AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-03-11fix: reject empty table dataempty-tableChristian Muehlhaeuser
2023-03-09Update write/command.goMikael Fangel
2023-03-09fixes errors with CR in write --valuemikael
2023-03-09feat(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0dependabot[bot]
2023-03-09Fix for using --value in combination w/ --no-fuzzymikael
2023-03-09fix(table): removed inheritance for selected foreground (#300)Mikael Fangel
2023-03-06fix: added esc-key to quit table (#290)Mikael Fangel
2023-03-06feat: use filepicker bubble (#289)Maas Lalani
2023-03-03fix: don't use deprecated pager functionsMaas Lalani
2023-02-27chore: bump dependenciesMaas Lalani
2023-02-27feat(file): Add page up/down key bindingsLeon Stam
2023-02-27Add staged file check for commit example (#269)Mathew Payne
2023-02-27fix(prompt): fix default selection of prompt, timer and exit code (#148)ChrHan
2023-02-27fix: require choice for multiselectMaas Lalani
2023-02-27fix: go mod tidyMaas Lalani
2023-02-27feat: add `ctrl+@`(`ctrl+space`) keybinding for `choose` and `filter` (#276)MuXiu1997
2023-02-27feat(deps): bump[bot]
2023-02-27build: update go version to 1.17Nicolas M
2023-01-19Added Scoop installation instructions for gumKris Schneider
2023-01-19feat(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1dependabot[bot]
2023-01-13fix(confirm): esc should not exit with 130Maas Lalani
2023-01-12feat(choose): keep order of selected items (#182)Dhruv Manilawala
2022-12-13feat: ctrl+c / esc aborts actionv0.9.0Maas Lalani
2022-12-13fix: trim only trailing newline, space may be intentionalMaas Lalani
2022-12-13fix(file): all default false (to match ls), GUM_FILE_ environmentMaas Lalani
2022-12-13fix(write): exit with status 130 on escapeMaas Lalani
2022-12-13feat(input): header valuesMaas Lalani
2022-12-13feat(choose): add ctrl+j / ctrl+k keybindingsMaas Lalani
2022-12-13feat(pager): add --soft-wrap option to gum pagerLeon Stam
2022-12-06feat(deps): bump from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1dependabot[bot]
2022-12-06fix: ✨ update bubbletea dependency (#248)Mel Massadian
2022-11-18chore: disable dependabot timerChristian Muehlhaeuser
2022-11-09feat(style): allow passing input over stdinMaas Lalani
2022-11-09feature(choose): Adding option to use non-matching filter as result (#233)Dieter Eickstaedt
2022-11-07Collapse err assignment and checkLee Marlow
2022-11-07Set writer.Comma in same manner as reader.CommaLee Marlow
2022-11-07Use encoding/csv to write proper CSV for the selected rowLee Marlow
2022-11-01feat(file): allow distinctly file/dirs selectionsfedeztk
2022-10-30feat(deps): bump from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0dependabot[bot]
2022-10-24docs: picture tag is causing display issuesChristian Muehlhaeuser
2022-10-24docs: new readme footerChristian Muehlhaeuser
2022-10-22docs: mention BSD releasesChristian Muehlhaeuser
2022-10-22docs: add Alpine & termux install instructionsChristian Muehlhaeuser
2022-10-18feat(choose): use `tab` to toggle selectionKevin Pham
2022-10-18feat: allow customization of glamour themeMaas Lalani
2022-10-17fix: downgrade unisegMaas Lalani
2022-10-17fix: use program.Run() in pagerMaas Lalani
2022-10-17fix: use program.StartMaas Lalani
2022-10-17chore: bump bubbletea@masterMaas Lalani
2022-10-17docs: apt-key deprecationAyman Bagabas