diff options
authorrabite <>2020-05-24 21:00:04 +0200
committerrabite <>2020-05-24 21:02:57 +0200
commitfa9f48ae8d53ce6ffda9e57fe1b278852348992f (patch)
parenta101010fc1b794cf54548b42697c2c4ba545cdbe (diff)
add and iter.rssplay
2 files changed, 659 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8b4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+use bumpalo::{collections::Vec, Bump};
+use crossbeam::utils::{Backoff, CachePadded};
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::ptr::NonNull;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+// Concurrent access to the Bump allocator is prevented through the
+// use of a simple atomics based spin loop.
+unsafe impl Send for Allocator {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Allocator {}
+pub struct Allocator {
+ bump: Bump,
+ lock: CachePadded<std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool>,
+pub struct Mem {
+ ptr: NonNull<u8>,
+ cap: usize,
+ len: usize,
+pub enum RawAlloc {
+ PathBuf(Mem),
+ String(Mem),
+impl Allocator {
+ pub fn new() -> Allocator {
+ Allocator {
+ bump: Bump::new(),
+ lock: CachePadded::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn pathbuf(&self, size: usize) -> RawAlloc {
+ self.lock();
+ let vec = Vec::with_capacity_in(size, &self.bump);
+ self.unlock();
+ let mem = Mem {
+ ptr: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(vec.into_bump_slice_mut().as_mut_ptr()) },
+ cap: size,
+ len: 0,
+ };
+ RawAlloc::PathBuf(mem)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn string(&self, size: usize) -> RawAlloc {
+ self.lock();
+ let vec = Vec::with_capacity_in(size, &self.bump);
+ self.unlock();
+ let mem = Mem {
+ ptr: unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(vec.into_bump_slice_mut().as_mut_ptr()) },
+ cap: size,
+ len: 0,
+ };
+ RawAlloc::String(mem)
+ }
+ // Only reason this ISN'T wrong is that capacity will always be
+ // larger than size. Otherwise a race during reallocation could
+ // cause bad things to happen.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn tmpfiles(&self, cap: usize) -> Vec<crate::files::File> {
+ self.lock();
+ let vec = Vec::with_capacity_in(cap, &self.bump);
+ self.unlock();
+ vec
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn dentbuf(&self, cap: usize) -> *mut u8 {
+ let align = std::mem::align_of::<crate::files::linux_dirent>();
+ let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(cap, align).unwrap();
+ self.lock();
+ let buf = self.bump.alloc_layout(layout);
+ self.unlock();
+ buf.as_ptr()
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn lock(&self) {
+ let backoff = Backoff::new();
+ while self.lock.compare_and_swap(false, true, Ordering::Acquire) {
+ backoff.snooze();
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn unlock(&self) {
+, Ordering::Release);
+ }
+impl RawAlloc {
+ #[inline]
+ fn get_mem(&mut self) -> &mut Mem {
+ let mem = match self {
+ RawAlloc::PathBuf(mem) => mem,
+ RawAlloc::String(mem) => mem,
+ };
+ mem
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn write(&mut self, src: &[u8]) {
+ let mem = self.get_mem();
+ let len = mem.len;
+ let src_len = src.len();
+ if (mem.len + src_len) > mem.cap {
+ let mem_bytes = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(mem.ptr.as_ptr(), len) };
+ let mem_string = String::from_utf8_lossy(mem_bytes);
+ let src_string = String::from_utf8_lossy(src);
+ panic!(
+ "Can't write this much into {:?}\nWanted to add:{}",
+ mem_string, src_string
+ );
+ };
+ mem.len += src_len;
+ unsafe {
+ let ptr = mem.ptr.as_ptr().offset(len as isize);
+ ptr.copy_from_nonoverlapping(src.as_ptr(), src_len)
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn finalize_pathbuf(mut self) -> PathBuf {
+ let mem = self.get_mem();
+ let len = mem.len;
+ let cap = mem.cap;
+ let ptr = mem.ptr.as_ptr();
