path: root/glances/plugins/containers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'glances/plugins/containers/')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/glances/plugins/containers/ b/glances/plugins/containers/
index e69de29b..85255209 100644
--- a/glances/plugins/containers/
+++ b/glances/plugins/containers/
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of Glances.
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Nicolas Hennion <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+"""Containers plugin."""
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from glances.logger import logger
+from glances.plugins.containers.engines.docker import DockerContainersExtension, import_docker_error_tag
+from glances.plugins.containers.engines.podman import PodmanContainersExtension, import_podman_error_tag
+from glances.plugins.plugin.model import GlancesPluginModel
+from glances.processes import glances_processes
+from glances.processes import sort_stats as sort_stats_processes
+# Define the items history list (list of items to add to history)
+# TODO: For the moment limited to the CPU. Had to change the graph exports
+# method to display one graph per container.
+# items_history_list = [{'name': 'cpu_percent',
+# 'description': 'Container CPU consumption in %',
+# 'y_unit': '%'},
+# {'name': 'memory_usage',
+# 'description': 'Container memory usage in bytes',
+# 'y_unit': 'B'},
+# {'name': 'network_rx',
+# 'description': 'Container network RX bitrate in bits per second',
+# 'y_unit': 'bps'},
+# {'name': 'network_tx',
+# 'description': 'Container network TX bitrate in bits per second',
+# 'y_unit': 'bps'},
+# {'name': 'io_r',
+# 'description': 'Container IO bytes read per second',
+# 'y_unit': 'Bps'},
+# {'name': 'io_w',
+# 'description': 'Container IO bytes write per second',
+# 'y_unit': 'Bps'}]
+items_history_list = [{'name': 'cpu_percent', 'description': 'Container CPU consumption in %', 'y_unit': '%'}]
+# List of key to remove before export
+export_exclude_list = ['cpu', 'io', 'memory', 'network']
+# Sort dictionary for human
+sort_for_human = {
+ 'io_counters': 'disk IO',
+ 'cpu_percent': 'CPU consumption',
+ 'memory_usage': 'memory consumption',
+ 'cpu_times': 'uptime',
+ 'name': 'container name',
+ None: 'None',
+class PluginModel(GlancesPluginModel):
+ """Glances Docker plugin.
+ stats is a dict: {'version': {...}, 'containers': [{}, {}]}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, args=None, config=None):
+ """Init the plugin."""
+ super(PluginModel, self).__init__(args=args, config=config, items_history_list=items_history_list)
+ # The plugin can be disabled using: args.disable_docker
+ self.args = args
+ # Default config keys
+ self.config = config
+ # We want to display the stat in the curse interface
+ self.display_curse = True
+ # Init the Docker API
+ self.docker_extension = DockerContainersExtension() if not import_docker_error_tag else None
+ # Init the Podman API
+ if import_podman_error_tag:
+ self.podman_client = None
+ else:
+ self.podman_client = PodmanContainersExtension(podman_sock=self._podman_sock())
+ # Sort key
+ self.sort_key = None
+ # Force a first update because we need two update to have the first stat
+ self.update()
+ self.refresh_timer.set(0)
+ def _podman_sock(self):
+ """Return the podman sock.
+ Could be desfined in the [docker] section thanks to the podman_sock option.
+ Default value: unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock
+ """
+ conf_podman_sock = self.get_conf_value('podman_sock')
+ if len(conf_podman_sock) == 0:
+ return "unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock"
+ else:
+ return conf_podman_sock[0]
+ def exit(self):
+ """Overwrite the exit method to close threads."""
+ if self.docker_extension:
+ self.docker_extension.stop()
+ if self.podman_client:
+ self.podman_client.stop()
+ # Call the father class
+ super(PluginModel, self).exit()
+ def get_key(self):
+ """Return the key of the list."""
+ return 'name'
+ def get_export(self):
+ """Overwrite the default export method.
+ - Only exports containers
+ - The key is the first container name
+ """
+ try:
+ ret = deepcopy(self.stats['containers'])
+ except KeyError as e:
+ logger.debug("docker plugin - Docker export error {}".format(e))
+ ret = []
+ # Remove fields uses to compute rate
+ for container in ret:
+ for i in export_exclude_list:
+ container.pop(i)
+ return ret
+ def _all_tag(self):
+ """Return the all tag of the Glances/Docker configuration file.
