AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-18Re-add conditional colorama dependencyHEADmasterJakub Roztocil
2024-03-18Migrate to setup.cfg (#1553)Mathieu Dupuy
2024-03-04CleanupJakub Roztocil
2024-03-04Drop dependency on the abandoned python-lazy-fixture II.Jakub Roztocil
2024-03-04Drop dependency on the abandoned python-lazy-fixtureJakub Roztocil
2024-03-04Ensure support for Python 3.11/3.12 (#1540)Aliaksei Urbanski
2024-03-04docs: fix typo (#1548)Aolin
2024-03-04[automated] Update generated content (#1566)github-actions[bot]
2024-03-04docs: Update the url for offline mode (#1556)Matthieu LAURENT
2024-03-04Replace redirection with tee command with sudo for file creation (#1557)vostok92
2023-10-24Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2023-08-06[automated] Update generated content (#1524)github-actions[bot]
2023-08-06Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2023-08-06Rename repo from `httpie/httpie` to `httpie/cli`Jakub Roztocil fix the file based separators internal link (#1510)Rudolf Olah
2023-05-23Document restriction on top-level JSON types explicitly (#1496)Boris Verkhovskiy
2023-05-22[automated] Update generated content (#1509)github-actions[bot]
2023-05-22Man page clean-up (#1508)Jakub Roztocil
2023-05-22[automated] Update auto-generated files (#1507)github-actions[bot]
2023-05-22Remove skippingJakub Roztocil
2023-05-22Fixed installation steps for Debian & Ubuntu (#1473) (#1475)chrysle
2023-05-22Ensure `sudo` for `apt`Jakub Roztocil
2023-05-22Fix Choco changelog linkJakub Roztocil
2023-05-22Fix Snap publish actionJakub Roztocil
2023-05-22Bump version for ChocolateyJakub Roztocil
2023-05-20Trigger docs deployJakub Roztocil
2023-05-20Fix docs deployJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Add a changelog entry for #1502Jakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Avoid override of headers by urllib3 when unset (#1502)Abdelhakim Qbaich
2023-05-19Fix issue linkJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19v3. Roztocil
2023-05-19Flake8Jakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Skip a test failing in CIJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Generate default ciphers using approach from #1501Jakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Fix a failing testJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Fix log level display on newer PythonJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19Clean up `DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHERS` commentsJakub Roztocil
2023-05-19fix(urllib3): :bug: could not find urllib3 DEFAULT_CIPHERS (#1505)C-A de Salaberry
2023-05-09docs: improve documentation for installation of unstable version (#1490)Sid
2023-03-28Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 (#1492)dependabot[bot]
2023-03-22docs: improve clarity of sentences (#1489)Sid
2023-01-15Remove redundant imports (#1466)Nishant Sikarwar
2023-01-15Fix failing tests with responses ≥ 0.22.0Jakub Roztocil
2023-01-04Bump mislav/bump-homebrew-formula-action from 1 to 2 (#1453)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 (#1459)dependabot[bot]
2023-01-04Fix ci status badge error (#1464)TAKAHASHI Shuuji
2022-10-01Update README.mdJakub Roztocil
2022-10-01Clean up and refactor nested JSON parsing & interpreting (#1440)Jakub Roztocil
2022-10-01🔥 Remove $ from code fenced examples on readme (#1435)Ben Chatelain
2022-10-01Fix typos (#1431)Kian-Meng Ang