AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-10-21Version number tracking.jq-1.1jq-1.0Stephen Dolan
2012-10-21Fix a mistake in the docs. Fixes #10Stephen Dolan
2012-10-21Merge pull request #8 from maxme/masterStephen Dolan
2012-10-21Update website: binaries + version bump.Stephen Dolan
2012-10-21add install and uninstall rules in MakefileMaxime Biais
2012-10-21Check in a bunch of autogenerated files.Stephen Dolan
2012-10-20Add a 'keys' function. Fixes #4.Stephen Dolan
2012-10-20A string interpolation syntax that I don't hate. Also tests.Stephen Dolan
2012-10-11Merge pull request #6 from stroan/numeric-comparison-binopsStephen Dolan
2012-10-10Make comp binops nonassocStephen Roantree
2012-10-07Add <,>,<=,>= binopsStephen Roantree
2012-09-22Allow underscores in IDENT tokens. Fixes #3.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-20Add a bunch of commandline options for controlling I/O format.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19More broken links :(Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Make URLs relative to not break on github-pagesStephen Dolan
2012-09-19Make the <title>s of the doc pages less messy.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19No HTTPS for me, sadly.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Fix some issues with relative URLs on Github Pages.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Add a rake task to compile docs into static html.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Use a theme from Bootswatch for docs.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Ensure 'make tarball' creates the required directories.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Add some release stuff to Makefile.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-19Add binaries and update download docs.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Initialise some variables to keep gcc happy.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Fix a parsing bug for \uXXXX escapes (some invalid escapes were accepted).Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add a READMEStephen Dolan
2012-09-18Usage messages if jq is run with no arguments.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Implement the 'add' builtin promised by the docs' examples.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18More docs + docs cleanupStephen Dolan
2012-09-18Print Unicode characters unescaped by default.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Separate the tests and the main program.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add a COPYING file with too many words in it.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Documentation. Copious.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Move everything around - delete old Haskell code, clean up build.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Slightly better string interpolation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add the builtin 'select' function.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18Add a missing file from prev commitStephen Dolan
2012-09-18Builtin functions defined in jq.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-18-Werror was a little overzealous.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Builtin function 'type'.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Fix a precedence bug.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Recursive functions + bugfix for stack reallocation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Make the code compile with warnings-as-errors.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Fix debugging code in execute.c so that debug jq compiles again.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Make "not" a builtin function rather than syntax.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Redefine true and false. Define empty, distict from null.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Merge branch 'master' of github:stedolan/jqStephen Dolan
2012-09-17First pass at string interpolation.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Add a "tostring" function.Stephen Dolan
2012-09-17Support rendering a JSON value to a string buffer.Stephen Dolan