path: root/bin/core/imag-ids
diff options
authorMatthias Beyer <>2019-07-28 10:45:44 +0200
committerMatthias Beyer <>2019-07-28 10:48:00 +0200
commit109292c65a22c0097b6818d835e0ab2b0a5f04bb (patch)
tree84d852641b98d9ca59bf4a9aebd0c8009a410b28 /bin/core/imag-ids
parent5ec1a8a2d4f55ecf1d3b98edb0467601ff79aac6 (diff)
Remove "where" clause filtering
Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/core/imag-ids')
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 788 deletions
diff --git a/bin/core/imag-ids/Cargo.toml b/bin/core/imag-ids/Cargo.toml
index 05167dd1..d4570a69 100644
--- a/bin/core/imag-ids/Cargo.toml
+++ b/bin/core/imag-ids/Cargo.toml
@@ -21,11 +21,9 @@ maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }
filters = "0.3.0"
-nom = "3.2.0"
log = "0.4.6"
toml = "0.5.1"
toml-query = "0.9.2"
-is-match = "0.1.0"
failure = "0.1.5"
libimagstore = { version = "0.10.0", path = "../../../lib/core/libimagstore" }
diff --git a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
index da9de964..55587098 100644
--- a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
+++ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
@@ -43,701 +43,3 @@ impl<'a, A> Filter<StoreId> for IsInCollectionsFilter<'a, A>
-/// Language definition for the header-filter language
-pub mod header_filter_lang {
- use std::str;
- use std::str::FromStr;
- use std::process::exit;
- use nom::digit;
- use nom::multispace;
- use failure::Error;
- use libimagstore::store::Entry;
- use libimagerror::trace::MapErrTrace;
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Unary {
- Not
- }
- named!(unary_operator<Unary>, alt_complete!(
- tag!("not") => { |_| { trace!("Unary::Not"); Unary::Not }}
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum CompareOp {
- OpIs,
- OpIn,
- OpEq,
- OpNeq,
- OpGte, // >=
- OpLte, // <=
- OpLt, // <
- OpGt, // >
- }
- named!(compare_op<CompareOp>, alt_complete!(
- tag!("is" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpIs"); CompareOp::OpIs }} |
- tag!("in" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpIn"); CompareOp::OpIn }} |
- tag!("==" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpEq"); CompareOp::OpEq }} |
- tag!("eq" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpEq"); CompareOp::OpEq }} |
- tag!("!=" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpNeq"); CompareOp::OpNeq }} |
- tag!("neq") => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpNeq"); CompareOp::OpNeq }} |
- tag!(">=" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpGte"); CompareOp::OpGte }} |
- tag!("<=" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpLte"); CompareOp::OpLte }} |
- tag!("<" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpLt"); CompareOp::OpLt }} |
- tag!(">" ) => { |_| { trace!("CompareOp::OpGt"); CompareOp::OpGt }}
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Operator {
- Or,
- And,
- Xor,
- }
- named!(operator<Operator>, alt_complete!(
- tag!("or") => { |_| { trace!("Operator::Or"); Operator::Or }} |
- tag!("and") => { |_| { trace!("Operator::And"); Operator::And }} |
- tag!("xor") => { |_| { trace!("Operator::Xor"); Operator::Xor }}
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Function {
- Length,
- Keys,
- Values,
- }
- named!(function<Function>, alt_complete!(
- tag!("length") => { |_| { trace!("Function::Length"); Function::Length }} |
- tag!("keys") => { |_| { trace!("Function::Keys"); Function::Keys }} |
- tag!("values") => { |_| { trace!("Function::Values"); Function::Values }}
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Value {
- Boolean(bool),
- Integer(i64),
- String(String),
- }
- named!(int64<i64>, map!(digit, |r: &[u8]| {
- let val = str::from_utf8(r).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
- error!("Error = '{:?}'", e);
