path: root/Computer/tools/cli/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Computer/tools/cli/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/Computer/tools/cli/ b/Computer/tools/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e631c7..0000000
--- a/Computer/tools/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-title = "CLI Helper scripts"
-weight = 1
-## Commandline enhancements
-### [fzf](
-`fzf` is a fuzzy selection tool written in Go. An alternative in Rust would be
-fzf can be used to automate a lot of things, for example it can replace the
-`CTRL-R` shortcut in bash:
-## Include in your .bashrc:
-source PATH_TO_FZF_CLONE/shell/key-bindings.bash
-And now, `CTRL-R` will fuzzy search the history.
-`fzf` is a huge productivity boost for commandline work and even other tools
-where it integrates.
-Some more examples:
-## fco - fuzzy checkout git branch
-fco() {
- local tags branches target
- local fzf_cmd="fzf"
- tags=$(git tag | awk '{print "\x1b[31;1mtag\x1b[m\t" $1}') \
- || return
- branches=$(git branch --all | grep -v HEAD | \
- sed "s/.* //" | sed "s#remotes/[^/]*/##" | \
- sort -u | awk '{print "\x1b[34;1mbranch\x1b[m\t" $1}') \
- || return
- [[ $TMUX ]] && [[ $(which fzf-tmux 2>/dev/null) ]] && \
- fzf_cmd="fzf-tmux -l30 -- "
- target=$( (echo "$tags"; echo "$branches") | \
- $fzf_cmd --no-hscroll --ansi +m -d "\t" -n 2) \
- || return
- git checkout $(echo "$target" | awk '{print $2}')
-## Fuzzy foreground, if you use `CTRL-Z` a lot
-fj() {
- [ $(jobs | wc -l) -eq 0 ] && return
- local j=$(jobs | awk '{ print $3, " - ", $2, " - ", $1; }' | fzf -1 -0)
- echo $j
- fg $(echo $j | sed -r 's/(.*)\[([0-9]*).*/\2/g')
-## Fuzzy select the right tmux session, even within a tmux session
-fmux() {
- local session
- session=$(tmux list-sessions -F "#{session_name}" | \
- fzf --query="$1" --select-1 --exit-0)
- if [[ -z "${TMUX}" ]]; then
- tmux -2 attach -t "$session"
- else
- tmux -2 switch-client -t "$session"
- fi
-### fzf in vim
-It can also be integrated in `vim` for fuzzy selecting. Things like
-fuzzy-jump-to-line, for example:
-" Using the fzf-preview plugin, this can even be enhanced with a preview window:
-nmap <Leader>zf :FZF<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zr :FZFRg<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zh :FZFHistory<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zl :FZFBLines<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zt :FZFTags<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zT :FZFBTags<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zm :FZFMarks<CR>
-nmap <Leader>zw :FZFWindows<CR>
-## Ranger
-Ranger is a nice CLI filemanager (TUI).
-### (Not) Nesting ranger
-With the following script, one can
-ensure that only one ranger instance is running in the terminal (no nested
-r() {
- if [ $(jobs | grep ranger | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
- fg $(jobs | grep ranger | sed 's,^\[,,; s,\].*,,')
- else
- if [ -z "$RANGER_LEVEL" ]; then
- ranger
- else
- exit
- fi
- fi
-### tmux integration
-Using tmux from ranger is as simple as
-map ef eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux splitw -h 'rifle \"" + fm.thisfile.basename + "\"'")
-map ev eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux splitw -v 'rifle \"" + fm.thisfile.basename + "\"'")
-map ew eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux new-window 'rifle \"" + fm.thisfile.basename + "\"'")
-map sf eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux splitw -h")
-map sv eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux splitw -v")
-map sw eval if 'TMUX' in os.environ.keys():"tmux new-window")