path: root/server/src/api/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-14Security/fix permission bugs (#966)ryexandra
2020-07-10Split code into cargo workspaces (#67)nutomic
2020-07-01Federation async (#848)Riley
2020-06-23Merge branch 'master' into federation_merge_from_master_2Dessalines
2020-06-22Edit community name validation, translations #823Ernest
2020-06-20Community name validationErnest
2020-05-16Rework importsFelix
2020-05-04Renaming ignore to unfollow in followable trait.Dessalines
2020-05-03Adding undo follow community.Dessalines
2020-05-03Adding federated mod remove actions.Dessalines
2020-05-01Add undos for delete community, post, and comment.Dessalines
2020-05-01Adding federated community, comment, and post deletes.Dessalines
2020-04-29Address comments, implement delete for posts and commentsFelix
2020-04-28Implement deleting communitiesFelix
2020-04-27Adding activity table inserts.Dessalines
2020-04-26Making a trait function for follow and accept.Dessalines
2020-04-24Some fed fixes.Dessalines
2020-04-21Merge branch 'master' into federation_merge_from_master_1Dessalines
2020-04-19Change RateLimit to act as a middlewareasonix
2020-04-19Adding websocket notification system.Dessalines
2020-04-19Simplify signing codeFelix
2020-04-18Add http signature to outgoing apub requestsFelix
2020-04-14Front end federation names and links for users, posts, and communities.Dessalines
2020-04-14Implemented follow/acceptFelix
2020-04-07Store remote communities/posts in db, federate posts!Felix Ableitner
2020-04-03Move and rename some functionsFelix Ableitner
2020-04-03Merge branch 'federation_add_fed_columns' of Ableitner
2020-04-03Share list of communities over apub, some refactoringFelix Ableitner
2020-04-03Federation DB Changes.Dessalines
2020-03-18Rewrite federation settingsFelix Ableitner
2020-03-14Implemented basics for post federation, plus a bunch of other stuffFelix Ableitner
2020-03-14Move apub related code from websocket into api packageFelix Ableitner
2020-02-05Merge branch 'federation' into dev_1Dessalines
2020-02-02Returning specific slurs from slur filter on failure. Fixes #463Dessalines
2020-01-31Starting to work on user message scope.Dessalines
2020-01-14Merge branch 'master' into federationFelix
2020-01-12Trying to add r2d2 connection pooling to websockets.Dessalines
2020-01-02Merge branch 'master' into federationFelix Ableitner
2020-01-02Apply changes suggested by cargo clippy (fixes #395)Felix Ableitner
2019-12-30Implementing very basic federation including test setupFelix Ableitner
2019-12-11Introduce the "MaybeOptional" trait.Lyra
2019-12-09Switching to shorthands for rust params.Dessalines
2019-12-08Use builder pattern for viewsDessalines
2019-11-22Fixing issue with missing community.Dessalines
2019-09-07Running cargo fmt on server code.Dessalines
2019-08-29Allow admins to add mods and transfer communitiesDessalines
2019-08-23Adding Community and Site transferDessalines
2019-08-13Squashed commit of the following:Dessalines
2019-08-10Adding support for community and user searching.Dessalines