+ # By default, Glances only display running containers
+ # Set the following key to True to display all containers
+ all=True
+ """
+ all_tag = self.get_conf_value('all')
+ if len(all_tag) == 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return all_tag[0].lower() == 'true'
+ @GlancesPluginModel._check_decorator
+ @GlancesPluginModel._log_result_decorator
+ def update(self):
+ """Update Docker and podman stats using the input method."""
+ # Connection should be ok
+ if self.docker_extension is None and self.podman_client is None:
+ return self.get_init_value()
+ if self.input_method == 'local':
+ # Update stats
+ stats_docker = self.update_docker() if self.docker_extension else {}
+ stats_podman = self.update_podman() if self.podman_client else {}
+ stats = {
+ 'version': stats_docker.get('version', {}),
+ 'version_podman': stats_podman.get('version', {}),
+ 'containers': stats_docker.get('containers', []) + stats_podman.get('containers', []),
+ }
+ elif self.input_method == 'snmp':
+ # Update stats using SNMP
+ # Not available
+ pass
+ # Sort and update the stats
+ # @TODO: Have a look because sort did not work for the moment (need memory stats ?)
+ self.sort_key, self.stats = sort_docker_stats(stats)
+ return self.stats
+ def update_docker(self):
+ """Update Docker stats using the input method."""
+ version, containers = self.docker_extension.update(all_tag=self._all_tag())
+ for container in containers:
+ container["engine"] = 'docker'
+ return {"version": version, "containers": containers}
+ def update_podman(self):
+ """Update Podman stats."""
+ version, containers = self.podman_client.update(all_tag=self._all_tag())
+ for container in containers:
+ container["engine"] = 'podman'
+ return {"version": version, "containers": containers}
+ def get_user_ticks(self):
+ """Return the user ticks by reading the environment variable."""
+ return os.sysconf(os.sysconf_names['SC_CLK_TCK'])
+ def get_stats_action(self):
+ """Return stats for the action.
+ Docker will return self.stats['containers']
+ """
+ return self.stats['containers']
+ def update_views(self):
+ """Update stats views."""
+ # Call the father's method
+ super(PluginModel, self).update_views()
+ if 'containers' not in self.stats:
+ return False
+ # Add specifics information
+ # Alert
+ for i in self.stats['containers']:
+ # Init the views for the current container (key = container name)
+ self.views[i[self.get_key()]] = {'cpu': {}, 'mem': {}}
+ # CPU alert
+ if 'cpu' in i and 'total' in i['cpu']:
+ # Looking for specific CPU container threshold in the conf file
+ alert = self.get_alert(i['cpu']['total'], header=i['name'] + '_cpu', action_key=i['name'])
+ if alert == 'DEFAULT':
+ # Not found ? Get back to default CPU threshold value
+ alert = self.get_alert(i['cpu']['total'], header='cpu')
+ self.views[i[self.get_key()]]['cpu']['decoration'] = alert
+ # MEM alert
+ if 'memory' in i and 'usage' in i['memory']:
+ # Looking for specific MEM container threshold in the conf file
+ alert = self.get_alert(
+ i['memory']['usage'], maximum=i['memory']['limit'], header=i['name'] + '_mem', action_key=i['name']
+ )
+ if alert == 'DEFAULT':
+ # Not found ? Get back to default MEM threshold value
+ alert = self.get_alert(i['memory']['usage'], maximum=i['memory']['limit'], header='mem')
+ self.views[i[self.get_key()]]['mem']['decoration'] = alert
+ return True
+ def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None):
+ """Return the dict to display in the curse interface."""
+ # Init the return message
+ ret = []
+ # Only process if stats exist (and non null) and display plugin enable...
+ if not self.stats or 'containers' not in self.stats or len(self.stats['containers']) == 0 or self.is_disabled():
+ return ret
+ show_pod_name = False
+ if any(ct.get("pod_name") for ct in self.stats["containers"]):
+ show_pod_name = True
+ show_engine_name = False
+ if len(set(ct["engine"] for ct in self.stats["containers"])) > 1:
+ show_engine_name = True
+ # Build the string message
+ # Title
+ msg = '{}'.format('CONTAINERS')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, "TITLE"))
+ msg = ' {}'.format(len(self.stats['containers']))
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = ' sorted by {}'.format(sort_for_human[self.sort_key])
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ # msg = ' (served by Docker {})'.format(self.stats['version']["Version"])
+ # ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ ret.append(self.curse_new_line())
+ # Header
+ ret.append(self.curse_new_line())
+ # Get the maximum containers name
+ # Max size is configurable. See feature request #1723.
