path: root/src/parser/
diff options
authorMatthias Beyer <>2017-11-19 14:12:50 +0100
committerMatthias Beyer <>2017-11-19 15:05:00 +0100
commite12aaac56d7375515cb9c7c468d6d65dfa1ae76f (patch)
tree6de7c3641105f84c7d9710037f562acff9ddcaa9 /src/parser/
parent22fd8afc01a914d70fc62b34ec9a39680a93a4e9 (diff)
Split parser into modules
The TimeType::parse() function was removed because we don't want that there. It is not that nice, because the interface would return either a TimeType or an Iterator.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/parser/')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/parser/ b/src/parser/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2422a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/parser/
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+use std::str;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use nom::{IResult, space, alpha, alphanumeric, digit};
+use nom::whitespace::sp;
+use chrono::NaiveDate;
+use timetype;
+use iter;
+use error;
+named!(pub integer<i64>, alt!(
+ map_res!(
+ map_res!(
+ ws!(digit),
+ str::from_utf8
+ ),
+ FromStr::from_str
+ )
+// WARNING: Order is important here. Long tags first, shorter tags later
+named!(pub unit_parser<Unit>, alt_complete!(
+ tag!("seconds") => { |_| Unit::Second } |
+ tag!("second") => { |_| Unit::Second } |
+ tag!("secs") => { |_| Unit::Second } |
+ tag!("sec") => { |_| Unit::Second } |
+ tag!("s") => { |_| Unit::Second } |
+ tag!("minutes") => { |_| Unit::Minute } |
+ tag!("minute") => { |_| Unit::Minute } |
+ tag!("mins") => { |_| Unit::Minute } |
+ tag!("min") => { |_| Unit::Minute } |
+ tag!("hours") => { |_| Unit::Hour } |
+ tag!("hour") => { |_| Unit::Hour } |
+ tag!("hrs") => { |_| Unit::Hour } |
+ tag!("hr") => { |_| Unit::Hour } |
+ tag!("days") => { |_| Unit::Day } |
+ tag!("day") => { |_| Unit::Day } |
+ tag!("d") => { |_| Unit::Day } |
+ tag!("weeks") => { |_| Unit::Week } |
+ tag!("week") => { |_| Unit::Week } |
+ tag!("w") => { |_| Unit::Week } |
+ tag!("months") => { |_| Unit::Month } |
+ tag!("month") => { |_| Unit::Month } |
+ tag!("years") => { |_| Unit::Year } |
+ tag!("year") => { |_| Unit::Year } |
+ tag!("yrs") => { |_| Unit::Year }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Unit {
+ Second,
+ Minute,
+ Hour,
+ Day,
+ Week,
+ Month,
+ Year,
+named!(pub operator_parser<Operator>, alt!(
+ tag!("+") => { |_| Operator::Plus } |
+ tag!("-") => { |_| Operator::Minus }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Operator {
+ Plus,
+ Minus,
+named!(pub amount_parser<Amount>, do_parse!(
+ number: integer >>
+ unit : unit_parser >>
+ (Amount(number, unit))
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Amount(i64, Unit);
+impl Into<timetype::TimeType> for Amount {
+ fn into(self) -> timetype::TimeType {
+ match self.1 {
+ Unit::Second => timetype::TimeType::seconds(self.0),
+ Unit::Minute => timetype::TimeType::minutes(self.0),
+ Unit::Hour => timetype::TimeType::hours(self.0),
+ Unit::Day => timetype::TimeType::days(self.0),
+ Unit::Week => timetype::TimeType::weeks(self.0),
+ Unit::Month => timetype::TimeType::months(self.0),
+ Unit::Year => timetype::TimeType::years(self.0),
+ }
+ }
+named!(pub amount_expr_next<(Operator, Box<AmountExpr>)>, do_parse!(
+ op:operator_parser
+ >> opt!(sp)
+ >> amexp:amount_expr
+ >> ((op, Box::new(amexp)))
+named!(pub amount_expr<AmountExpr>, do_parse!(
+ amount:amount_parser >>
+ opt!(sp) >>
+ o: opt!(complete!(amount_expr_next)) >>
+ (AmountExpr { amount: amount, next: o, })
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct AmountExpr {
+ amount: Amount,
+ next: Option<(Operator, Box<AmountExpr>)>,
+impl Into<timetype::TimeType> for AmountExpr {
