path: root/jrnl
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-01Update dependency black to v24 (#1849)renovate[bot]
2023-11-04Increment version to v4.1v4.1Jrnl Bot
2023-10-31Increment version to v4.1-beta2v4.1-beta2Jrnl Bot
2023-10-30Force rich to use color codes when pretty printing (#1821)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-10-29Increment version to v4.1-betav4.1-betaJrnl Bot
2023-10-29Resolve parsedatetime "flag style" DeprecationWarning (#1818)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-09-09Update dependency ruff to v0.0.287 (#1778)renovate[bot]
2023-07-29Use rich instead of ansiwrap to wrap text (#1693)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-07-15Replace flake8 and isort with ruff linter and add `black --check` to linting ...Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-06-20Increment version to v4.0.1v4.0.1Jrnl Bot
2023-05-20Increment version to v4.0.1-betav4.0.1-betaJrnl Bot
2023-05-20Refactor --template code (#1711)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-05-20fix some linting issues for failing PR (#1745)Jonathan Wren
2023-05-20Increment version to v4.0v4.0Jrnl Bot
2023-04-29Increment version to v4.0-beta3v4.0-beta3Jrnl Bot
2023-04-29Only read text files that look like entries when opening folder journal (#1697)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-04-22Increment version to v4.0-beta2v4.0-beta2Jrnl Bot
2023-04-22fix typo (#1718)Zhizhen He
2023-03-25Increment version to v4.0-betav4.0-betaJrnl Bot
2023-03-25Allow combinations of `--change-time`, `--delete`, and `--edit` while correct...Jonathan Wren
2023-03-25Add ability to use template with `--template` (#1667)Aaron Lichtman
2023-03-04Add message with config location and docs location when installation is compl...Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-03-04Use pytest-bdd 6 (#1685)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-02-25Prompt to include colors in config when first running jrnl (#1687)Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-02-25Save empty journal on install instead of just creating a zero-length file (#1...Micah Jerome Ellison
2023-02-11Don't save templated journal entries if the received raw text is the same as ...Briscoooe
2023-01-28Search for entries with no tags or stars with `-not -starred` and `-not -tagg...Ciaran Concannon
2023-01-14Refactor flow for easier access to some files (avoid things like `jrnl.Journa...Jonathan Wren
2023-01-14Add more type hints (#1642)outa
2023-01-07Update copyright notices for 2023 (#1660)Jonathan Wren
2023-01-07Add tag to XML file when edited DayOne entry and is searchable afterward (#1648)Jonathan van der Steege
2023-01-07Update version key in config file after version changes (#1646)Jonathan van der Steege
2022-11-19Rework Encryption to enable future support of other encryption methods (#1602)Jonathan Wren
2022-11-05Add `simplify` plugin to linting checks (#1630)Jonathan Wren
2022-11-05Add type hints (#1614)outa
2022-11-03Add `type-checking` plugin to linting checks (#1629)Jonathan Wren
2022-10-31Add rich handler for better-formatted debug logging (#1627)Jonathan Wren
2022-10-29Increment version to v3.3Jrnl Bot
2022-10-22Increment version to v3.3-beta2v3.3-beta2Jrnl Bot
2022-10-22Fix bug for new `--list --format` options when no default journal is specifie...Jonathan Wren
2022-10-08Increment version to v3.3-betav3.3-betaJrnl Bot
2022-10-08Don't create empty file when attempting a YAML export to a non-existing folde...outa
2022-10-08Change default config to use journal key instead of journal name as key for f...Micah Jerome Ellison
2022-09-24Add machine readable --list output (#1592)Kevin
2022-09-17Change default timestamp to `%F %r` (#1595)Jonathan Wren
2022-09-03Increment version to v3.2v3.2Jrnl Bot
2022-08-27Increment version to v3.2-betav3.2-betaJrnl Bot
2022-08-27Suppress "Entry added" message if using default journal (#1561)Micah Jerome Ellison
2022-08-27Add message showing the number of search results (#1524)Kevin
2022-08-21Increment version to v3.1v3.1Jrnl Bot