AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-05-07version bump Zhao
2021-05-07add more automatic error handlingJeff Zhao
2021-05-06update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-06move worker stuff to its own context structJeff Zhao
2021-05-06make clippy happyJeff Zhao
2021-05-06fix clippyJeff Zhao
2021-05-06fix trying to preview on a non directoryJeff Zhao
2021-05-06change pwd to cwdJeff Zhao
2021-05-06update configJeff Zhao
2021-05-03Update README.mdJeff Zhao
2021-05-03update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-03cargo fmtJeff Zhao
2021-05-03update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-03update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-03update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-03update github actionsJeff Zhao
2021-05-03add quotesJeff Zhao
2021-05-02rework error typesJeff Zhao
2021-05-01update configJeff Zhao
2021-05-01make index public attributeJeff Zhao
2021-05-01add UTC to timestampJeff Zhao
2021-05-01move theming out of entry and into utilsJeff Zhao
2021-05-01remove methodsJeff Zhao
2021-04-30rename traits and move structs aroundJeff Zhao
2021-04-30fix reload_dir_list and reload_dirlist inconsistencyJeff Zhao
2021-04-30move more config into their own foldersJeff Zhao
2021-04-29rename some structs that start with Joshuto to AppJeff Zhao
2021-04-29rename CommandMapping to KeyMappingJeff Zhao
2021-04-29rework config structureJeff Zhao
2021-04-29Update README.mdJeff Zhao
2021-04-26update keymap.tomlJeff Zhao
2021-04-25add back option to string search instead of always glob searchJeff Zhao
2021-04-25add glob support to searchJeff Zhao
2021-04-25add support for glob file selectionJeff Zhao
2021-04-24paste jobs now have an accurate number of items to pasteJeff Zhao
2021-04-24cargo fmtJeff Zhao
2021-04-24Merge pull request #45 from kamiyaa/devJeff Zhao
2021-04-24show visual progress bar in worker viewJeff Zhao
2021-04-16code cleanupJeff Zhao
2021-04-05cargo fmtJeff Zhao
2021-04-05enable borders by defaultJeff Zhao
2021-04-05make tui_worker more modularJeff Zhao
2021-03-26fix uppercase search patterns not being converted to lowercaseJeff Zhao
2021-03-14Update README.mdJeff Zhao
2021-03-06Update rust.yml0.8.6Jeff Zhao
2021-03-06Update rust.ymlJeff Zhao
2021-03-06version bump 0.8.6Jeff Zhao
2021-02-21remove some codeJeff Zhao
2021-02-14fix devicons not workingJeff Zhao
2021-02-13remove unnecessary codeJeff Zhao