path: root/src/
diff options
authorrabite <>2019-07-25 21:35:33 +0200
committerrabite <>2019-07-25 21:56:30 +0200
commit889abf77ada1058c76c58f4b9a9500d7b49c58d6 (patch)
tree6fe186488d6b6bd61c8817260d591fd587fcd979 /src/
parentc106fded2e72434d9a98b8c227d6981e5caee5fe (diff)
add custom keybindings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 1094 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6755d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1094 @@
+use termion::event::Key;
+use ini::Ini;
+use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::fmt::{Display, Debug};
+use crate::fail::{HError, HResult, KeyBindError, ErrorLog};
+use crate::widget::Widget;
+pub type KbResult<T> = Result<T, KeyBindError>;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Bindings<T>(HashMap<AnyKey, T>);
+impl<T> Bindings<T> {
+ pub fn get(&self,
+ key: impl Into<AnyKey>) -> Option<&T> {
+ self.0.get(&key.into())
+ }
+ pub fn insert(&mut self,
+ key: impl Into<AnyKey>,
+ value: T) -> Option<T> {
+ self.0.insert(key.into(), value)
+ }
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Bindings(HashMap::new())
+ }
+pub trait Acting
+ Self: Widget,
+ Self::Action: BindingSection + Debug,
+ Bindings<Self::Action>: Default,
+ type Action;
+ fn search_in(&self) -> Bindings<Self::Action>;
+ fn do_action(&mut self, action: &Self::Action) -> HResult<()>;
+ fn movement(&mut self, _movement: &Movement) -> HResult<()> {
+ Err(KeyBindError::MovementUndefined)?
+ }
+ fn do_key(&mut self, key: Key) -> HResult<()> {
+ let gkey = AnyKey::from(key);
+ // Moving takes priority
+ if let Some(movement) = self.get_core()?
+ .config()
+ .keybinds
+ .movement
+ .get(gkey) {
+ match self.movement(movement) {
+ Ok(()) => return Ok(()),
+ Err(HError::KeyBind(KeyBindError::MovementUndefined)) => {}
+ Err(e) => Err(e)?
+ }
+ }
+ self.search_in();
+ let bindings = self.search_in();
+ if let Some(action) = bindings.get(key) {
+ return self.do_action(action)
+ } else if let Some(any_key) = gkey.any() {
+ if let Some(action) = bindings.get(any_key) {
+ let action = action.insert_key_param(key);
+ return self.do_action(&action);
+ }
+ }
+ HError::undefined_key(key)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct KeyBinds {
+ pub movement: Bindings<Movement>,
+ pub filebrowser: Bindings<FileBrowserAction>,
+ pub filelist: Bindings<FileListAction>,
+ pub tab: Bindings<TabAction>,
+ pub media: Bindings<MediaAction>,
+ pub bookmark: Bindings<BookmarkAction>,
+ pub process: Bindings<ProcessAction>,
+ pub minibuffer: Bindings<MiniBufferAction>,
+ pub fold: Bindings<FoldAction>,
+ pub log: Bindings<LogAction>,
+ pub quickaction: Bindings<QuickActionAction>,
+impl Default for KeyBinds {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ KeyBinds {
+ movement: Bindings::default(),
+ filebrowser: Bindings::default(),
+ filelist: Bindings::default(),
+ tab: Bindings::default(),
+ media: Bindings::default(),
+ bookmark: Bindings::default(),
+ process: Bindings::default(),
+ minibuffer: Bindings::default(),
+ fold: Bindings::default(),
+ log: Bindings::default(),
+ quickaction: Bindings::default()
+ }
+ }
+impl KeyBinds {
+ pub fn load() -> HResult<KeyBinds> {
+ let bindings_path = crate::paths::bindings_path()?;
+ let ini = Ini::load_from_file_noescape(bindings_path)
+ .map_err(KeyBindError::from)?;
+ let movement = Movement::load_section(&ini);
