diff options
authorStephen Dolan <>2012-09-18 17:29:56 +0100
committerStephen Dolan <>2012-09-18 17:29:56 +0100
commit3622810ea7ca5d42694313810b9f0c2557711475 (patch)
parenteca89acee00faf6e9ef55d84780e6eeddf225e5c (diff)
Ancient Haskell version of jq. Might be useful someday. Maybe.haskell-version
7 files changed, 269 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/JQ.hs b/JQ.hs
index ca8df794..a8a1e4f3 100644
--- a/JQ.hs
+++ b/JQ.hs
@@ -2,55 +2,93 @@ module JQ where
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List (sortBy,sort,groupBy)
+import Data.Char
+import Data.List (sortBy,sort,groupBy,partition,intercalate)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Map ((!))
+import Debug.Trace
type Path = [Either Int String]
type Program = JSValue -> [(JSValue, Path)]
-type JQ = ReaderT JSValue (WriterT Path [])
+type Filter = JQ JSValue
+newtype Operator = Operator {runOperator:: [Filter] -> Filter}
+type JQ = ReaderT (JSValue, M.Map String JSValue, M.Map (String, Int) Operator) (WriterT Path [])
runJQ :: JQ a -> JSValue -> [a]
-runJQ prog val = map fst $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog val
+runJQ prog val = map fst $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog (val,M.empty,primitives)
(>|) :: JQ JSValue -> JQ a -> JQ a
a >| b = do
val <- a
- local (const val) b
+ local (\(v,s,d) -> (val,s,d)) b
+setvar name val prog =
+ local (\(v,s,d) -> (v, M.insert name val s, d)) prog
+getvar name = liftM (! name) $ asks (\(v,s,d) -> s)
+input = asks (\(v,s,d) -> v)
collect :: JQ a -> JQ [a]
-collect prog = do
- arg <- ask
- return $ runJQ prog arg
+collect prog = liftM (map fst) $ collectPaths prog
collectPaths :: JQ a -> JQ [(a,Path)]
collectPaths prog = do
- arg <- ask
- return $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog arg
+ rd <- ask
+ return $ runWriterT $ runReaderT prog rd
-insert :: JSValue -> (JSValue, Path) -> JSValue
-insert base (replace, []) = replace
-insert (JSArray values) (replace, ((Left n):rest)) = JSArray values'
- where
- (left, (_:right)) = splitAt n values
- values' = left ++ [replace] ++ right
-insert (JSObject obj) (replace, ((Right k):rest))= JSObject $ toJSObject obj'
- where
- withoutK = filter ((/= k) . fst) $ fromJSObject obj
- obj' = (k, replace):withoutK
+withDefn :: (String, [String], Filter) -> Filter -> Filter
+withDefn (name, formals, body) subexp =
+ local (\(v,s,d) -> (v,s,M.insert (name,length formals) (Operator func) d)) subexp
+ where
+ func args = local (\(v,s,d) -> (v,M.empty,M.fromList (zip (zip formals (repeat 0)) (map (Operator . const) args)) `M.union` d)) body
+subexp :: JQ a -> JQ a
+subexp = censor $ const []
+yieldPaths :: [(a,Path)] -> JQ a
+yieldPaths ps = ReaderT $ const $ WriterT ps
+insert :: JQ JSValue -> JSValue -> Path -> JQ JSValue
+insert replace base [] = replace
+insert replace (JSArray values) ((Left n):rest) = do
+ let array = take (max (n+1) (length values)) (values ++ repeat JSNull)
+ replacement <- insert replace (array !! n) rest
+ let (left, (_:right)) = splitAt n array
+ return $ JSArray $ left ++ [replacement] ++ right
+insert replace (JSObject obj) ((Right k):rest) = do
+ let oldval = maybe JSNull id (lookup k $ fromJSObject obj)
+ replacement <- insert replace oldval rest
+ let withoutK = filter ((/= k) . fst) $ fromJSObject obj
+ return $ JSObject $ toJSObject $ (k, replacement):withoutK
+insert replace JSNull p@((Right k):rest) = insert replace (JSObject $ toJSObject []) p
+insert replace JSNull p@((Left n):rest) = insert replace (JSArray []) p
+insert _ base p = error $ "Cannot insert into " ++ intercalate ", " (map (either show show) p) ++ " of " ++ encode base
eqj a b = JSBool $ a == b
+boolj (JSBool false) = False
+boolj (JSNull) = False
+boolj _ = True
+andj a b = JSBool $ boolj a && boolj b
+orj a b = JSBool $ boolj a || boolj b
