AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-05Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 2 to 3dependabot/github_actions/peter-evans/create-or-update-comment-3dependabot[bot]
2023-03-28Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 (#1492)dependabot[bot]
2023-03-22docs: improve clarity of sentences (#1489)Sid
2023-01-15Remove redundant imports (#1466)Nishant Sikarwar
2023-01-15Fix failing tests with responses ≥ 0.22.0Jakub Roztocil
2023-01-04Bump mislav/bump-homebrew-formula-action from 1 to 2 (#1453)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 (#1459)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Fix ci status badge error (#1464)TAKAHASHI Shuuji
2022-10-01Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-10-01Clean up and refactor nested JSON parsing & interpreting (#1440)Jakub Roztocil
2022-10-01🔥 Remove $ from code fenced examples on readme (#1435)Ben Chatelain
2022-10-01Fix typos (#1431)Kian-Meng Ang
2022-10-01Use `grep -E` instead of `egrep` (#1436)a1346054
2022-10-01Bump actions/stale from 5 to 6 (#1437)dependabot[bot]
2022-08-10Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-08-10Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-08-10Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-08-10Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-08-10Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-07-12place the logo in the middle in (#1393)Motahhar Mokfi
2022-07-03docs: Fix a few typos (#1419)Tim Gates
2022-06-19Fix paths to run benchmarking script (#1416)Girish Sharma
2022-06-17Update Requests documentation links (#1414)Nate Prewitt
2022-06-09Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 (#1412)dependabot[bot]
2022-06-07CleanupJakub Roztocil
2022-06-07Have naked `$ make` list all tasksJakub Roztocil
2022-06-07Install `.[test]` reqs in `make install-reqs`Jakub Roztocil
2022-06-07Fix installationJakub Roztocil
2022-05-19Fix typos in comment lines (#1405)SADIK KUZU
2022-05-16Package man pages into the deb packages as well. (#1403)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-16Fix a misput backtickBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-10Improve single-binary method wording (#1399)Jan Brasna
2022-05-09Typo fix (#1397)Standa Opichal
2022-05-09Fix-up standalone binary docs. (#1396)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-09updated fish completions for httpie 3.2.1 (#1394)Jannik Vieten
2022-05-09Update release-linux-standalone.ymlBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-09Standalone binary documentation.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Use the proper directory name for the choco action. (#1392)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Update the chocolatey spec (#1391)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Automatically attach debian packages and linux binaries to the release (#1390)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Changelog for Taskaya
2022-05-06Mask the stdout/stderr for the inner daemon process on MacOS (#1389)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-06Checking headers to determine auto-streaming (#1383)Brian Egleston
2022-05-05Use make install to get the dependencies as wellBatuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Create the virtual env for the build action.Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Final release prep for 3.2.0 (#1387)3.2.0Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Add missing changelog entries (#1386)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Contributors for 3.2.0 (#1374)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Automatic release update warnings. (#1336)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-05-05Man page fixes (#1364)Batuhan Taskaya