+ let filebrowser = FileBrowserAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let filelist = FileListAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let tab = TabAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let media = MediaAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let bookmark = BookmarkAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let process = ProcessAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let minibuffer = MiniBufferAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let fold = FoldAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let log = LogAction::load_section(&ini);
+ let quickaction = QuickActionAction::load_section(&ini);
+ Ok(KeyBinds {
+ movement,
+ filebrowser,
+ filelist,
+ tab,
+ media,
+ bookmark,
+ process,
+ minibuffer,
+ fold,
+ log,
+ quickaction
+ })
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+pub enum AnyKey {
+ Key(Key),
+ AnyChar,
+ AnyF,
+ AnyCtrl,
+ AnyAlt
+impl Display for AnyKey {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ use AnyKey::*;
+ use termion::event::Key::*;
+ match self {
+ Key(key) => match key {
+ Char(ch) => write!(fmt, "{}", ch),
+ Alt(ch) => write!(fmt, "M-{}", ch),
+ Ctrl(ch) => write!(fmt, "C-{}", ch),
+ F(n) => write!(fmt, "F{}", n),
+ k @ _ => write!(fmt, "{:?}", k)
+ }
+ AnyChar => write!(fmt, "_"),
+ AnyF => write!(fmt, "F_"),
+ AnyCtrl => write!(fmt, "C-_"),
+ AnyAlt => write!(fmt, "M-_")
+ }
+ }
+impl AnyKey {
+ pub fn any(&self) -> Option<AnyKey> {
+ use AnyKey::*;
+ use termion::event::Key::*;
+ match self {
+ Key(F(_)) => Some(AnyF),
+ Key(Char(_)) => Some(AnyChar),
+ Key(Ctrl(_)) => Some(AnyCtrl),
+ Key(Alt(_)) => Some(AnyAlt),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+impl From<Key> for AnyKey {
+ fn from(key: Key) -> Self {
+ AnyKey::Key(key)
+ }
+impl FromStr for AnyKey {
+ type Err = KeyBindError;
+ fn from_str(key: &str) -> Result<AnyKey, Self::Err> {
+ use AnyKey::*;
+ use termion::event::Key::*;
+ let key_err = |key: &str| {
+ KeyBindError::ParseKeyError(key.to_string())
+ };
+ let predefined = |key| {
+ match key {
+ "Backspace" => Some(Key(Backspace)),
+ "Left" => Some(Key(Left)),
+ "Right" => Some(Key(Right)),
+ "Up" => Some(Key(Up)),
+ "Down" => Some(Key(Down)),
+ "Home" => Some(Key(Home)),
+ "End" => Some(Key(End)),
+ "PageUp" => Some(Key(PageUp)),
+ "PageDown" => Some(Key(PageDown)),
+ "Delete" => Some(Key(Delete)),
+ "Insert" => Some(Key(Insert)),
+ "Tab" => Some(Key(Char('\t'))),
+ "BackTab" => Some(Key(BackTab)),
+ "Enter" => Some(Key(Char('\n'))),
+ "Space" => Some(Key(Char(' '))),
+ "\\_" => Some(Key(Char('_'))),
+ "_" => Some(AnyChar),
+ "Esc" => Some(Key(Esc)),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ };
+ if let Some(key) = predefined(key) {
+ return Ok(key);
+ }
+ if key.starts_with("F") && key.len() == 2 {
+ let chr = key.get(1..2);
+ if chr == Some("_") {
+ Ok(AnyF)
+ } else {
+ chr.ok_or_else(|| key_err(key))
+ .and_then(|num|
+ num
+ .parse()
+ .map(|n|
+ Key(F(n)))
+ .map_err(|_| key_err(key)))
+ }
+ } else if let Ok(key) = key.parse() {
+ Ok(Key(Char(key)))
+ } else {
+ let parts = key.split('-').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
+ let (modifier, maybe_key) = if parts.len() > 2 {
+ // Something is wrong if there are more parts
+ return Err(key_err(key));
+ } else {
+ (parts.get(0).and_then(|p| p.parse().ok()),
+ parts.get(1).and_then(|p| p.parse().ok()))
+ };
+ match (modifier, maybe_key) {
+ (Some(ch), None) => match ch {
+ '_' => Ok(AnyChar),
+ _ => Ok(Key(Char(ch)))
+ }
+ (Some('C'), Some(ch)) => match ch {
+ '_' => Ok(AnyCtrl),
+ _ => Ok(Key(Ctrl(ch)))
+ }
+ (Some('A'), Some(ch)) => match ch {
+ '_' => Ok(AnyAlt),
+ _ => Ok(Key(Alt(ch)))
+ }
+ (Some('M'), Some(ch)) => match ch {
+ '_' => Ok(AnyAlt),
+ _ => Ok(Key(Alt(ch)))
+ }
+ _ => Err(key_err(key))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum CharOrNum {
+ Char(char),
+ Num(usize),
+ Any
+impl CharOrNum {
