AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-14Merge pull request #1051 from jesseduffield/go-1.10-compatv0.23.6Dawid Dziurla
2020-10-14gui: fix go-1.10 compatibilityDawid Dziurla
2020-10-14workflows: don't sign commitv0.23.5Dawid Dziurla
2020-10-13workflows: run CD on Ubuntu 20.04v0.23.4Dawid Dziurla
2020-10-13Merge pull request #1049 from jesseduffield/cd-update-ppav0.23.3Dawid Dziurla
2020-10-13Merge pull request #1050 from jesseduffield/dawidd6-patch-1Dawid Dziurla
2020-10-13utils: ReplaceAll -> ReplaceDawid Dziurla
2020-10-13workflows: update PPA repo as part of CD processblahDawid Dziurla
2020-10-13support rebinding confirm/newline keys in editorJesse Duffield
2020-10-13preserve width of side panel when main view split unless window is wide enoughJesse Duffield
2020-10-12Copy a commit message to clipboard: Changes to latest versionnullawhale
2020-10-12more password checks on commands that talk to the remoteJesse Duffield
2020-10-12update in-app release notesv0.23.2Jesse Duffield
2020-10-12return default config when dealing with read only filesystem rather than crea...Jesse Duffield
2020-10-12quote config file when editingJesse Duffield
2020-10-12fix deltaJesse Duffield
2020-10-10Add SSH key passphrase prompt to pull/push from/to remote git repoband-a-prend
2020-10-10fix up intro text even morev0.23.1Jesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix up intro textJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix submodule tab colourJesse Duffield
2020-10-10release notes in status panelJesse Duffield
2020-10-10for some reason the commit files view was on topJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix go.mod and go.sumJesse Duffield
2020-10-10install lazygit at beginning of test suiteJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix mutex deadlockJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix another panic errorJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix nil view keybinding panicJesse Duffield
2020-10-10do not put mutexes on state else we might unlock an unlocked mutexJesse Duffield
2020-10-10add some safe goroutinesJesse Duffield
2020-10-10small changesJesse Duffield
2020-10-10store everything you need to know about a test in its directoryJesse Duffield
2020-10-10more mutex safety with staging panelJesse Duffield
2020-10-10stop using snapshotsCI
2020-10-10configurable speedsCI
2020-10-10stop using snapshot just store the actual resultant repoCI
2020-10-10support running integration tests in parallelCI
2020-10-10fix CIJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fall back to slower speed if test failsJesse Duffield
2020-10-10fix loop logicJesse Duffield
2020-10-10another integration testJesse Duffield
2020-10-10paging keybindings for line by line panelJesse Duffield
2020-10-10another integration testJesse Duffield
2020-10-10add merge conflicts integration testJesse Duffield
2020-10-10heed gocui stoppingJesse Duffield
2020-10-10kill process if nothing happens two seconds after final eventJesse Duffield
2020-10-10add another integration testJesse Duffield
2020-10-10support configurable configJesse Duffield
2020-10-10better interfaceJesse Duffield
2020-10-10this is so coolJesse Duffield
2020-10-10support integration testingJesse Duffield