AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
7 daysBump from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 (#1703)HEADmasterdependabot[bot]
9 daysRemove call to getFileExtension when Lstat fails (#1698)Mario D'Andrea
2024-04-20gofumpt lint and misc cleanup (#1682)David Pedersen
2024-04-20Support icon color (#1674)Daniel Zhang
2024-04-07Run `on-quit` when terminal closes (#1681)Joe Lim
2024-04-07Move get file extension logic to util (#1670)David Pedersen
2024-04-07Rounded Corners (#1653)J-Kappes
2024-04-07Added globfilter command (#1650)Catalin Ancutei
2024-04-07Use symlink target for stat styling & icons (#566) (#1644)lorentzforces
2024-04-07unix sockets on windows (#1637)Catalin Ancutei
2024-04-07Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 (#1678)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-07Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 (#1677)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-07Enable focus reporting only for hidecursorinactive (#1676)Joe Lim
2024-03-31update docr32Gokcehan
2024-03-31Skip drawing UI for period timer (#1666)Joe Lim
2024-03-31Ignore extension when renaming directory (#1664)David Pedersen
2024-03-26Revert "Trigger update after copy/move (#1638)" (#1661)Joe Lim
2024-03-25Bump dominikh/staticcheck-action from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 (#1658)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-24Clear only when cut succeeds (#1652)Joe Lim
2024-03-24Trigger update after copy/move (#1638)valoq
2024-03-24Directories added to dirChan no longer trigger checkDir (#1607)Michael Gallo
2024-03-24Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 (#1633)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-18Fixed tags on windows (#1646)Catalin Ancutei
2024-03-10Clear cached sixels after horizontal resize (#1629)Joe Lim
2024-03-09Make documentation generating step optional (#1628)Joe Lim
2024-03-06Add more file extensions for docker icon (#1626)Nuckle
2024-03-05Bump from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (#1624)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-04Bump from 2.7.1 to 2.7.4 (#1621)dependabot[bot]
2024-03-04Fix crash if tags/marks contains invalid entry (#1614)Joe Lim
2024-03-03avoid using the user.Current on windows to avoid slow startup (#1617)Catalin Ancutei
2024-02-20Bump from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (#1608)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-12Export mode for use in scripting keybindings (#1594)Joe Lim
2024-02-12Dynamically generate list of completions (#1595)Joe Lim
2024-02-12Fix tilde expansion when using `setlocal` (#1596)Joe Lim
2024-02-08Bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (#1601)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-05Refactor eval code (#1591)Joe Lim
2024-02-04Update to support nushell >= 0.87.0 (#1575)M Bakhtiyar Ali
2024-02-04Fallback to showing UID/GID if user/group lookup fails (#1590)Jan Tatje
2024-01-18Update generated documentation (#1580)Joe Lim
2024-01-18Implement sort options as separate variables (#1577)Joe Lim
2024-01-13Simplify eval for `tempmarks` option (#1571)Joe Lim
2024-01-13Add missing completions for `nohistory` and `history!` (#1570)Joe Lim
2024-01-08`lf.zsh`: make completions complete both `lf` and `lfcd` (#1564)postsolar
2024-01-05Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 (#1567)dependabot[bot]
2024-01-02Update documentation contributing guidelines (#1565)Joe Lim
2024-01-01Allow customization for cut/copy/select colors (#1540)Joe Lim
2023-12-26generate doc with pandoc in docker (#1555)Christian Zangl
2023-12-26Reload file info after `mark-save`/`mark-remove` (#1544)Joe Lim
2023-12-26Improve refreshing of file statinfo (#1536)Joe Lim
2023-12-26sortMethod simplification. (#1535)Michael Gallo