+ fn char_or(self, default: char) -> char {
+ match self {
+ CharOrNum::Char(ch) => ch,
+ CharOrNum::Any => default,
+ _ => {
+ KeyBindError::CharOrNumWrongType(String::from("char"),
+ String::from("number")).log();
+ default
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn num_or(self, default: usize) -> usize {
+ match self {
+ CharOrNum::Num(num) => num,
+ CharOrNum::Any => default,
+ _ => {
+ KeyBindError::CharOrNumWrongType(String::from("number"),
+ String::from("char")).log();
+ default
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl FromStr for CharOrNum {
+ type Err = KeyBindError;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ let s = s.trim_start_matches("(")
+ .trim_end_matches(")");
+ if s == "_" {
+ return Ok(Self::Any)
+ }
+ if let Ok(num) = s.parse() {
+ Ok(Self::Num(num))
+ } else if let Ok(ch) = s.parse() {
+ Ok(Self::Char(ch))
+ } else {
+ Err(KeyBindError::CharOrNumParseError(s.to_string()))
+ }
+ }
+pub trait BindingSection
+ Self: FromStr + Copy + Display + Debug,
+ Bindings<Self>: Default
+ fn section() -> &'static str;
+ fn process_action_str(action_str: &str) -> (&str, Option<CharOrNum>) {
+ // Could be something like Up(10) for going up 10 times
+ action_str.rfind("(")
+ .map(|split_pos| {
+ let split = action_str.split_at(split_pos);
+ let action = split.0;
+ let param = split.1
+ .trim_start_matches("(")
+ .trim_end_matches(")");
+ (action, param.parse().log_and().ok())
+ }).unwrap_or((action_str, None))
+ }
+ // statically inserts hardcoded stuff from config like "Up(10)" into action
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ let msg = format!("Warning: Unsupported config parameter {:?} for {}",
+ param,
+ self);
+ HError::log::<()>(&msg).ok();
+ self
+ }
+ // dynamically inserts stuff like number from "F(8)" key event into action
+ fn insert_key_param(self, _key: Key) -> Self {
+ self
+ }
+ // sets default values for actions with parameters
+ fn as_default(self) -> Self {
+ self
+ }
+ fn parse_section(ini: &Ini) -> HResult<Bindings<Self>> {
+ let section = ini.section(Some(Self::section()))?;
+ let mut bindings = Bindings::new();
+ for (action_str, keys_str) in section.iter() {
+ let (action_str, config_param) = Self::process_action_str(action_str);
+ let action = Self::from_str(action_str)
+ .map_err(|_| KeyBindError::WrongAction(action_str.to_string()))
+ .map_err(HError::from)
+ .map(|act|
+ if let Some(cp) = config_param {
+ act.insert_config_param(cp)
+ } else {
+ // default() values on e.g. usize are often useless for actions
+ act.as_default()
+ });
+ // If action isn't valid log it and try next binding
+ if action.is_err() { action.log(); continue; }
+ for key_str in keys_str.split(",") {
+ let key_str = key_str.trim();
+ let key = key_str.parse::<AnyKey>()
+ .map_err(|_| KeyBindError::WrongKey(action_str.to_string(),
+ key_str.to_string()));
+ // If key isn't valid log it and try next binding
+ if key.is_err() { key.log(); continue; }
+ bindings.insert(key?, action.clone()?);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(bindings)
+ }
+ fn load_section(ini: &Ini) -> Bindings<Self> {
+ Self::parse_section(ini)
+ .log_and()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_| Bindings::default())
+ }
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum Movement {
+ Up(usize),
+ Down(usize),
+ Left,
+ Right,
+ Top,
+ Bottom,
+ PageUp,
+ PageDown,
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum FileBrowserAction {
+ LeftColumnDown,
+ LeftColumnUp,
+ GotoHome,
+ TurboCd,
+ SelectExternal,
+ EnterDirExternal,
+ Quit,
+ QuitWithDir,
+ RunInBackground,
+ GotoPrevCwd,
+ ShowBookmarks,
+ AddBookmark,
+ ShowProcesses,
+ ShowLog,
+ ShowQuickActions,
