path: root/pkg/config/app_config.go
diff options
authorJesse Duffield <>2020-10-04 09:53:56 +1100
committerJesse Duffield <>2020-10-10 00:23:01 +1100
commit7d9aa97f9691dd0a8658c4b6626877a198c5d03c (patch)
tree089dd7d4838501ebc15885103ffbe8c5f20c38e7 /pkg/config/app_config.go
parentca31e5258fd23a70fb9c7064d39f3a6ff50f120d (diff)
have typed default config
Diffstat (limited to 'pkg/config/app_config.go')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/config/app_config.go b/pkg/config/app_config.go
index be1d6203e..95ac99b73 100644
--- a/pkg/config/app_config.go
+++ b/pkg/config/app_config.go
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type AppConfigurer interface {
// NewAppConfig makes a new app config
func NewAppConfig(name, version, commit, date string, buildSource string, debuggingFlag bool) (*AppConfig, error) {
- configDir, err := findOrCreateConfigDir(name)
+ configDir, err := findOrCreateConfigDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -80,11 +80,15 @@ func NewAppConfig(name, version, commit, date string, buildSource string, debugg
return appConfig, nil
-func findOrCreateConfigDir(projectName string) (string, error) {
+func ConfigDir() string {
// chucking my name there is not for vanity purposes, the xdg spec (and that
// function) requires a vendor name. May as well line up with github
- configDirs := xdg.New("jesseduffield", projectName)
- folder := configDirs.ConfigHome()
+ configDirs := xdg.New("jesseduffield", "lazygit")
+ return configDirs.ConfigHome()
+func findOrCreateConfigDir() (string, error) {
+ folder := ConfigDir()
err := os.MkdirAll(folder, 0755)
if err != nil {
@@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ func (c *AppConfig) GetUserConfigDir() string {
func configFilePath(filename string) (string, error) {
- folder, err := findOrCreateConfigDir("lazygit")
+ folder, err := findOrCreateConfigDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
@@ -239,184 +243,6 @@ func loadAppState() (*AppState, error) {
return appState, nil
-func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
- userConfig := &UserConfig{}
- if err := yaml.Unmarshal(GetDefaultConfigBytes(), userConfig); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- userConfig.OS = GetPlatformDefaultConfig()
- return userConfig
-// GetDefaultConfigBytes returns the application default configuration
-func GetDefaultConfigBytes() []byte {
- return []byte(
- `gui:
- ## stuff relating to the UI
- scrollHeight: 2
- scrollPastBottom: true
- mouseEvents: true
- skipUnstageLineWarning: false
- skipStashWarning: true
- sidePanelWidth: 0.3333
- expandFocusedSidePanel: false
- mainPanelSplitMode: 'flexible' # one of 'horizontal' | 'flexible' | 'vertical'
- theme:
- lightTheme: false
- activeBorderColor:
- - green
- - bold
- inactiveBorderColor:
- - white
- optionsTextColor:
- - blue
- selectedLineBgColor:
- - default
- selectedRangeBgColor:
- - blue
- commitLength:
- show: true
- paging:
- colorArg: always
- useConfig: false
- merging:
- manualCommit: false
- args: ""
- pull:
- mode: 'merge' # one of 'merge' | 'rebase' | 'ff-only'
- skipHookPrefix: 'WIP'
- autoFetch: true
- branchLogCmd: "git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium {{branchName}} --"
- overrideGpg: false # prevents lazygit from spawning a separate process when using GPG
- disableForcePushing: false
- method: prompt # can be: prompt | background | never
- days: 14 # how often a update is checked for
-reporting: 'undetermined' # one of: 'on' | 'off' | 'undetermined'
-splashUpdatesIndex: 0
-confirmOnQuit: false
-quitOnTopLevelReturn: true
-disableStartupPopups: false
- universal:
- quit: 'q'
- quit-alt1: '<c-c>'
- return: '<esc>'
- quitWithoutChangingDirectory: 'Q'
- togglePanel: '<tab>'
- prevItem: '<up>'
- nextItem: '<down>'
- prevItem-alt: 'k'
- nextItem-alt: 'j'
- prevPage: ','
- nextPage: '.'
- gotoTop: '<'
- gotoBottom: '>'
- prevBlock: '<left>'
- nextBlock: '<right>'
- prevBlock-alt: 'h'
- nextBlock-alt: 'l'
- nextMatch: 'n'
- prevMatch: 'N'
- startSearch: '/'
- optionMenu: 'x'
- optionMenu-alt1: '?'
- select: '<space>'
- goInto: '<enter>'
- confirm: '<enter>'
- confirm-alt1: 'y'
- remove: 'd'
- new: 'n'
- edit: 'e'
- openFile: 'o'
- scrollUpMain: '<pgup>'
- scrollDownMain: '<pgdown>'
- scrollUpMain-alt1: 'K'
- scrollDownMain-alt1: 'J'
- scrollUpMain-alt2: '<c-u>'
- scrollDownMain-alt2: '<c-d>'
- executeCustomCommand: ':'
- createRebaseOptionsMenu: 'm'
- pushFiles: 'P'
- pullFiles: 'p'
- refresh: 'R'
- createPatchOptionsMenu: '<c-p>'
- nextTab: ']'
- prevTab: '['
- nextScreenMode: '+'
- prevScreenMode: '_'
- undo: 'z'
- redo: '<c-z>'
- filteringMenu: <c-s>
- diffingMenu: 'W'
- diffingMenu-alt: '<c-e>'
- copyToClipboard: '<c-o>'
- status:
- checkForUpdate: 'u'
- recentRepos: '<enter>'
- files:
- commitChanges: 'c'
- commitChangesWithoutHook: 'w'
- amendLastCommit: 'A'
- commitChangesWithEditor: 'C'
- ignoreFile: 'i'
- refreshFiles: 'r'
- stashAllChanges: 's'
- viewStashOptions: 'S'
- toggleStagedAll: 'a'
- viewResetOptions: 'D'
- fetch: 'f'
- branches:
- createPullRequest: 'o'
- checkoutBranchByName: 'c'
- forceCheckoutBranch: 'F'
- rebaseBranch: 'r'
- renameBranch: 'R'
- mergeIntoCurrentBranch: 'M'
- viewGitFlowOptions: 'i'
- fastForward: 'f'
- pushTag: 'P'
- setUpstream: 'u'
- fetchRemote: 'f'
- commits:
- squashDown: 's'
- renameCommit: 'r'
- renameCommitWithEditor: 'R'
- viewResetOptions: 'g'
- markCommitAsFixup: 'f'
- createFixupCommit: 'F'
- squashAboveCommits: 'S'
- moveDownCommit: '<c-j>'
- moveUpCommit: '<c-k>'
- amendToCommit: 'A'
- pickCommit: 'p'
- revertCommit: 't'
- cherryPickCopy: 'c'
- cherryPickCopyRange: 'C'
- pasteCommits: 'v'
- tagCommit: 'T'
- checkoutCommit: '<space>'
- resetCherryPick: '<c-R>'
- stash:
- popStash: 'g'
- commitFiles:
- checkoutCommitFile: 'c'
- main:
- toggleDragSelect: 'v'
- toggleDragSelect-alt: 'V'
- toggleSelectHunk: 'a'
- pickBothHunks: 'b'
- submodules:
- init: 'i'
- update: 'u'
- bulkMenu: 'b'
// AppState stores data between runs of the app like when the last update check
// was performed and which other repos have been checked out
type AppState struct {