path: root/.packit.yaml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-28Disable PackIt CI on the PRs (#1375)Batuhan Taskaya
2022-02-08Disable additional reposBatuhan Taskaya
2022-02-08Fix the packit syntaxBatuhan Taskaya
2022-02-08Leave a note for the local specBatuhan Taskaya
2022-02-08Use the lastest fedora spec in the packitBatuhan Taskaya
2021-11-30Fix packit CI (#1219)Batuhan Taskaya
2021-09-07Packit: Get the current Fedora Rawhide specfileMiro Hrončok
2021-08-04Packit: Enable the Koji repsitory in Copr (#1119)Miro Hrončok
2021-06-09Add a Packit configuration for Fedora packaging (#1086)Miro Hrončok