+ RunSubshell,
+ ToggleColumns,
+ ExecCmd
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum FileListAction {
+ Search,
+ SearchNext,
+ SearchPrev,
+ Filter,
+ Select,
+ InvertSelection,
+ ClearSelection,
+ FilterSelection,
+ ToggleTag,
+ ToggleHidden,
+ ReverseSort,
+ CycleSort,
+ ToNextMtime,
+ ToPrevMtime,
+ ToggleDirsFirst,
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum TabAction {
+ NewTab,
+ CloseTab,
+ NextTab,
+ PrevTab,
+ GotoTab(usize),
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum MediaAction {
+ TogglePause,
+ ToggleMute,
+ SeekForward,
+ SeekBackward,
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum BookmarkAction {
+ GotoLastCwd,
+ Goto(char),
+ Delete(char)
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum ProcessAction {
+ Close,
+ Remove,
+ Kill,
+ FollowOutput,
+ ScrollOutputDown,
+ ScrollOutputUp,
+ ScrollOutputPageDown,
+ ScrollOutputPageUp,
+ ScrollOutputBottom,
+ ScrollOutputTop
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum MiniBufferAction {
+ InsertChar(char),
+ InsertTab(usize),
+ Cancel,
+ Finish,
+ Complete,
+ DeleteChar,
+ BackwardDeleteChar,
+ CursorLeft,
+ CursorRight,
+ HistoryUp,
+ HistoryDown,
+ ClearLine,
+ DeleteWord,
+ CursorToStart,
+ CursorToEnd
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum FoldAction {
+ ToggleFold
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum LogAction {
+ Close
+#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Copy, Clone, Display, Debug)]
+pub enum QuickActionAction {
+ Close,
+ SelectOrRun(char)
+impl BindingSection for Movement {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "movement"
+ }
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ use Movement::*;
+ let n = param.num_or(1);
+ match self {
+ Up(_) => Up(n),
+ Down(_) => Down(n),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ fn as_default(self) -> Self {
+ use Movement::*;
+ match self {
+ Up(_) => Up(1),
+ Down(_) => Down(1),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<Movement> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Movement::*;
+ let mut movement = Bindings::new();
+ for action in Movement::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ Up(_) => Key::Char('k'),
+ Down(_) => Key::Char('j'),
+ Left => Key::Char('b'),
+ Right => Key::Char('f'),
+ Top => Key::Char('<'),
+ Bottom => Key::Char('>'),
+ PageUp => Key::PageUp,
+ PageDown => Key::PageDown,
+ };
+ movement.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ movement.insert(Key::Char('K'), Movement::Up(10));
+ movement.insert(Key::Char('J'), Movement::Down(10));
+ movement.insert(Key::Down, Movement::Down(1));
+ movement.insert(Key::Up, Movement::Up(1));
+ movement.insert(Key::Home, Movement::Top);
+ movement.insert(Key::End, Movement::Bottom);
+ movement.insert(Key::Ctrl('v'), Movement::PageDown);
+ movement.insert(Key::Ctrl('V'), Movement::PageUp);
+ movement
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<FileBrowserAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use FileBrowserAction::*;
+ let mut filebrowser = Bindings::new();
+ for action in FileBrowserAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ LeftColumnDown => Char(']'),
+ LeftColumnUp => Char('['),
+ GotoHome => Char('~'),
+ TurboCd => Char('/'),
+ SelectExternal => Alt(' '),
+ EnterDirExternal => Char('/'),
+ Quit => Char('q'),
+ QuitWithDir => Char('Q'),
+ RunInBackground => Char('F'),
+ GotoPrevCwd => Char('-'),
+ ShowBookmarks => Char('`'),
+ AddBookmark => Char('b'),
+ ShowProcesses => Char('w'),
+ ShowLog => Char('l'),
+ ShowQuickActions => Char('a'),
+ RunSubshell => Char('z'),
+ ToggleColumns => Char('c'),
+ ExecCmd => Char('!')