+ fn into(self) -> timetype::TimeType {
+ let mut amount = self.amount.into();
+ if let Some((op, other_amonut_expr)) = {
+ match op {
+ Operator::Plus => {
+ amount = amount + (*other_amonut_expr).into();
+ },
+ Operator::Minus => {
+ amount = amount - (*other_amonut_expr).into();
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ amount
+ }
+impl AmountExpr {
+ fn new(amount: Amount, next: Option<(Operator, Box<AmountExpr>)>) -> AmountExpr {
+ AmountExpr {
+ amount: amount,
+ next: next
+ }
+ }
+use iso8601::parsers::parse_date;
+use iso8601::parsers::parse_datetime;
+// The order is relevant here, because datetime is longer than date, we must parse datetime before
+// date.
+named!(pub exact_date_parser<ExactDate>, alt_complete!(
+ tag!("today") => { |_| ExactDate::Today } |
+ tag!("yesterday") => { |_| ExactDate::Yesterday } |
+ tag!("tomorrow") => { |_| ExactDate::Tomorrow } |
+ do_parse!(d: parse_datetime >> (ExactDate::Iso8601DateTime(d))) |
+ do_parse!(d: parse_date >> (ExactDate::Iso8601Date(d)))
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum ExactDate {
+ Today,
+ Yesterday,
+ Tomorrow,
+ Iso8601Date(::iso8601::Date),
+ Iso8601DateTime(::iso8601::DateTime)
+impl Into<timetype::TimeType> for ExactDate {
+ fn into(self) -> timetype::TimeType {
+ match self {
+ ExactDate::Today => timetype::TimeType::today(),
+ ExactDate::Yesterday => timetype::TimeType::today() - timetype::TimeType::days(1),
+ ExactDate::Tomorrow => timetype::TimeType::today() + timetype::TimeType::days(1),
+ ExactDate::Iso8601Date(date) => {
+ let (year, month, day) = match date {
+ ::iso8601::Date::YMD { year, month, day } => {
+ (year, month, day)
+ },
+ ::iso8601::Date::Week { year, ww, d } => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ },
+ ::iso8601::Date::Ordinal { year, ddd } => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ },
+ };
+ let ndt = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month, day).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
+ timetype::TimeType::moment(ndt)
+ },
+ ExactDate::Iso8601DateTime(::iso8601::DateTime { date, time }) => {
+ let (hour, minute, second) = (time.hour, time.minute, time.second);
+ let (year, month, day) = match date {
+ ::iso8601::Date::YMD { year, month, day } => {
+ (year, month, day)
+ },
+ ::iso8601::Date::Week { year, ww, d } => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ },
+ ::iso8601::Date::Ordinal { year, ddd } => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ },
+ };
+ let ndt = NaiveDate::from_ymd(year, month, day).and_hms(hour, minute, second);
+ timetype::TimeType::moment(ndt)
+ },
+ }
+ }
+named!(pub date<Date>, do_parse!(
+ exact: exact_date_parser >>
+ o: opt!(
+ complete!(do_parse!(sp >> op:operator_parser >> sp >> a:amount_expr >> (op, a)))
+ ) >>
+ (Date(exact, o))
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Date(ExactDate, Option<(Operator, AmountExpr)>);
+impl Into<timetype::TimeType> for Date {
+ fn into(self) -> timetype::TimeType {
+ let base : timetype::TimeType = self.0.into();
+ match self.1 {
+ Some((Operator::Plus, amount)) => base + amount.into(),
+ Some((Operator::Minus, amount)) => base - amount.into(),
+ None => base,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum TimeType {
+ Date(Date),
+ AmountExpr(AmountExpr),
+impl Into<timetype::TimeType> for TimeType {
+ fn into(self) -> timetype::TimeType {
+ match self {
+ TimeType::Date(d) => d.into(),
+ TimeType::AmountExpr(a) => a.into(),
+ }
+ }
+/// Main entry function for timetype parser
+/// # Notice
+/// Note that this function returns a parser::TimeType, not a timetype::TimeType. Though, the
+/// parser::TimeType can be `Into::into()`ed.