+ let pathbuf = unsafe {
+ let mut stdvec = std::vec::Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap);
+ let ptr = &mut stdvec as *mut std::vec::Vec<u8>;
+ std::mem::forget(stdvec);
+ ptr.cast::<PathBuf>().read()
+ };
+ return pathbuf;
+ }
+ // #[inline]
+ // #[target_feature(enable = "avx2")]
+ // unsafe fn verify_string(&self) -> bool {
+ // if let RawAlloc::String(mem) = self {
+ // let ptr = mem.ptr.as_ptr();
+ // let len = mem.len;
+ // let slice = // unsafe {
+ // std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len);
+ // //};
+ // let valid = is_utf8::lemire::avx::is_utf8_ascii_path(slice);
+ // return valid;
+ // } else { panic!("Called verify_string() on non-string allocation!"); }
+ // }
+ pub fn finalize_string(mut self) -> String {
+ let mem = self.get_mem();
+ let len = mem.len;
+ let cap = mem.cap;
+ let ptr = mem.ptr.as_ptr();
+ let string = unsafe {
+ // match self.verify_string() {
+ // true =>
+ String::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, cap) // ,
+ // false => {
+ // let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len);
+ // String::from_utf8_lossy(slice).to_string()
+ // }
+ // }
+ };
+ return string;
+ }
+impl Drop for Allocator {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ // if Arc::strong_count(&self.bump) <= 1 {
+ self.bump.reset();
+ // }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b9a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+use splay_tree::set::{SplaySet, VecLike, VecLikeMut};
+use crate::files::File;
+use std::sync::RwLockWriteGuard;
+pub struct FileIter<'a> {
+ files: &'a mut SplaySet<File>,
+ current: Option<&'a File>,
+ filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>,
+ done: bool,
+ n: usize,
+impl<'a> FileIter<'a> {
+ pub fn new(files: &'a mut SplaySet<File>, filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>) -> Self {
+ let mut iter = FileIter {
+ files: files,
+ current: None,
+ filter_fn,
+ done: false,
+ n: 0,
+ };
+ let file = iter.find_first_nonhidden();
+ iter.current = file;
+ iter
+ }
+ pub fn start_from(mut self, file: &'a File) -> Self {
+ // let mut first = file.clone();
+ // while let Some(current) = self.files.find_less(&first) {
+ // if (self.filter_fn)(current) == true {
+ // first = current.clone();
+ // break;
+ // } else {
+ // first = current.clone();
+ // }
+ // }
+ dbg!("STARTING FROM");
+ dbg!(&file);
+ self.current = Some(file);
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn seek_back(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
+ if n > 0 {
+ dbg!(n);
+ dbg!(&self.current);
+ self.nth_back(n - 1);
+ dbg!(&self.current);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ fn find_prev_nonhidden(&mut self, of: &'a File) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ let mut prev = of;
+ while let Some(current) = self.files.find_less(&prev).extend() {
+ prev = current;
+ if (self.filter_fn)(current) == true {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if of != prev {
+ Some(prev)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn find_next_nonhidden(&mut self, of: &'a File) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ let mut next = of;
+ while let Some(current) = self.files.find_upper_bound(&next).extend() {
+ next = current;
+ if (self.filter_fn)(current) == true {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if of != next {
+ Some(next)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn find_first_nonhidden(&mut self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ self.files.smallest().extend().map(|f| {
+ let mut first = f;
+ while let Some(current) = self.files.find_upper_bound(&first).extend() {
+ first = current;
+ if (self.filter_fn)(current) == true {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ first
+ })
+ }