liftp :: (JSValue -> JSValue) -> JQ JSValue
-liftp f = liftM f ask
+liftp f = liftM f input
idp = undefined
failp t = []
@@ -68,7 +106,7 @@ anyj values = any isTrue values
selectp prog = do
match <- collect prog
guard $ anyj match
- ask
+ input
constStr :: String -> JQ JSValue
constStr = return . JSString . toJSString
@@ -76,9 +114,13 @@ constStr = return . JSString . toJSString
constInt :: Int -> JQ JSValue
constInt = return . JSRational False . toRational
-updatep p = do
- t <- ask
- liftM (foldl insert t) $ collectPaths p
+tr x = trace (show x) x
+assignp sel replace = do
+ paths <- collectPaths sel
+ t <- input
+ foldM (\base (val,path) -> insert (return val >| replace) base path) t paths
arrayp prog = liftM JSArray $ collect prog
@@ -88,15 +130,15 @@ childp' (JSArray values) = msum [tell [Left i] >> return v | (v,i) <- zip values
childp' (JSObject obj) = msum [tell [Right k] >> return v | (k,v) <- fromJSObject obj]
childp' _ = mzero
-childp = ask >>= childp'
+childp = input >>= childp'
--findp :: Program -> Program
findp prog = do
found <- collect prog
- if anyj found then ask else childp >| findp prog
+ if anyj found then input else childp >| findp prog
groupp prog = do
- list <- ask
+ list <- input
case list of
JSArray values -> do
marked <- forM values $ \v -> do
@@ -109,17 +151,72 @@ groupp prog = do
_ -> return JSNull
+recp prog = do
+ found <- collectPaths prog
+ let (roots,subs) = partition (null . snd) found
+ msum $
+ [tell p >> return x | (x,p) <- roots] ++
+ [tell p >> (return x >| recp prog) | (x,p) <- subs]
+elsep p1 p2 = do
+ p1' <- collectPaths p1
+ if null p1' then p2 else yieldPaths p1'
+fullresultp prog = do
+ res <- collectPaths prog
+ msum [return $ JSObject $ toJSObject $ [("val",a),("path",JSArray $ map fromPath p)] | (a,p) <- res]
+ where
+ fromPath (Left n) = js n
+ fromPath (Right s) = js s
withArray f (JSArray values) = JSArray $ f values
withArray f x = x
+withString f (JSString str) = JSString $ toJSString $ f $ fromJSString str
+withString f x = x
callp "select" [p] = selectp p
callp "find" [p] = findp p
-callp "set" [p] = updatep p
callp "sort" [] = liftp (withArray sort)
callp "group" [p] = groupp p
+callp "rec" [p] = recp p
+callp "empty" [] = mzero
+callp "true" [] = return $ JSBool True
+callp "false" [] = return $ JSBool False
+callp "null" [] = return $ JSNull
+callp "count" [] = liftp countj
+callp "fullresult" [p] = fullresultp p
+callp "uppercase" [] = liftp $ withString $ map toUpper
+callp "lowercase" [] = liftp $ withString $ map toLower
+primitives = M.fromList [((name,arglen),Operator func) |
+ (name,arglen,func) <- prim]
+ where
+ prim = [("if",1,\[p] -> selectp p),
+ ("find", 1, \[p] -> findp p),
+ ("group", 1, \[p] -> groupp p),
+ ("rec", 1, \[p] -> recp p),
+ ("true", 0, const $ return $ JSBool True),
+ ("false", 0, const $ return $ JSBool False),
+ ("null", 0, const $ return $ JSNull),
+ ("count", 0, const $ liftp countj),
+ ("fullresult", 1, \[p] -> fullresultp p),
+ ("zip", 0, const $ liftp zipj),
+ ("keys", 0, const $ liftp keysj)
+ ]
+callp :: String -> [Filter] -> Filter
+callp name args = do
+ (v,s,d) <- ask
+ runOperator (d ! (name, length args)) args
+countj (JSArray v) = js$ length v
+countj (JSObject o) = js$ length $ fromJSObject o
+countj _ = js$ (1::Int)
lookupj :: JSValue -> JSValue -> JQ JSValue
lookupj (JSArray values) (JSRational _ n) = do
@@ -133,25 +230,75 @@ lookupj (JSObject obj) (JSString s) = do
case (lookup (fromJSString s) (fromJSObject obj)) of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> return JSNull
+lookupj JSNull (JSRational _ n) = do
+ tell [Left $ round n]
+ return JSNull
+lookupj JSNull (JSString s) = do
+ tell [Right (fromJSString s)]
+ return JSNull
+--lookupj v i = error $ "Cannot get element " ++ encode i ++ " of " ++ encode v
lookupj _ _ = mzero