- ::std::process::exit(1)
- });
- i64::from_str(val).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
- error!("Error while parsing number: '{:?}'", e);
- ::std::process::exit(1)
- })
- }));
- named!(signed_digits<(Option<&[u8]>, i64)>,
- pair!(opt!(alt!(tag_s!("+") | tag_s!("-"))), int64)
- );
- named!(integer<i64>, do_parse!(tpl: signed_digits >> ({
- let v = match tpl.0 {
- Some(b"-") => -tpl.1,
- _ => tpl.1,
- };
- trace!("integer = {:?}", v);
- v
- })));
- named!(boolean<bool>, alt_complete!(
- tag!("false") => { |_| { trace!("'false'"); false }} |
- tag!("true") => { |_| { trace!("'true'"); true }}
- ));
- named!(string<String>, do_parse!(
- text: delimited!(char!('"'), take_until!("\""), char!('"'))
- >> ({
- let s = String::from_utf8(text.to_vec()).unwrap();
- trace!("Parsed string: {:?}", s);
- s
- })
- ));
- named!(val<Value>, alt_complete!(
- do_parse!(b: boolean >> ({
- let v = Value::Boolean(b);
- trace!("Value = {:?}", v);
- v
- })) |
- do_parse!(number: integer >> ({
- let v = Value::Integer(number);
- trace!("Value = {:?}", v);
- v
- })) |
- do_parse!(text: string >> ({
- let v = Value::String(text);
- trace!("Value = {:?}", v);
- v
- }))
- ));
- named!(list_of_val<Vec<Value>>, do_parse!(
- char!('[') >>
- list: many0!(
- do_parse!(
- list: terminated!(val, opt!(char!(','))) >>
- opt!(multispace) >>
- (list)
- )) >>
- char!(']') >> (list)
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum CompareValue {
- Value(Value),
- Values(Vec<Value>)
- }
- named!(compare_value<CompareValue>, alt_complete!(
- do_parse!(list: list_of_val >> (CompareValue::Values(list))) |
- do_parse!(val: val >> (CompareValue::Value(val)))
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- enum Selector {
- Direct(String),
- Function(Function, String)
- }
- impl Selector {
- fn selector_str(&self) -> &String {
- match *self {
- Selector::Direct(ref s) => s,
- Selector::Function(_, ref s) => s,
- }
- }
- fn function(&self) -> Option<&Function> {
- match *self {
- Selector::Direct(_) => None,
- Selector::Function(ref f, _) => Some(f),
- }
- }
- }
- named!(selector_str<String>, do_parse!(
- selector: take_till!(|s: u8| s == b' ') >> (String::from_utf8(selector.to_vec()).unwrap())
- ));
- named!(bracketed,
- delimited!(
- tag!("("),
- take_until!(")"),
- tag!(")")
- )
- );
- named!(selector<Selector>, alt_complete!(
- do_parse!(fun: function >> sel: bracketed >> ({
- let sel = Selector::Function(fun, String::from_utf8(sel.to_vec()).unwrap());
- trace!("Building Selector object: {:?}", sel);
- sel
- })) |
- do_parse!(sel: selector_str >> ({
- let sel = Selector::Direct(sel);
- trace!("Building Selector object: {:?}", sel);
- sel
- }))
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- struct Filter {
- unary : Option<Unary>,
- selector : Selector,
- compare_operator : CompareOp,
- compare_value : CompareValue,
- }
- named!(filter<Filter>, do_parse!(
- unary: opt!(unary_operator) >>
- selec: selector >> opt!(multispace) >>
- comop: compare_op >> opt!(multispace) >>
- cmval: compare_value >>
- ({
- let f = Filter {
- unary: unary,
- selector: selec,
- compare_operator: comop,
- compare_value: cmval,
- };
- trace!("Building Filter object: {:?}", f);
- f
- })
- ));
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
- pub struct Query {
- filter: Filter,
- next_filters: Vec<(Operator, Filter)>,
- }
- named!(parse_query<Query>, do_parse!(
- filt: filter >>
- next: many0!(do_parse!(opt!(multispace) >> op: operator >> opt!(multispace) >> fil: filter >> ((op, fil)))) >>
- ({
- let q = Query {
- filter: filt,
- next_filters: next,
- };
- trace!("Building Query object: {:?}", q);
- q
- })
- ));
- /// Helper type which can filters::filter::Filter be implemented on so that the implementation
- /// of ::filters::filter::Filter on self::Filter is less complex.
