AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-23Remove Python 2 test from CI because Python 2 is no more available inside Git...nicolargo
2024-01-13Migration to Alpine 3.19 and update documentation regarding default glances.c...nicolargo
2024-01-13Update Alpine version to 3.18 (a link to the latest 3.18.x tag)nicolargo
2023-12-13Remove -C /etc/glances.conf from the Dockerfile CMDnicolargo
2023-12-10Upgrade Alpine versionnicolargo
2023-12-09Security updatenicolargo
2023-12-09Update Github build workflownicolargo
2023-10-07Merge pull request #2571 from nicolargo/revert-2563-patch-1Nicolas Hennion
2023-10-07Revert "Update docker.rst to remove latest-alpine tag"revert-2563-patch-1Nicolas Hennion
2023-10-07Merge pull request #2563 from NLZ/patch-1Nicolas Hennion
2023-09-30Update docker.rst to remove latest-alpine tagNagy László Zoltán
2023-07-08Merge pull request #2488 from k26pl/patch-1Nicolas Hennion
2023-07-05Fix typosk26pl
2023-05-20Merge branch 'master' into support/glancesv3v3.4.0.3nicolargo
2023-05-20Correct issue with the PR #2419 - Miss a chmod on the glances startup scriptnicolargo
2023-05-20Add glances binary to '/usr/local/bin' + Update ENV PATH to include '/venv/bi...nicolargo
2023-05-20Make also the job on memswap - related to #2420nicolargo
2023-05-20No more threshold display in the WebUI cpu/mem and memswap plugins #2420nicolargo
2023-05-19Get back to Core20 because Snap is PISA againnicolargo
2023-05-19Get back to Core20 because Snap is PISA againnicolargo
2023-05-19Get back to Core20 because Snap is PISAnicolargo
2023-05-19Get back to Core20 because Snap is PISAnicolargo
2023-05-19SNAP is PITAnicolargo
2023-05-19SNAP is PITAnicolargo
2023-05-19Snap is a pain in the assnicolargo
2023-05-19Snap is a pain in the assnicolargo
2023-05-19Try to migrate SnapCraft Core 20 to 22 (following guide: https://forum.snapcr...nicolargo
2023-05-19Try to migrate SnapCraft Core 20 to 22 (following guide: https://forum.snapcr...nicolargo
2023-05-19No module named 'influxdb' on the snap version of glances #1738nicolargo
2023-05-18Cannot start Glances on Windows 10: SIGHUP not defined #2408nicolargo
2023-05-18Influxdb2 export not working #2407nicolargo
2023-05-17Glances version
2023-05-173.4.0 crash on startupwith minimal deps #2401nicolargo
2023-05-16Merge branch 'master' into developv3.4.0nicolargo
2023-05-16Update docs for Glances 3.4.0nicolargo
2023-05-16Merge branch 'develop' of into developnicolargo
2023-05-16Update documentation for WebUI buildnicolargo
2023-05-16Merge pull request #2399 from nicolargo/renovate/eslint-plugin-vue-9.x-lockfileNicolas Hennion
2023-05-16chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v9.13.0renovate[bot]
2023-05-15Updated WebUI dependencies #2398nicolargo
2023-05-15Merge branch '2389-bump-dependencies' of ...nicolargo
2023-05-15bump dependenciesFrancois Pires
2023-05-15bump dev dependenciesFrancois Pires
2023-05-15Merge branch '2389-bump-dependencies' of ...nicolargo
2023-05-15Update doc for new Ubuntu containersnicolargo
2023-05-15Improve global option managementnicolargo