-plusj (JSRational _ n1) (JSRational _ n2) = JSRational True (n1 + n2)
+plusj (JSRational f1 n1) (JSRational f2 n2) = JSRational (f1 || f2) (n1 + n2)
plusj (JSString s1) (JSString s2) = JSString $ toJSString (fromJSString s1 ++ fromJSString s2)
plusj (JSArray a1) (JSArray a2) = JSArray $ a1 ++ a2
+plusj (JSObject o1) (JSObject o2) = JSObject $ toJSObject $ o1' ++ fromJSObject o2
+ where
+ newkeys = map fst $ fromJSObject o2
+ o1' = filter (not . (`elem` newkeys) . fst) $ fromJSObject o1
+keysj (JSArray v) = js [0..length v - 1]
+keysj (JSObject obj) = js (map fst $ fromJSObject obj)
+keysj _ = JSArray []
+zipj jsonValue = result $ tx values ctor
+ where
+ (result, values) = extract packed
+ (packed, ctor) = case jsonValue of
+ JSArray values -> (values, (\vs' -> JSArray $ [v' | Just v' <- vs']))
+ JSObject jsObject ->
+ let object = fromJSObject jsObject
+ keys = map fst object
+ values = map snd object
+ build vs' = [(k,v') | (k,Just v') <- zip keys vs']
+ in (values, JSObject . toJSObject . build)
+ _ -> error "only arrays and objects may be zipped"
+ extract values | all isArray values = (JSArray, [map Just arr | JSArray arr <- values])
+ | all isObject values =
+ let objects = [fromJSObject o | JSObject o <- values]
+ keys = S.toList $ S.fromList [k | obj <- objects, (k,_) <- obj]
+ values' :: [[Maybe JSValue]]
+ values' = [[lookup k object | k <- keys] | object <- objects]
+ result r = JSObject $ toJSObject $ zip keys r
+ in (result, values')
+ | otherwise = error "elements of zipped value must be all objects or all arrays"
+ where
+ isArray (JSArray a) = True
+ isArray _ = False
+ isObject (JSObject o) = True
+ isObject _ = False
+ head' [] = Nothing
+ head' (x:xs) = x
+ tail' [] = []
+ tail' (x:xs) = xs
+ tx values ctor | all null values = []
+ | otherwise = ctor (map head' values):tx (map tail' values) ctor
js :: JSON a => a -> JSValue
js = showJSON
index s = do
- v <- ask
+ v <- input
lookupj v (js s)
dictp progs = do
liftM (JSObject . toJSObject) $ forM progs $ \(k,v) -> do
- JSString k' <- k
- v' <- v
+ JSString k' <- subexp k
+ v' <- subexp v
return (fromJSString k', v')
diff --git a/Lexer.x b/Lexer.x
index 700c69e6..cd3b18c3 100644
--- a/Lexer.x
+++ b/Lexer.x
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ import Control.Monad.Error
$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z_]
-@reserved = "."|"["|"]"|","|":"|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"|"|"=="|"+"
+@reserved = "."|"["|"]"|","|":"|"("|")"|"{"|"}"|"|"|"=="|"+"|"="|"$"|"def"|";"|"else"|"and"|"or"|"as"
@ident = $alpha [$alpha $digit]*
@string = \" ($printable)* \"
tokens :-
+<0> "#" ($printable # [\n\r])* ;
<0> $white+ ;
<0> @reserved { tok TRes }
<0> @ident { tok TIdent }
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 695520cb..9e399d4c 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import Lexer
import JQ
import Text.JSON
import Text.JSON.String
+import PrettyJSON
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
parseJS :: String -> JSValue
parseJS s = case runGetJSON readJSValue s of
Left err -> error err
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ parseJS s = case runGetJSON readJSValue s of
main = do
[program] <- getArgs
+ stdlib <- openFile "stdlib.jq" ReadMode >>= hGetContents
json <- liftM parseJS $ hGetContents stdin
- case runLexer program >>= runParser of
+ case runLexer (stdlib ++ program) >>= runParser of
Left err -> putStrLn err
- Right program -> mapM_ (putStrLn . encode) (runJQ program json) \ No newline at end of file
+ Right program -> mapM_ (putStrLn . show . renderJSON) (runJQ program json) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba89e9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+jq: *.hs Parser.hs Lexer.hs
+ ghc *.hs -o jq
+Parser.hs: Parser.y
+ happy -i Parser.y
+Lexer.hs: Lexer.x
+ alex Lexer.x \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Parser.y b/Parser.y
