path: root/computer
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-24Add article on why rustMatthias Beyer
2022-08-19Add Why your git email address mattersMatthias Beyer
2022-08-19Add notes on SSHMatthias Beyer
2022-08-18Add "Programming breakthroughs we need"Matthias Beyer
2022-08-14Add Rust toolsMatthias Beyer
2022-08-14Add rust articlesMatthias Beyer
2022-08-14Add tool: changieMatthias Beyer
2022-08-14Add glibc 2038 bug articleMatthias Beyer
2022-08-14Add site on C++Matthias Beyer
2022-07-10Add Day in the Life of Open Source MaintenanceMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add LorienMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add Plain Text VideoMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add section on voice assisantsMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add HaskellMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add pandocMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Move link to article why discord is badMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add mermaidMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add more git linksMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add awesome tuisMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add why we hate ScrumMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add The Arch of OS-AppsMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add Rust articlesMatthias Beyer
2022-07-08Add notes on chatsMatthias Beyer
2022-04-08Add awesome TUIsMatthias Beyer
2022-04-08Add awesome falsehood listMatthias Beyer
2022-04-04Add two talks from NDC Oslo 2021Matthias Beyer
2022-03-16Add talk CppCon 2018: Matt Godbolt "The bits Between the Bits"Matthias Beyer
2022-03-12Add article "Things I hate about Rust, redux"Matthias Beyer
2022-03-12Add article on why oop is badMatthias Beyer
2022-02-23Add uBlock-Origin-dev-filterMatthias Beyer
2022-02-23Add "Discord is a black hole for information"Matthias Beyer
2022-02-23Add article: The Voids of HaskellMatthias Beyer
2022-02-23Add article when to use each of the git diff algorithmsMatthias Beyer
2022-02-23Add article on tense in commit messagesMatthias Beyer
2022-01-27Add section on nixos blog postsMatthias Beyer
2022-01-27Add blog article on nixMatthias Beyer
2022-01-21Add section on systemdMatthias Beyer
2022-01-11Fix broken linkMatthias Beyer
2022-01-11titlecase -> lowercaseMatthias Beyer