AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-11-21don't pass single commands directly to RunCommand (or equivalent function)v0.11Jesse Duffield
2019-11-21fix specsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21couple of things to clean up after rebasing onto masterJesse Duffield
2019-11-21give RunCommand the same input signature as fmt.SprintfJesse Duffield
2019-11-21add tags panelJesse Duffield
2019-11-21allow editing remotesJesse Duffield
2019-11-21require double clicking menu items so you know what you're clickingJesse Duffield
2019-11-21refactor confirmation prompt codeJesse Duffield
2019-11-21better handling of click events in list viewsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support setting upstreamJesse Duffield
2019-11-21better fast forwardJesse Duffield
2019-11-21make upstream branch display more lenient on git errorsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support rebasing onto remote branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support deleting remote branchesJesse Duffield
2019-11-21ensure we switch tabs when switching contextJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support merging remote branches into checked out branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support detached heads when showing the selected branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support adding/removing remotesJesse Duffield
2019-11-21split RemoteBranch out from BranchJesse Duffield
2019-11-21get branches with git for-each-refJesse Duffield
2019-11-21only refresh branches panel on focus lost when in the local-branches contextJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support viewing a remote branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-21support navigating remotes viewJesse Duffield
2019-11-21remove redundant loggingJesse Duffield
2019-11-21allow changing tabs with [ and ]Jesse Duffield
2019-11-21get remote branches when getting remotesJesse Duffield
2019-11-21trying to use gogit with branches from remotesJesse Duffield
2019-11-21extract out some logic for list viewsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21add contexts to viewsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21bump gocui to get contexts on keybindingsJesse Duffield
2019-11-21add remotes context to branches viewJesse Duffield
2019-11-21add remote modelJesse Duffield
2019-11-17Merge pull request #543 from lhaeger/masterDawid Dziurla
2019-11-17Readme: add MacPorts install sourceLothar Haeger
2019-11-14go mod tidy && go mod vendorJesse Duffield
2019-11-14add file watching for modified filesJesse Duffield
2019-11-14allow editing or opening a file while resolving merge conflictsJesse Duffield
2019-11-14update go gitv0.10.6Jesse Duffield
2019-11-13show upstream branch for branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-13prompt to set upstream when pulling on untracked branchJesse Duffield
2019-11-12Merge pull request #538 from jesseduffield/dawidd6-patch-1Dawid Dziurla
2019-11-12README: fix typoDawid Dziurla
2019-11-12fix up pty forkv0.10.5Jesse Duffield
2019-11-12go mod vendorJesse Duffield
2019-11-12remove go-getterJesse Duffield
2019-11-11Merge pull request #533 from JaanJah/patch-1Dawid Dziurla
2019-11-11Fix typo in README `.zhsrc` -> `.zshrc`jaanjahimees
2019-11-11specify upstream when pushing a branch for the first timev0.10.4Jesse Duffield
2019-11-11Update README.mdJesse Duffield
2019-11-11Update README.mdv0.10.3Jesse Duffield