+named!(pub timetype<TimeType>, alt!(
+ do_parse!(d: date >> (TimeType::Date(d))) |
+ do_parse!(a: amount_expr >> (TimeType::AmountExpr(a)))
+mod tests {
+ use nom::IResult;
+ use super::*;
+ use chrono::Timelike;
+ use chrono::Datelike;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_integer() {
+ assert_eq!(integer(&b"2"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 2));
+ assert_eq!(integer(&b"217"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], 217));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unit() {
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"second"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Second));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"seconds"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Second));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"sec"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Second));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"secs"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Second));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"s"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Second));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"minute"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Minute));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"minutes"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Minute));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"min"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Minute));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"mins"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Minute));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"hour"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Hour));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"hours"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Hour));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"hr"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Hour));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"hrs"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Hour));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"day"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Day));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"days"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Day));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"d"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Day));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"week"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Week));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"weeks"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Week));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"w"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Week));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"month"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Month));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"months"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Month));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"year"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Year));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"years"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Year));
+ assert_eq!(unit_parser(&b"yrs"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Unit::Year));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_operator() {
+ assert_eq!(operator_parser(&b"+"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Operator::Plus));
+ assert_eq!(operator_parser(&b"-"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Operator::Minus));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_amount() {
+ assert_eq!(amount_parser(&b"5s"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Amount(5, Unit::Second)));
+ assert_eq!(amount_parser(&b"5min"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Amount(5, Unit::Minute)));
+ assert_eq!(amount_parser(&b"55hrs"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Amount(55, Unit::Hour)));
+ assert_eq!(amount_parser(&b"25days"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Amount(25, Unit::Day)));
+ assert_eq!(amount_parser(&b"15weeks"[..]), IResult::Done(&b""[..], Amount(15, Unit::Week)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_amountexpr_next() {
+ assert_eq!(amount_expr_next(&b"+ 12minutes"[..]),
+ IResult::Done(&b""[..],
+ (
+ Operator::Plus,
+ Box::new(AmountExpr { amount: Amount(12, Unit::Minute), next: None })
+ )
+ ));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_amountexpr() {
+ assert_eq!(amount_expr(&b"5minutes"[..]),
+ IResult::Done(&b""[..],
+ AmountExpr {
+ amount: Amount(5, Unit::Minute),
+ next: None
+ })
+ );
+ assert_eq!(amount_expr(&b"5min + 12min"[..]),
+ IResult::Done(&b""[..],
+ AmountExpr {
+ amount: Amount(5, Unit::Minute),
+ next: Some((Operator::Plus, Box::new(
+ AmountExpr {
+ amount: Amount(12, Unit::Minute),
+ next: None
+ })))
+ }));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_expressions_date() {
+ use iso8601::Date;
+ let res = exact_date_parser(&b"2017-01-01"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ match res.unwrap().1 {
+ ExactDate::Iso8601DateTime(_) => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Iso8601Date(d) => {
+ match d {
+ Date::YMD { year, month, day } => {
+ assert_eq!(year, 2017);
+ assert_eq!(month, 1);
+ assert_eq!(day, 1)
+ },
+ _ => assert!(false),
+ }
+ },
+ ExactDate::Tomorrow => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Yesterday => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Today => assert!(false),
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_expressions_datetime() {
+ use iso8601::Date;
+ let res = exact_date_parser(&b"2017-01-01T22:00:11"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ match res.unwrap().1 {
+ ExactDate::Iso8601DateTime(obj) => {
+ match {
+ Date::YMD { year, month, day } => {
+ assert_eq!(year, 2017);
+ assert_eq!(month, 1);
+ assert_eq!(day, 1)
+ },
+ _ => assert!(false),
+ }
+ assert_eq!(obj.time.hour, 22);