- struct Comparator<'a>(&'a CompareOp, &'a CompareValue);
- impl<'a> ::filters::filter::Filter<::toml::Value> for Comparator<'a> {
- fn filter(&self, val: &::toml::Value) -> bool {
- use self::CompareValue as CV;
- use self::CompareOp as CO;
- use toml::Value as TVal;
- match *self.0 {
- CO::OpIs => match self.1 {
- &CV::Values(_) => error_exit("Cannot check whether a header field is the same type as mulitple values!"),
- &CV::Value(ref v) => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} and {:?} have same type", v, val);
- match v {
- &Value::Boolean(_) => is_match!(*val, TVal::Boolean(_)),
- &Value::Integer(_) => is_match!(*val, TVal::Integer(_)),
- &Value::String(_) => is_match!(val, &TVal::String(_)),
- }
- },
- },
- CO::OpIn => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} is in {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Boolean(i)), &TVal::Boolean(j)) => i == j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i == j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::String(ref s)), &TVal::String(ref b)) => s.contains(b),
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(ref v), &TVal::Integer(j)) => v.iter().any(|e| match e {
- &Value::Integer(i) => i == j,
- _ => false
- }),
- (&CV::Values(ref v), &TVal::String(ref b)) => v.iter().any(|e| match e {
- &Value::String(ref s) => s == b,
- _ => false
- }),
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => false,
- }
- },
- CO::OpEq => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} == {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Boolean(i)), &TVal::Boolean(j)) => i == j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i == j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::String(ref s)), &TVal::String(ref b)) => s == b,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => error_exit("Cannot check a header field for equality to multiple header fields!"),
- }
- },
- CO::OpNeq => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} != {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Boolean(i)), &TVal::Boolean(j)) => i != j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i != j,
- (&CV::Value(Value::String(ref s)), &TVal::String(ref b)) => s != b,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => error_exit("Cannot check a header field for inequality to multiple header fields!"),
- }
- },
- CO::OpGte => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} >= {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i >= j,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => error_exit("Cannot check a header field for greater_than_equal to multiple header fields!"),
- }
- },
- CO::OpLte => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} <= {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i <= j,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => error_exit("Cannot check a header field for lesser_than_equal to multiple header fields!"),
- }
- },
- CO::OpLt => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} < {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i < j,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => error_exit("Cannot check a header field for lesser_than to multiple header fields!"),
- }
- },
- CO::OpGt => {
- trace!("Checking whether {:?} > {:?}", self.1, val);
- match (self.1, val) {
- (&CV::Value(Value::Integer(i)), &TVal::Integer(j)) => i > j,
- (&CV::Value(_), _) => false,
- (&CV::Values(_), _) => {
- error!("Cannot check a header field for greater_than to multiple header fields!");
- exit(1)
- },
- }
- },
- }
- }
- }
- impl ::filters::filter::Filter<Entry> for Filter {
- fn filter(&self, entry: &Entry) -> bool {
- use toml_query::read::TomlValueReadExt;
- let selector_str = self.selector.selector_str();
- trace!("Filtering {} at {}", entry.get_location(), selector_str);
- entry
- .get_header()
- .read(selector_str)
- .map_err(Error::from)
- .map_err_trace_exit_unwrap()
- .map(|value| {
- let comp = Comparator(&self.compare_operator, &self.compare_value);
- let val = match self.selector.function() {
- None => {
- ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(&comp, value)
- }
- Some(func) => {
- match *func {
- Function::Length => {
- let val = match value {
- &::toml::Value::Array(ref a) => a.len() as i64,
