path: root/server/src/api/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-10Split code into cargo workspaces (#67)nutomic
2020-07-01Federation async (#848)Riley
2020-05-16Rework importsFelix
2020-05-05Federate nsfw/locked info for postsFelix
2020-04-21Merge branch 'master' into federation_merge_from_master_1Dessalines
2020-04-19Change RateLimit to act as a middlewareasonix
2020-04-19Adding websocket notification system.Dessalines
2020-04-17Implement search for activitypub IDsFelix
2020-04-14Merge branch 'dev' into federationDessalines
2020-04-14Fixing unwrap crash with site_view.rsDessalines
2020-04-10Adding an admin settings page.Dessalines
2020-03-29Automatic instance setup based on config variables (fixes #404)Felix
2020-02-02Returning specific slurs from slur filter on failure. Fixes #463Dessalines
2020-01-31Add script to test http api, fix two api callsFelix
2020-01-23Done merging http-api and private_messageDessalines
2020-01-20Allow comment/post upvoting from other pages.Dessalines
2020-01-12Trying to add r2d2 connection pooling to websockets.Dessalines
2020-01-02Apply changes suggested by cargo clippy (fixes #395)Felix Ableitner
2019-12-11Adding some site oriented settings.Dessalines
2019-12-11Introduce the "MaybeOptional" trait.Lyra
2019-12-09Switching to shorthands for rust params.Dessalines
2019-12-08Use builder pattern for viewsDessalines
2019-12-07Add default options for all parameters and move them out of the constructor. ...Lyra
2019-12-07Use a dedicated structure in order to search postsLyra
2019-10-20Adding default sort / filter into user settings.Dessalines
2019-10-13Externalizing rate limits. Upgrading to Rust 1.38Dessalines
2019-09-13Adding an online user count to main page.Dessalines
2019-09-08Adding stickied posts.Dessalines
2019-09-07Running cargo fmt on server code.Dessalines
2019-08-23Adding Community and Site transferDessalines
2019-08-21View where a URL has been cross-posted to in the pastDessalines
2019-08-13Squashed commit of the following:Dessalines
2019-08-10Adding support for community and user searching.Dessalines
2019-08-09Adding support for internationalization / i18n (#189)Dessalines
2019-06-11Fixing GetSiteDessalines
2019-05-05Done with reorgDessalines
2019-05-04Mostly done with reorg.Dessalines