyer
2019-10-08Extract libical-sys wrapper libraryMatthias Beyer