path: root/server/lemmy_db/src/
diff options
authorDessalines <>2020-07-11 19:12:56 -0400
committerDessalines <>2020-07-11 19:12:56 -0400
commit60288b2d060ba930fe6cae22c4824d88fe7a00c9 (patch)
tree8fed01325853240c69f3688ee621be29bedfd382 /server/lemmy_db/src/
parent1710844a1bc6a4f46eceaa12f2fb428cb794c694 (diff)
parent1b9f2fa5f7f7831f59b24cb36a5607a769a0d92e (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into jmarthernandez-remove-karma-from-search
Diffstat (limited to 'server/lemmy_db/src/')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/lemmy_db/src/ b/server/lemmy_db/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bfbf453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/lemmy_db/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use crate::{limit_and_offset, MaybeOptional, SortType};
+use diesel::{dsl::*, pg::Pg, result::Error, *};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+// The faked schema since diesel doesn't do views
+table! {
+ user_mention_view (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ user_mention_id -> Int4,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ creator_actor_id -> Text,
+ creator_local -> Bool,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ parent_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ content -> Text,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ read -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ community_actor_id -> Text,
+ community_local -> Bool,
+ community_name -> Varchar,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ score -> BigInt,
+ upvotes -> BigInt,
+ downvotes -> BigInt,
+ hot_rank -> Int4,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ my_vote -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ saved -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ recipient_id -> Int4,
+ recipient_actor_id -> Text,
+ recipient_local -> Bool,
+ }
+table! {
+ user_mention_fast_view (id) {
+ id -> Int4,
+ user_mention_id -> Int4,
+ creator_id -> Int4,
+ creator_actor_id -> Text,
+ creator_local -> Bool,
+ post_id -> Int4,
+ parent_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ content -> Text,
+ removed -> Bool,
+ read -> Bool,
+ published -> Timestamp,
+ updated -> Nullable<Timestamp>,
+ deleted -> Bool,
+ community_id -> Int4,
+ community_actor_id -> Text,
+ community_local -> Bool,
+ community_name -> Varchar,
+ banned -> Bool,
+ banned_from_community -> Bool,
+ creator_name -> Varchar,
+ creator_avatar -> Nullable<Text>,
+ score -> BigInt,
+ upvotes -> BigInt,
+ downvotes -> BigInt,
+ hot_rank -> Int4,
+ user_id -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ my_vote -> Nullable<Int4>,
+ saved -> Nullable<Bool>,
+ recipient_id -> Int4,
+ recipient_actor_id -> Text,
+ recipient_local -> Bool,
+ }
+ Queryable, Identifiable, PartialEq, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, QueryableByName, Clone,
+#[table_name = "user_mention_fast_view"]
+pub struct UserMentionView {
+ pub id: i32,
+ pub user_mention_id: i32,
+ pub creator_id: i32,
+ pub creator_actor_id: String,
+ pub creator_local: bool,
+ pub post_id: i32,
+ pub parent_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub content: String,
+ pub removed: bool,
+ pub read: bool,
+ pub published: chrono::NaiveDateTime,
+ pub updated: Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
+ pub deleted: bool,
+ pub community_id: i32,
+ pub community_actor_id: String,
+ pub community_local: bool,
+ pub community_name: String,
+ pub banned: bool,
+ pub banned_from_community: bool,
+ pub creator_name: String,
+ pub creator_avatar: Option<String>,
+ pub score: i64,
+ pub upvotes: i64,
+ pub downvotes: i64,
+ pub hot_rank: i32,
+ pub user_id: Option<i32>,
+ pub my_vote: Option<i32>,
+ pub saved: Option<bool>,
+ pub recipient_id: i32,
+ pub recipient_actor_id: String,
+ pub recipient_local: bool,
+pub struct UserMentionQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ conn: &'a PgConnection,
+ query: super::user_mention_view::user_mention_fast_view::BoxedQuery<'a, Pg>,
+ for_user_id: i32,
+ sort: &'a SortType,
+ unread_only: bool,
+ page: Option<i64>,
+ limit: Option<i64>,
+impl<'a> UserMentionQueryBuilder<'a> {
+ pub fn create(conn: &'a PgConnection, for_user_id: i32) -> Self {
+ use super::user_mention_view::user_mention_fast_view::dsl::*;
+ let query = user_mention_fast_view.into_boxed();
+ UserMentionQueryBuilder {
+ conn,
+ query,
+ for_user_id,
+ sort: &SortType::New,
+ unread_only: false,
+ page: None,
+ limit: None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn sort(mut self, sort: &'a SortType) -> Self {
+ self.sort = sort;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn unread_only(mut self, unread_only: bool) -> Self {
+ self.unread_only = unread_only;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn page<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, page: T) -> Self {
+ = page.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn limit<T: MaybeOptional<i64>>(mut self, limit: T) -> Self {
+ self.limit = limit.get_optional();
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn list(self) -> Result<Vec<UserMentionView>, Error> {
+ use super::user_mention_view::user_mention_fast_view::dsl::*;
+ let mut query = self.query;
+ if self.unread_only {
+ query = query.filter(read.eq(false));
+ }
+ query = query
+ .filter(user_id.eq(self.for_user_id))
+ .filter(recipient_id.eq(self.for_user_id));
+ query = match self.sort {
+ SortType::Hot => query
+ .order_by(hot_rank.desc())
+ .then_order_by(published.desc()),
+ SortType::New => query.order_by(published.desc()),
+ SortType::TopAll => query.order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopYear => query
+ .filter( - 1.years()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopMonth => query
+ .filter( - 1.months()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopWeek => query
+ .filter( - 1.weeks()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ SortType::TopDay => query
+ .filter( - 1.days()))
+ .order_by(score.desc()),
+ // _ => query.order_by(published.desc()),
+ };
+ let (limit, offset) = limit_and_offset(, self.limit);
+ query
+ .limit(limit)
+ .offset(offset)
+ .load::<UserMentionView>(self.conn)
+ }
+impl UserMentionView {
+ pub fn read(
+ conn: &PgConnection,
+ from_user_mention_id: i32,
+ from_recipient_id: i32,
+ ) -> Result<Self, Error> {
+ use super::user_mention_view::user_mention_fast_view::dsl::*;
+ user_mention_fast_view
+ .filter(user_mention_id.eq(from_user_mention_id))
+ .filter(user_id.eq(from_recipient_id))
+ .first::<Self>(conn)
+ }