+ assert_eq!(obj.time.minute, 0);
+ assert_eq!(obj.time.second, 11);
+ },
+ ExactDate::Iso8601Date(_) => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Tomorrow => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Yesterday => assert!(false),
+ ExactDate::Today => assert!(false),
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_simple_date_1() {
+ let res = exact_date_parser(&b"today"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), format!("Not done: {:?}", res));
+ let res = date(&b"today"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), format!("Not done: {:?}", res));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_simple_date_2() {
+ let res = date(&b"2017-01-01"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), format!("Not done: {:?}", res));
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", o);
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", calc_res);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().year() , 2017);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().month() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().day() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().hour() , 00);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().minute(), 00);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().second(), 00);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_simple_date_3() {
+ let res = date(&b"2017-01-01T01:02:03"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), format!("Not done: {:?}", res));
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", o);
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", calc_res);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().year() , 2017);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().month() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().day() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().hour() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().minute(), 02);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().second(), 03);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_date() {
+ let res = amount_expr(&b"5min + 12min"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_seconds(), 17 * 60);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_minutes(), 17);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_hours(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_days(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_years(), 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_date_2() {
+ let res = amount_expr(&b"5min + 12min + 15hours"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_seconds(), 17 * 60 + (15 * 60 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_minutes(), 17 + (15 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_hours(), 15);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_days(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_years(), 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_date_3() {
+ let res = date(&b"today + 5min + 12min"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), "Not done: {:?}", res.unwrap_err().description());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ // because this test is basically dependent on the current time, which is a baaaad use of
+ // state in a test, we rely on `test_expressions_to_date_4()` here and assume that the
+ // upper assertions are enough.
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_date_4() {
+ let res = date(&b"2017-01-01 + 5min + 12min"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), "Not done: {:?}", res.unwrap_err().description());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", o);
+ let calc_res : timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", calc_res);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().year() , 2017);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().month() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().day() , 01);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().hour() , 00);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().minute(), 17);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_moment().unwrap().second(), 00);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_timetype() {
+ let res = timetype(&b"5min + 12min + 15hours"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ let calc_res : ::timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_seconds(), 17 * 60 + (15 * 60 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_minutes(), 17 + (15 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_hours(), 15);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_days(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_years(), 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_timetype_2() {
+ let res = timetype(&b"today + 5min + 12min"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done(), "Not done: {:?}", res.unwrap_err().description());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ let calc_res : ::timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ // because this test is basically dependent on the current time, which is a baaaad use of
+ // state in a test, we rely on `test_expressions_to_date_4()` here and assume that the
+ // upper assertions are enough.
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_expressions_to_timetype_subtract() {
+ let res = timetype(&b"5min + 12min + 15hours - 1hour"[..]);
+ assert!(res.is_done());
+ let (_, o) = res.unwrap();
+ println!("{:#?}", o);
+ let calc_res : ::timetype::TimeType = o.into();
+ println!("{:#?}", calc_res);
+ let calc_res = calc_res.calculate();
+ assert!(calc_res.is_ok());
+ println!("{:#?}", calc_res);
+ let calc_res = calc_res.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_seconds(), 17 * 60 + (14 * 60 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_minutes(), 17 + (14 * 60));
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_hours(), 14);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_days(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(calc_res.get_years(), 0);
+ }