+ name_max_width = min(
+ self.config.get_int_value('containers', 'max_name_size', default=20) if self.config is not None else 20,
+ len(max(self.stats['containers'], key=lambda x: len(x['name']))['name']),
+ )
+ if show_engine_name:
+ msg = ' {:{width}}'.format('Engine', width=6)
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ if show_pod_name:
+ msg = ' {:{width}}'.format('Pod', width=12)
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = ' {:{width}}'.format('Name', width=name_max_width)
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, 'SORT' if self.sort_key == 'name' else 'DEFAULT'))
+ msg = '{:>10}'.format('Status')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = '{:>10}'.format('Uptime')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = '{:>6}'.format('CPU%')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, 'SORT' if self.sort_key == 'cpu_percent' else 'DEFAULT'))
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('MEM')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, 'SORT' if self.sort_key == 'memory_usage' else 'DEFAULT'))
+ msg = '/{:<7}'.format('MAX')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('IOR/s')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format('IOW/s')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('Rx/s')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format('Tx/s')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ msg = ' {:8}'.format('Command')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ # Data
+ for container in self.stats['containers']:
+ ret.append(self.curse_new_line())
+ if show_engine_name:
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(' {:{width}}'.format(container["engine"], width=6)))
+ if show_pod_name:
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(' {:{width}}'.format(container.get("pod_id", "-"), width=12)))
+ # Name
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(self._msg_name(container=container, max_width=name_max_width)))
+ # Status
+ status = self.container_alert(container['Status'])
+ msg = '{:>10}'.format(container['Status'][0:10])
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, status))
+ # Uptime
+ if container['Uptime']:
+ msg = '{:>10}'.format(container['Uptime'])
+ else:
+ msg = '{:>10}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ # CPU
+ try:
+ msg = '{:>6.1f}'.format(container['cpu']['total'])
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = '{:>6}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, self.get_views(item=container['name'], key='cpu', option='decoration')))
+ # MEM
+ try:
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format(self.auto_unit(container['memory']['usage']))
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, self.get_views(item=container['name'], key='mem', option='decoration')))
+ try:
+ msg = '/{:<7}'.format(self.auto_unit(container['memory']['limit']))
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = '/{:<7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ # IO R/W
+ unit = 'B'
+ try:
+ value = self.auto_unit(int(container['io']['ior'] // container['io']['time_since_update'])) + unit
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format(value)
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ try:
+ value = self.auto_unit(int(container['io']['iow'] // container['io']['time_since_update'])) + unit
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format(value)
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ if args.byte:
+ # Bytes per second (for dummy)
+ to_bit = 1
+ unit = ''
+ else:
+ # Bits per second (for real network administrator | Default)
+ to_bit = 8
+ unit = 'b'
+ try:
+ value = (
+ self.auto_unit(
+ int(container['network']['rx'] // container['network']['time_since_update'] * to_bit)
+ )
+ + unit
+ )
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format(value)
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = '{:>7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ try:
+ value = (
+ self.auto_unit(
+ int(container['network']['tx'] // container['network']['time_since_update'] * to_bit)
+ )
+ + unit
+ )
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format(value)
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = ' {:<7}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg))
+ # Command
+ if container['Command'] is not None:
+ msg = ' {}'.format(' '.join(container['Command']))
+ else:
+ msg = ' {}'.format('_')
+ ret.append(self.curse_add_line(msg, splittable=True))
+ return ret
+ def _msg_name(self, container, max_width):
+ """Build the container name."""
+ name = container['name'][:max_width]
+ return ' {:{width}}'.format(name, width=max_width)
+ def container_alert(self, status):
+ """Analyse the container status."""
+ if status == 'running':
+ return 'OK'
+ elif status == 'exited':
+ return 'WARNING'
+ elif status == 'dead':
+ return 'CRITICAL'
+ else:
+ return 'CAREFUL'
+def sort_docker_stats(stats):
+ # Sort Docker stats using the same function than processes
+ sort_by = glances_processes.sort_key
+ sort_by_secondary = 'memory_usage'
+ if sort_by == 'memory_percent':
+ sort_by = 'memory_usage'
+ sort_by_secondary = 'cpu_percent'
+ elif sort_by in ['username', 'io_counters', 'cpu_times']:
+ sort_by = 'cpu_percent'
+ # Sort docker stats
+ sort_stats_processes(
+ stats['containers'],
+ sorted_by=sort_by,
+ sorted_by_secondary=sort_by_secondary,
+ # Reverse for all but name
+ reverse=glances_processes.sort_key != 'name',
+ )
+ # Return the main sort key and the sorted stats
+ return sort_by, stats