index 544fe5b4..3ea37b05 100644
--- a/Parser.y
+++ b/Parser.y
@@ -7,13 +7,21 @@ import Debug.Trace
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
+instance Error (Maybe a) where
+ noMsg = Nothing
+ strMsg = const Nothing
+instance (Error a, Error b) => Error (a, b) where
+ noMsg = (noMsg, noMsg)
+ strMsg s = (strMsg s, strMsg s)
-%name runParser Exp
+%name runParser TopLevel
%tokentype { Token }
%monad { Either String }
-%error { \t -> fail $ "parse error: unexpected " ++ if null t then [] else (show $ head t) }
+%error { \t -> throwError $ "parse error: unexpected " ++ if null t then [] else (show $ t) }
'|' { TRes "|" }
@@ -24,28 +32,61 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
'}' { TRes "}" }
'(' { TRes "(" }
')' { TRes ")" }
+ '$' { TRes "$" }
+ 'as' { TRes "as" }
',' { TRes "," }
':' { TRes ":" }
'==' { TRes "==" }
+ '=' { TRes "=" }
'+' { TRes "+" }
+ 'def' { TRes "def" }
+ ';' { TRes ";" }
+ 'else' { TRes "else" }
+ 'and' { TRes "and" }
+ 'or' { TRes "or" }
Ident { TIdent $$ }
String { TString $$ }
Int { TInt $$ }
-%left '|'
+%left 'else'
+%right '|'
+%left '='
%left ','
+%left 'and' 'or'
%nonassoc '=='
%left '+'
+ : Defn TopLevel { withDefn $1 $2 }
+ | Exp { $1 }
- : Exp '|' Exp { $1 >| $3 }
+ : Exp 'else' Exp { $1 `elsep` $3 }
+ | Assign '|' Exp { do { v <- snd $1; setvar (fst $1) v $3 } }
+ | Exp '|' Exp { $1 >| $3 }
| Exp ',' Exp { $1 `mplus` $3 }
- | Exp '==' Exp { liftM2 eqj $1 $3 }
- | Exp '+' Exp { liftM2 plusj $1 $3 }
+ | Exp 'and' Exp { liftM2 andj $1 $3 }
+ | Exp 'or' Exp { liftM2 orj $1 $3 }
+ | Exp '=' Exp { assignp $1 $3 }
+ | Exp '==' Exp { liftM2 eqj (subexp $1) (subexp $3) }
+ | Exp '+' Exp { liftM2 plusj (subexp $1) (subexp $3) }
| Term { $1 }
+ : Term 'as' '$' Ident { ($4, $1) }
+ : 'def' Ident '=' Exp ';' { ($2, [], $4) }
+ | 'def' Ident '(' ParamList ')' '=' Exp ';' { ($2, $4, $7) }
+ : { [] }
+ | Ident { [$1] }
+ | Ident ';' ParamList { $1:$3 }
: ExpD '|' ExpD { $1 >| $3 }
| ExpD '==' ExpD { liftM2 eqj $1 $3 }
@@ -53,24 +94,26 @@ ExpD
- : '.' { ask }
+ : '.' { input }
| Term '.' Ident { $1 >| index $3 }
| '.' Ident { index $2 }
| String { constStr $1 }
- | Term '[' Exp ']' { do {t <- $1; i <- $3; lookupj t i} }
+ | Term '[' Exp ']' { do {t <- $1; i <- subexp $3; lookupj t i} }
| Term '[' ']' { $1 >| childp }
| '(' Exp ')' { $2 }
| '[' Exp ']' { arrayp $2 }
+ | '[' ']' { arrayp (callp "empty" []) }
| Int { constInt $1 }
| '{' MkDict '}' { dictp $2 }
| Ident '(' Exp ')' { callp $1 [$3] }
| Ident { callp $1 [] }
+ | '$' Ident { getvar $2 }
: { [] }
| MkDictPair { [$1] }
| MkDictPair ',' MkDict { $1:$3 }
: Ident ':' ExpD { (constStr $1, $3) }
| Ident { (constStr $1, index $1) }
diff --git a/PrettyJSON.hs b/PrettyJSON.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8fe243b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PrettyJSON.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module PrettyJSON where
+import Text.JSON
+import Text.PrettyPrint
+renderJSON (JSArray vals) = brackets $ fsep $ punctuate comma $ map renderJSON vals
+renderJSON (JSObject jsObject) =
+ let object = fromJSObject jsObject
+ in braces $ fsep $ punctuate comma $
+ [hang (renderJSON (JSString $ toJSString $ k) <> colon) 2 (renderJSON v)
+ | (k,v) <- object]
+renderJSON x = text $ encode x \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stdlib.jq b/stdlib.jq
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0da7030f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stdlib.jq
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+def map(f) = [.[] | f];
+def first = .[0];
+# def last = .[count-1];
+def next = .[count];
+# ([])[] would be a decent definition of "empty"
+# except ([]) is defined as syntactic sugar for empty
+def empty = {}[];
+def sort = [group(.) | .[]]; \ No newline at end of file