AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-17Add --log-count option to plot_histogram.pylog-countDavid Peter
2023-04-17Use plt.get_cmap instead of plt.colormapsNicolas van Kempen
2023-04-17Fix get_cmap MatplotlibDeprecationWarningNicolas van Kempen
2023-04-17Fix winapi type definition changeClemens Wasser
2023-04-01Bump predicates from 2.1.5 to 3.0.2dependabot[bot]
2023-04-01Bump thiserror from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40dependabot[bot]
2023-03-25Add profile.release sectionDavid Peter
2023-03-25CI updatesDavid Peter
2023-03-21Bump versionv1.16.1David Peter
2023-03-21Fix usage of --input=nullDavid Peter
2023-03-21Use max. term width, not term widthDavid Peter
2023-03-15Move Winget Releaser inside CICD workflowRyan Caezar Itang
2023-03-15Fix clippy suggestionsv1.16.0David Peter
2023-03-15Help text wrappingDavid Peter
2023-03-15Fix pipeline!David Peter
2023-03-15Fix pipeline!David Peter
2023-03-15MSRV in CI/CDDavid Peter
2023-03-15Fix clippy suggestionsDavid Peter
2023-03-15Update dependenciesDavid Peter
2023-03-15Update CI/CDDavid Peter
2023-03-15Bump versionDavid Peter
2023-03-15Prevent creation of file named '-'David Peter
2023-03-15Update CHANGELOGDavid Peter
2023-03-15removed unused importsHumble Penguin
2023-03-15used cfg!(windows) instead of env::consts::OSHumble Penguin
2023-03-15ran cargo fmtHumble Penguin
2023-03-15PR for issue #615Humble Penguin
2023-03-15Fix merge conflictsDavid Peter
2023-03-15Add CHANGELOG entryDavid Peter
2023-03-15Change error messageDavid Peter
2023-03-15Change order of input/oututDavid Peter
2023-03-15Formatting of help textDavid Peter
2023-03-15Rename test fileDavid Peter
2023-03-15Add the rest of the suggestions from code reviewSteve Nease
2023-03-15Apply suggestions from code reviewsnease
2023-03-15ran cargo fmtSteve Nease
2023-03-15Added --stdin-data argumentSteve Nease
2023-03-15Bump indicatif from 0.17.1 to 0.17.3dependabot[bot]
2023-03-15Bump nix from 0.25.0 to 0.26.2dependabot[bot]
2023-03-15Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3dependabot[bot]
2023-03-15Add Winget Releaser workflowRyan Caezar Itang
2023-03-15Add GitHub actions to DependabotRyan Caezar Itang
2023-03-01Bump once_cell from 1.16.0 to 1.17.1dependabot[bot]
2023-03-01Bump anyhow from 1.0.66 to 1.0.69dependabot[bot]
2023-03-01Add Windows installation instructionssitiom
2023-02-21Fix a link to benchMateusz Piotrowski
2023-02-18Fix a typoMateusz Piotrowski
2023-02-01Bump libc from 0.2.137 to 0.2.139dependabot[bot]
2023-02-01Bump assert_cmd from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8dependabot[bot]
2023-01-15Suggest to use `cargo install --locked`, see #605 andDavid Peter