+ };
+ filebrowser.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ filebrowser
+ }
+impl BindingSection for FileBrowserAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "filebrowser"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<FileListAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use FileListAction::*;
+ let mut filelist = Bindings::new();
+ for action in FileListAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ Search => Ctrl('s'),
+ SearchNext => Alt('s'),
+ SearchPrev => Alt('S'),
+ Filter => Ctrl('f'),
+ Select => Char(' '),
+ InvertSelection => Char('v'),
+ ClearSelection => Char('V'),
+ FilterSelection => Alt('V'),
+ ToggleTag => Char('t'),
+ ToggleHidden => Char('h'),
+ ReverseSort => Char('r'),
+ CycleSort => Char('s'),
+ ToNextMtime => Char('K'),
+ ToPrevMtime => Char('k'),
+ ToggleDirsFirst => Char('d')
+ };
+ filelist.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ filelist
+ }
+impl BindingSection for FileListAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "filelist"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<TabAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use TabAction::*;
+ let mut tab = Bindings::new();
+ for action in TabAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ NewTab => Ctrl('t').into(),
+ NextTab => Char('\t').into(),
+ PrevTab => BackTab.into(),
+ CloseTab => Ctrl('w').into(),
+ GotoTab(_) => AnyKey::AnyF
+ };
+ tab.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ tab
+ }
+impl BindingSection for TabAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "tabs"
+ }
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ use TabAction::*;
+ let n = param.num_or(1);
+ match self {
+ GotoTab(_) => GotoTab(n),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ fn insert_key_param(self, key: Key) -> Self {
+ match (self, key) {
+ (TabAction::GotoTab(_), Key::F(n)) => TabAction::GotoTab(n as usize - 1),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<MediaAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use MediaAction::*;
+ let mut media = Bindings::new();
+ for action in MediaAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ TogglePause => Alt('m'),
+ ToggleMute => Alt('M'),
+ SeekForward => Alt('>'),
+ SeekBackward => Alt('<')
+ };
+ media.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ media
+ }
+impl BindingSection for MediaAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "media"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<BookmarkAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use BookmarkAction::*;
+ let mut bookmark = Bindings::new();
+ for action in BookmarkAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ GotoLastCwd => Char('`').into(),
+ Goto(_) => AnyKey::AnyChar,
+ BookmarkAction::Delete(_) => AnyKey::AnyAlt
+ };
+ bookmark.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ bookmark
+ }
+impl BindingSection for BookmarkAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "bookmarks"
+ }
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ use BookmarkAction::*;
+ let ch = param.char_or('E');
+ match self {
+ Goto(_) => Goto(ch),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ fn insert_key_param(self, key: Key) -> Self {
+ use BookmarkAction::*;
+ match (self, key) {
+ (Goto(_), Key::Char(ch)) => Goto(ch),
+ (Delete(_), Key::Char(ch)) => Delete(ch),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<ProcessAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use ProcessAction::*;
+ let mut process = Bindings::new();
+ for action in ProcessAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ Close => Char('w'),
+ Remove => Char('d'),
+ Kill => Char('k'),
+ FollowOutput => Char('f'),
+ ScrollOutputDown => Ctrl('n'),
+ ScrollOutputUp => Ctrl('p'),
+ ScrollOutputPageDown => Ctrl('v'),
+ ScrollOutputPageUp => Ctrl('V'),
+ ScrollOutputBottom => Char('>'),
+ ScrollOutputTop => Ctrl('<')
+ };
+ process.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ process
+ }
