path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-29Update jq_fuzz_load_file.c: Add missing include unistd.h (#3085)maflcko
2024-03-28jv_setpath: fix leak when indexing an array with an arrayEmanuele Torre
2024-03-20Add trim/0, ltrim/0 and rtrim/0 that trims leading and trailing whitespace (#...Mattias Wadman
2024-03-19builtin.c: jv2tm: fix UB and accept array inputs with not all the valuesEmanuele Torre
2024-03-15strftime/1: fix validation of non-string argument with number inputEmanuele Torre
2024-03-15EACH: fix leak when an error is triggered by non-last element of objectEmanuele Torre
2024-03-01improve tonumber/0 performance by parsing input as number literalitchyny
2024-02-10tests: run tests in C localeEmanuele Torre
2024-02-08Add missing string color caseThalia Archibald
2024-02-08Clear formatting immediately after colonThalia Archibald
2024-02-08Fix tests and test indented printingThalia Archibald
2024-01-16builtins: make ltrimstr and rtrimstr error for non-string inputsEmanuele Torre
2024-01-16Revert "lexer: temporarily revert #\ patch; keep CR in comment bug fix"Emanuele Torre
2023-12-13Merge pull request from GHSA-686w-5m7m-54vcjq-1.7.1Emanuele Torre
2023-12-13Merge pull request from GHSA-7hmr-442f-qc8jEmanuele Torre
2023-12-13jv_parse: let decNumberFromString/strtod parse complex nans as a NaNEmanuele Torre
2023-12-13lexer: temporarily revert #\ patch; keep CR in comment bug fixEmanuele Torre
2023-12-13ltrimstr/1+rtrimstr/1: don't leak on invalid input or argumentsEmanuele Torre
2023-12-11shtest+configure: remove uses of non-portable/non-standard commandsEmanuele Torre
2023-12-11shtest: fix out-of-source testsEmanuele Torre
2023-12-11jq.test: fix setpath PR numberEmanuele Torre
2023-12-10jv_setpath()+setpath/2: don't leak the input after an invalid getEmanuele Torre
2023-12-10jq_fuzz_fixed: fix test cases that use string interpolationEmanuele Torre
2023-12-07tests: add new fuzzerDavid Korczynski
2023-12-03jq_fuzz_execute.cpp: fix false assertDavidKorczynski
2023-12-03jq_fuzz_execute: fix memory leakDavidKorczynski
2023-11-30jq_fuzz_execute: cleanup un-needed externDavid Korczynski
2023-11-30Add fuzzer targeting jq_nextDavid Korczynski
2023-11-30jq_fuzz_compile: dump disassemblyDavid Korczynski
2023-11-29Convert decnum to binary64 (double) instead of decimal64Mattias Wadman
2023-11-28jq_fuzz_parse_extended.c: don't jv_free() twiceEmanuele Torre
2023-11-28test: add jv_dump to extended fuzzerDavid Korczynski
2023-11-28Extend fuzzing set upDavid Korczynski
2023-11-03Comment bug fixes, and fully support Tcl-style multiline commentsEmanuele Torre
2023-10-05Revert "Revert "od -c => od -tc: od -c is an XSI extension..."Emanuele Torre
2023-10-04Revert "od -c => od -tc: od -c is an XSI extension equivalent to LC_CTYPE=C o...Nicolas Williams
2023-10-04od -c => od -tc: od -c is an XSI extension equivalent to LC_CTYPE=C od -tc an...наб
2023-10-04Allow passing the inline jq script before --Emanuele Torre
2023-10-03Simplify `pick` exampleThomas Bozeman th026106
2023-09-22Fix the default colors to use 39, the default foreground color (#2904)taoky
2023-09-06Add setlocale() call (fix #1740)jq-1.7Nicolas Williams
2023-08-27Improve handling of non-integer numeric indices (fix #2815)jq-1.7rc2Nicolas Williams
2023-08-17Fix overflow on numeric comparison (#2849)itchyny
2023-08-16Add a regression test for negative indices and fix a pick/1 testitchyny
2023-08-13Fix crash on numeric comparison again (ref #2825)itchyny
2023-08-12Expose the names of a module's defined function via `modulemeta`Alex Wilson
2023-08-12Build windows 64bit binary using UCRT64 (#2832)Mattias Wadman
2023-08-05Change the default color of null to Bright Blackitchyny
2023-08-04Let error(null) throw nullEmanuele Torre
2023-08-03Clarify the `//` operator (close #2189)Nicolas Williams