- &::toml::Value::String(ref s) => s.len() as i64,
- _ => 1
- };
- let val = ::toml::Value::Integer(val);
- ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(&comp, &val)
- },
- Function::Keys => {
- let keys = match value {
- &::toml::Value::Table(ref tab) => tab
- .keys()
- .cloned()
- .map(::toml::Value::String)
- .collect(),
- _ => return false,
- };
- let keys = ::toml::Value::Array(keys);
- ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(&comp, &keys)
- },
- Function::Values => {
- let vals = match value {
- &::toml::Value::Table(ref tab) => tab
- .values()
- .cloned()
- .collect(),
- _ => return false,
- };
- let vals = ::toml::Value::Array(vals);
- ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(&comp, &vals)
- },
- }
- }
- };
- match self.unary {
- Some(Unary::Not) => !val,
- _ => val
- }
- })
- .unwrap_or(false)
- }
- }
- impl ::filters::filter::Filter<Entry> for Query {
- fn filter(&self, entry: &Entry) -> bool {
- trace!("Filtering = {}", entry.get_location());
- let mut res = self.filter.filter(entry);
- trace!("First filter = {}", res);
- for &(ref operator, ref next) in self.next_filters.iter() {
- match *operator {
- Operator::Or => {
- trace!("Operator = {} OR {:?}", res, next);
- res = res || ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(next, entry);
- },
- Operator::And => {
- trace!("Operator = {} AND {:?}", res, next);
- res = res && ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(next, entry);
- },
- Operator::Xor => {
- trace!("Operator = {} XOR {:?}", res, next);
- let other = ::filters::filter::Filter::filter(next, entry);
- res = (res && !other) || (!res && other);
- },
- }
- trace!("After applying next filter = {}", res);
- }
- res
- }
- }
- fn error_exit(s: &'static str) -> ! {
- error!("{}", s);
- exit(1)
- }
- pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Query {
- match parse_query(s.as_bytes()) {
- ::nom::IResult::Done(_i, o) => o,
- ::nom::IResult::Error(e) => {
- error!("Error during parsing the query");
- error!("Error = {:?}", e);
- ::std::process::exit(1)
- },
- ::nom::IResult::Incomplete(needed) => {
- error!("Error during parsing the query. Incomplete input.");
- error!("Needed = {:?}", needed);
- ::std::process::exit(1)
- },
- }
- }
- #[cfg(test)]
- mod tests {
- use super::*;
- fn setup_logging() {
- let _ = ::env_logger::try_init();
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_unary() {
- assert_eq!(unary_operator(b"not").unwrap().1, Unary::Not);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_compare_op() {
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"is" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpIs );
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"in" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpIn );
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"==" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpEq );
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"eq" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpEq );
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"!=" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpNeq);
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"neq" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpNeq);
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b">=" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpGte);
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"<=" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpLte);
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b"<" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpLt );
- assert_eq!(compare_op(b">" ).unwrap().1, CompareOp::OpGt );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_operator() {
- assert_eq!(operator(b"or").unwrap().1, Operator::Or );
- assert_eq!(operator(b"and").unwrap().1, Operator::And );
- assert_eq!(operator(b"xor").unwrap().1, Operator::Xor );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_function() {
- assert_eq!(function(b"length").unwrap().1, Function::Length );
- assert_eq!(function(b"keys").unwrap().1, Function::Keys );
- assert_eq!(function(b"values").unwrap().1, Function::Values );
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_integer() {
- assert_eq!(integer(b"12").unwrap().1, 12);