+impl<'a> Iterator for FileIter<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a File;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ // if self.done || self.n > self.files.len() {
+ // self.done = true;
+ // return None;
+ // }
+ if !self.done && self.current.is_none() {
+ self.current = self.find_first_nonhidden();
+ }
+ self.current.take().map(|f| {
+ self.find_next_nonhidden(f)
+ .map(|f| self.current = Some(f))
+ .or_else(|| {
+ self.done = true;
+ None
+ });
+ f
+ })
+ }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for FileIter<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ // dbg!(&self.current);
+ // self.current
+ // .clone()
+ // .as_ref()
+ // .and_then(|f| unsafe {
+ // std::mem::transmute::<_, Option<&File>>(self.files.find_less(f))
+ // .and_then(|f: &File| {
+ // self.current = Some(f.clone());
+ // Some(f)
+ // })
+ // .filter(|f| (self.filter_fn)(f))
+ // .or_else(|| self.next_back())
+ // })
+ self.current.and_then(|f| {
+ self.find_prev_nonhidden(f)
+ .extend()
+ .map(|f| self.current = Some(f))
+ .and_then(|_| self.current)
+ // .or_else(|| { self.current = None; None });
+ // self.current
+ })
+ }
+pub struct FileIterMut<'a> {
+ files: VecLikeMut<'a, File>,
+ pos: usize,
+ filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>,
+impl<'a, 'b: 'a> FileIterMut<'a> {
+ pub fn new(files: &'b mut SplaySet<File>, filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>) -> Self {
+ FileIterMut {
+ files: files.as_vec_like_mut(),
+ pos: 0,
+ filter_fn,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_raw_pos(mut self, pos: usize) -> Self {
+ self.pos = pos;
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn seek_back(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
+ if n > 0 {
+ self.nth_back(n - 1);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ pub fn unfiltered(mut self) -> Self {
+ self.filter_fn = Box::new(|_| true);
+ self
+ }
+impl<'a> Iterator for FileIterMut<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a mut File;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut File> {
+ let file = self.files.get_mut(self.pos).map(|f| {
+ let f = f as *mut _;
+ let f = unsafe { &mut *f };
+ f
+ });
+ self.pos += 1;
+ match file {
+ Some(file) => match (self.filter_fn)(file) {
+ false =>,
+ true => Some(file),
+ },
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for FileIterMut<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut File> {
+ if self.pos == 0 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.pos -= 1;
+ let file = self.files.get_mut(self.pos).map(|f| {
+ let f = f as *mut _;
+ let f = unsafe { &mut *f };
+ f
+ });
+ match file {
+ Some(file) => match (self.filter_fn)(file) {
+ false => self.next_back(),
+ true => Some(file),
+ },
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+trait LifeTimeExtended {
+ fn extend<'a>(self) -> Option<&'a File>;
+impl LifeTimeExtended for Option<&File> {
+ fn extend<'a>(self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+ self.and_then(|f| unsafe {
+ let f = f as *const File;
+ Some(&*f)
+ })
+ }
+// pub struct FileIter<'a> {
+// files: &'a mut SplaySet<File>,
+// current: File,
+// filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>,
+// done: bool,
+// n: usize,
+// }
+// impl<'a> FileIter<'a> {
+// pub fn new(files: &'a mut SplaySet<File>, filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>) -> Self {
+// let mut first = files.smallest().cloned().unwrap();
+// while let Some(current) = files.find_upper_bound(&first) {
+// if (filter_fn)(current) == true {
+// break;
+// } else {
+// first = current.clone();
+// }
+// }
+// FileIter {
+// files: files,
+// current: first,
+// filter_fn,
+// done: false,
+// n: 0
+// }
+// }
+// pub fn start_from(mut self, file: &File) -> Self {
