AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-10Use legal git tag names${VERSION}+nvidia-${NVIDIA}Sean E. Russell
2020-06-10Add a workflow to auto-build a gotop with this extension.v1.0.1Sean E. Russell
2020-06-10Merge pull request #3 from OldShatterham/masterxxxserxxx
2020-06-10Convert MiB to bytesOldShatterham
2020-06-07Failed to initialize a bunch of things.v1.0.0Sean E. Russell
2020-06-01Simplified the extension.Sean E. Russell
2020-06-01Prepping for v4 releaseSean E. Russell
2020-04-10Update to interim extensions approachSean E. Russell
2020-03-08Prevent crashes due to missing exe.Sean E. Russell
2020-03-07Updates go.sumSean E. Russell
2020-03-06Prevent crashing on unsupported instruments. Updated for release candidate;Sean E. Russell
2020-02-28Initial commitSean E. Russell
2020-02-28Initial commitxxxserxxx