+impl BindingSection for ProcessAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "processes"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<MiniBufferAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use termion::event::Key::*;
+ use AnyKey::*;
+ use MiniBufferAction::*;
+ let mut minibuffer = Bindings::new();
+ for action in MiniBufferAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ InsertChar(_) => AnyChar,
+ InsertTab(_) => AnyF,
+ Cancel => Ctrl('c').into(),
+ Finish => Char('\n').into(),
+ Complete => Char('\t').into(),
+ DeleteChar => Delete.into(),
+ BackwardDeleteChar => Backspace.into(),
+ CursorLeft => Ctrl('b').into(),
+ CursorRight => Ctrl('f').into(),
+ HistoryUp => Ctrl('p').into(),
+ HistoryDown => Ctrl('n').into(),
+ ClearLine => Ctrl('u').into(),
+ DeleteWord => Ctrl('h').into(),
+ CursorToStart => Ctrl('a').into(),
+ CursorToEnd => Ctrl('e').into()
+ };
+ minibuffer.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ minibuffer.insert(Esc, Cancel);
+ minibuffer.insert(AnyKey::AnyChar, InsertChar('E'));
+ minibuffer.insert(Ctrl('d'), DeleteChar);
+ minibuffer.insert(Left, CursorLeft);
+ minibuffer.insert(Right, CursorRight);
+ minibuffer.insert(Alt('p'), HistoryUp);
+ minibuffer.insert(Alt('n'), HistoryDown);
+ minibuffer.insert(Down, HistoryDown);
+ minibuffer
+ }
+impl BindingSection for MiniBufferAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "minibuffer"
+ }
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ use MiniBufferAction::*;
+ let ch = param.char_or('E');
+ match self {
+ InsertChar(_) => InsertChar(ch),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ fn insert_key_param(self, key: Key) -> Self {
+ use MiniBufferAction::*;
+ use Key::*;
+ match (self, key) {
+ (InsertChar(_), Char(ch)) => InsertChar(ch),
+ (InsertTab(_), F(n)) => InsertTab(n as usize),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<FoldAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use FoldAction::*;
+ let mut fold = Bindings::new();
+ for action in FoldAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ ToggleFold => Char('t')
+ };
+ fold.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ fold
+ }
+impl BindingSection for FoldAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "fold"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<LogAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use Key::*;
+ use LogAction::*;
+ let mut log = Bindings::new();
+ for action in LogAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ Close => Char('l')
+ };
+ log.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ log
+ }
+impl BindingSection for LogAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "log"
+ }
+impl Default for Bindings<QuickActionAction> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ use AnyKey::*;
+ use termion::event::Key::*;
+ use QuickActionAction::*;
+ let mut quickaction = Bindings::new();
+ for action in QuickActionAction::iter() {
+ let key = match action {
+ Close => Key(Char('a')),
+ SelectOrRun(_) => AnyChar
+ };
+ quickaction.insert(key, action.as_default());
+ }
+ quickaction.insert(Ctrl('c'), Close);
+ quickaction.insert(Esc, Close);
+ quickaction
+ }
+impl BindingSection for QuickActionAction {
+ fn section() -> &'static str {
+ "quickaction"
+ }
+ // statically inserts hardcoded stuff from config like "Up(10)" into action
+ fn insert_config_param(self, param: CharOrNum) -> Self {
+ use QuickActionAction::*;
+ let ch = param.char_or('E');
+ match self {
+ SelectOrRun(_) => SelectOrRun(ch),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ fn insert_key_param(self, key: Key) -> Self {
+ use QuickActionAction::*;
+ use Key::*;
+ match (self, key) {
+ (SelectOrRun(_), Char(ch)) => SelectOrRun(ch),
+ (SelectOrRun(_), Ctrl(ch)) => SelectOrRun(ch),
+ (SelectOrRun(_), Alt(ch)) => SelectOrRun(ch),
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+fn test_keyparse() {
+ let keys = ["C-a", "A-_", "Delete", "a", "F9", "C-_"];
+ for key in keys.iter() {
+ let parsed = key.parse::<AnyKey>();
+ dbg!(parsed).ok();
+ }