- assert_eq!(integer(b"11292").unwrap().1, 11292);
- assert_eq!(integer(b"-12").unwrap().1, -12);
- assert_eq!(integer(b"10101012").unwrap().1, 10101012);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_string() {
- assert_eq!(string(b"\"foo\"").unwrap().1, "foo");
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_boolean() {
- assert_eq!(boolean(b"false").unwrap().1, false);
- assert_eq!(boolean(b"true").unwrap().1, true);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_val() {
- assert_eq!(val(b"false").unwrap().1, Value::Boolean(false));
- assert_eq!(val(b"true").unwrap().1, Value::Boolean(true));
- assert_eq!(val(b"12").unwrap().1, Value::Integer(12));
- assert_eq!(val(b"\"foobar\"").unwrap().1, Value::String(String::from("foobar")));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_list_of_val() {
- setup_logging();
- {
- let list = list_of_val(b"[]");
- debug!("list: {:?}", list);
- let vals = list.unwrap().1;
- assert_eq!(vals, vec![]);
- }
- {
- let list = list_of_val(b"[1]");
- debug!("list: {:?}", list);
- let vals = list.unwrap().1;
- assert_eq!(vals, vec![Value::Integer(1)]);
- }
- {
- let list = list_of_val(b"[12,13]");
- debug!("list: {:?}", list);
- let vals = list.unwrap().1;
- assert_eq!(vals, vec![Value::Integer(12), Value::Integer(13)]);
- }
- {
- let vals = list_of_val(b"[\"foobar\",\"bazbaz\"]").unwrap().1;
- let expt = vec![Value::String(String::from("foobar")),
- Value::String(String::from("bazbaz"))];
- assert_eq!(vals, expt)
- }
- {
- let vals = list_of_val(b"[\"1\", \"2\"]").unwrap().1;
- let expt = vec![Value::String(String::from("1")),
- Value::String(String::from("2"))];
- assert_eq!(vals, expt)
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_selector_str() {
- assert_eq!(selector_str(b" baz").unwrap().1, String::from(""));
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_selector() {
- assert_eq!(selector(b" baz").unwrap().1, Selector::Direct(String::from("")));
- assert_eq!(function(b"length").unwrap().1, Function::Length);
- let exp = Selector::Function(Function::Length, String::from(""));
- assert_eq!(selector(b"length(").unwrap().1, exp);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_filter_1() {
- setup_logging();
- trace!("Setup worked");
- let text = b"imag.header == 1";
- let exp = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Direct(String::from("imag.header")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpEq,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Value(Value::Integer(1))
- };
- let parsed = filter(text);
- trace!("{:?}", parsed);
- assert_eq!(parsed.unwrap().1, exp);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_filter_2() {
- setup_logging();
- trace!("Setup worked");
- let text = b"imag.header in [1, 2]";
- let exp = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Direct(String::from("imag.header")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpIn,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Values(vec![Value::Integer(1), Value::Integer(2)])
- };
- let parsed = filter(text);
- trace!("{:?}", parsed);
- assert_eq!(parsed.unwrap().1, exp);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_filter_3() {
- setup_logging();
- trace!("Setup worked");
- let text = b"length(imag.header) > 12";
- let exp = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Function(Function::Length, String::from("imag.header")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpGt,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Value(Value::Integer(12))
- };
- let parsed = filter(text);
- trace!("{:?}", parsed);
- assert_eq!(parsed.unwrap().1, exp);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_query_1() {
- setup_logging();
- trace!("Setup worked");
- let text = b"length(imag.header) > 12 or imag.foobar <= 125";
- let filter_1 = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Function(Function::Length, String::from("imag.header")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpGt,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Value(Value::Integer(12))
- };
- let filter_2 = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Direct(String::from("imag.foobar")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpLte,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Value(Value::Integer(125))