+// let mut first = file.clone();
+// while let Some(current) = self.files.find_less(&first) {
+// if (self.filter_fn)(current) == true {
+// first = current.clone();
+// break;
+// } else {
+// first = current.clone();
+// }
+// }
+// dbg!("STARTING FROM");
+// dbg!(&file);
+// self.current = first;
+// self
+// }
+// pub fn seek_back(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
+// if n > 0 {
+// dbg!(n);
+// dbg!(&self.current);
+// self.nth_back(n-1);
+// dbg!(&self.current);
+// }
+// self
+// }
+// fn find_prev_nonhidden(&mut self) {
+// }
+// }
+// impl<'a> Iterator for FileIter<'a> {
+// type Item=&'a File;
+// fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+// //dbg!(&self.current);
+// self.n+=1;
+// if self.done || self.n > self.files.len() {
+// self.done = true;
+// return None;
+// }
+// self.files.find_upper_bound(&self.current)
+// .extend()
+// .and_then(|f| {
+// self.current = f.clone();
+// Some(f)
+// })
+// .filter(|f| (self.filter_fn)(f))
+// .or_else(||
+// }
+// }
+// impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for FileIter<'a> {
+// fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+// // dbg!(&self.current);
+// // self.current
+// // .clone()
+// // .as_ref()
+// // .and_then(|f| unsafe {
+// // std::mem::transmute::<_, Option<&File>>(self.files.find_less(f))
+// // .and_then(|f: &File| {
+// // self.current = Some(f.clone());
+// // Some(f)
+// // })
+// // .filter(|f| (self.filter_fn)(f))
+// // .or_else(|| self.next_back())
+// // })
+// self.files.find_less(&self.current)
+// .extend()
+// .and_then(|f| {
+// self.current = f.clone();
+// dbg!(&;
+// if (self.filter_fn)(f) == true {
+// Some(f)
+// } else {
+// self.next_back()
+// }
+// })
+// .or_else(|| {
+// self.current = self.files.smallest().unwrap().clone();
+// None
+// })
+// }
+// }
+// pub struct FileIterMut<'a> {
+// files: VecLikeMut<'a, File>,
+// pos: usize,
+// filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>,
+// }
+// impl<'a, 'b: 'a> FileIterMut<'a> {
+// pub fn new(files: &'b mut SplaySet<File>, filter_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&File) -> bool>) -> Self {
+// FileIterMut {
+// files: files.as_vec_like_mut(),
+// pos: 0,
+// filter_fn
+// }
+// }
+// pub fn set_raw_pos(mut self, pos: usize) -> Self {
+// self.pos = pos;
+// self
+// }
+// pub fn seek_back(mut self, n: usize) -> Self {
+// if n > 0 {
+// self.nth_back(n-1);
+// }
+// self
+// }
+// pub fn unfiltered(mut self) -> Self {
+// self.filter_fn = Box::new(|_| true);
+// self
+// }
+// }
+// impl<'a> Iterator for FileIterMut<'a> {
+// type Item=&'a mut File;
+// fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut File> {
+// let file = self.files.get_mut(self.pos)
+// .map(|f| {
+// let f = f as *mut _;
+// let f = unsafe {
+// &mut *f
+// };
+// f
+// });
+// self.pos += 1;
+// match file {
+// Some(file) => {
+// match (self.filter_fn)(file) {
+// false =>,
+// true => Some(file)
+// }
+// }
+// None => None
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for FileIterMut<'a> {
+// fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut File> {
+// if self.pos == 0 {
+// return None;
+// }
+// self.pos -= 1;
+// let file = self.files.get_mut(self.pos)
+// .map(|f| {
+// let f = f as *mut _;
+// let f = unsafe {
+// &mut *f
+// };
+// f
+// });
+// match file {
+// Some(file) => {
+// match (self.filter_fn)(file) {
+// false => self.next_back(),
+// true => Some(file)
+// }
+// }
+// None => None
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// trait LifeTimeExtended {
+// fn extend<'a>(self) -> Option<&'a File>;
+// }
+// impl LifeTimeExtended for Option<&File> {
+// fn extend<'a>(self) -> Option<&'a File> {
+// self.and_then(|f| {
+// unsafe {
+// let f = f as *const File;
+// Some(&*f)
+// }
+// })
+// }
+// }