BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.1.xMerge pull request #163 from MitMaro/tim/update-changelogTim Oram5 years
2.2.xUpdate latest Ubuntu release versionsTim Oram19 months
masterFix some typos in brand names and use Oxford list for an enumerationccoVeille7 weeks
mitmaro/demoMajor refactor of the configurationTim Oram3 years
mitmaro/threaded-searchSearch threadTim Oram8 months
latestcommit 05514704bc...ccoVeille7 weeks
2.3.0commit 531ea8bf39...Tim Oram10 months
2.2.1commit 81f1b39b38...Tim Oram19 months
2.2.0commit d1c57f95c5...Tim Oram2 years
2.1.0commit fc27eddef3...Tim Oram3 years
2.0.0commit 54fd99a033...Tim Oram3 years
1.0.1commit 299cabe3a4...Tim Oram4 years
1.2.1commit 0ec595cee2...Tim Oram4 years
1.2.0commit 7a44908835...Tim Oram4 years
1.1.0commit b0e82d4ada...Tim Oram5 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-09-09Search threadmitmaro/threaded-searchTim Oram
2023-09-06Fix latest linting errorsTim Oram
2023-08-14Fix flicker caused by action width changeTim Oram
2023-08-12Add Modified Line exec command featureTim Oram
2023-08-11Refactor TodoFile to use an options structTim Oram
2023-08-11Add original values to LineTim Oram
2023-08-07Bump git2 from 0.15.0 to 0.17.2Tim Oram
2023-08-07Address nightly lintsTim Oram
2023-08-07Bump bitflags from 1.3.2 to 2.3.3Tim Oram
2023-08-07Fix action_line macro selected assertionTim Oram