- };
- let operator = Operator::Or;
- let query = Query {
- filter: filter_1,
- next_filters: vec![(operator, filter_2)],
- };
- let parsed = parse_query(text);
- trace!("{:?}", parsed);
- assert_eq!(parsed.unwrap().1, query);
- }
- #[test]
- fn test_query_2() {
- setup_logging();
- trace!("Setup worked");
- let text = r#"imag.version == "0.7.0""#;
- let filter_1 = Filter {
- unary: None,
- selector: Selector::Direct(String::from("imag.version")),
- compare_operator: CompareOp::OpEq,
- compare_value: CompareValue::Value(Value::String(String::from("0.7.0")))
- };
- let query = Query {
- filter: filter_1,
- next_filters: vec![],
- };
- let parsed = parse_query(text.as_bytes());
- trace!("{:?}", parsed);
- assert_eq!(parsed.unwrap().1, query);
- }
- }
diff --git a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
index 4284b475..fbfdd420 100644
--- a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
+++ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@
extern crate clap;
extern crate filters;
-#[macro_use] extern crate nom;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
-#[macro_use] extern crate is_match;
extern crate toml;
extern crate toml_query;
#[macro_use] extern crate failure;
@@ -51,7 +49,6 @@ extern crate libimagstore;
#[macro_use] extern crate libimagrt;
use std::io::Write;
-use std::process::exit;
use filters::filter::Filter;
@@ -83,13 +80,6 @@ fn main() {
.map(|v| v.collect::<Vec<&str>>());
let collection_filter = IsInCollectionsFilter::new(values);
- let query_filter : Option<id_filters::header_filter_lang::Query> = rt
- .cli()
- .subcommand_matches("where")
- .map(|matches| {
- let query = matches.value_of("where-filter").unwrap(); // safe by clap
- id_filters::header_filter_lang::parse(&query)
- });
let iterator = if rt.ids_from_stdin() {
debug!("Fetching IDs from stdin...");
@@ -108,21 +98,6 @@ fn main() {
.filter(|id| collection_filter.filter(id))
- .filter(|id| match query_filter.as_ref() {
- None => true,
- Some(qf) => {
- let entry = rt
- .store()
- .get(id.clone())
- .map_err_trace_exit_unwrap()
- .unwrap_or_else(|| {
- error!("Tried to get '{}', but it does not exist!", id);
- exit(1)
- });
- qf.filter(&entry)
- }
- })
.map(|id| if print_storepath {
(Some(, id)
} else {
diff --git a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
index 7cfde684..81903f69 100644
--- a/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
+++ b/bin/core/imag-ids/src/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches, App, SubCommand};
+use clap::{Arg, ArgMatches, App};
use failure::Fallible as Result;
use libimagstore::storeid::StoreId;
@@ -40,17 +40,6 @@ pub fn build_ui<'a>(app: App<'a, 'a>) -> App<'a, 'a> {
.help("Filter for ids which are only in these collections"))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("where")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("where-filter")
- .index(1)
- .required(true)
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(false)
- .value_names(&["QUERY"])
- .help("Query the header of the entries and filter them"))
- )
- .after_help(include_str!("../static/"))
pub struct PathProvider;
diff --git a/bin/core/imag-ids/static/ b/bin/core/imag-ids/static/
deleted file mode 100644
index 362c5877..00000000
--- a/bin/core/imag-ids/static/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Language documentation for the imag-ids query language
-The query language imag-ids supports is rather simple.
-It can be used to filter the printed imag ids by the values in the header of the
-entries. It has no way to access the content of the entries (yet).
-Following is a BNF-like structure shown how the language definition works.
-This definition may change over time, as the language grews more powerful.
-query = filter (operator filter)*
-filter = unary? ( (function "(" selector ")" ) | selector ) op val
-unary = "not"
-op =
- "is" |
- "in" |
- "==" |
- "eq" |
- "!=" |
- "neq" |
- ">=" |
- "<=" |
- "<" |
- ">" |
- "any" |
- "all"
-val = val | listofval
-val = string | int | bool
-listofval = "[" (val ",")* "]"
-operator =
- "or" |
- "or_not" |
- "and" |
- "and_not" |
- "xor"
-function =
- "length" |
- "keys" |
- "values"
-A "string" quoted with double-quotes.
-A "val" does not yet support floats.