path: root/girok/commands/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'girok/commands/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 613 deletions
diff --git a/girok/commands/ b/girok/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index c96aef3..0000000
--- a/girok/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-import re
-from datetime import datetime
-from time import sleep
-import typer
-from rich import print
-from rich.console import Console
-from rich.table import Table
-from rich.align import Align
-from rich.padding import Padding
-from rich.panel import Panel
-from rich.layout import Layout
-from import Style
-import girok.constants as constants
-from girok.config import get_config
-import girok.api.task as task_api
-import girok.api.category as category_api
-import girok.utils.general as general_utils
-import girok.utils.display as display_utils
-import girok.utils.task as task_utils
-import girok.utils.auth as auth_utils
-from import Live
-app = typer.Typer(rich_markup_mode='rich')
-console = Console()
-layout = Layout()
-cfg = get_config()
-# Code Credits:
-def AddTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup(size=2):
- group = set()
- def callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- # Add cli option to group if it was called with a value
- if value is not None and not in group:
- group.add(
- if len(group) > size - 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"{} is mutually exclusive with {group.pop()}")
- return value
- return callback
-def TimeMutuallyExclusiveGroup(size=2):
- time_group = set()
- def callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- # Add cli option to group if it was called with a value
- if value is not None and not in time_group:
- time_group.add(
- if len(time_group) > size - 1:
- print(time_group)
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"{} is mutually exclusive with {time_group.pop()}")
- return value
- return callback
-def ShowTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup(size=2):
- group = set()
- def callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- # Add cli option to group if it was called with a value
- if value is not None and not in group:
- group.add(
- if len(group) > size - 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"{} is mutually exclusive with {group.pop()}")
- return value
- return callback
-def TaskViewMutuallyExclusiveGroup(size=2):
- group = set()
- def callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- # Add cli option to group if it was called with a value
- if value is not None and not in group:
- group.add(
- if len(group) > size - 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"{} is mutually exclusive with {group.pop()}")
- return value
- return callback
-def ChangeTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup(size=2):
- group = set()
- def callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- # Add cli option to group if it was called with a value
- if value is not None and not in group:
- group.add(
- if len(group) > size - 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"{} is mutually exclusive with {group.pop()}")
- return value
- return callback
-add_task_date_exclusivity_callback = AddTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup()
-time_exclusivity_callback = TimeMutuallyExclusiveGroup()
-show_task_date_exclusivity_callback = ShowTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup()
-task_view_exclusivity_callback = TaskViewMutuallyExclusiveGroup()
-change_task_date_exclusivity_callback = ChangeTaskDateMutuallyExclusiveGroup()
-def priority_callback(value: int):
- if value is None:
- return None
- if value < 1 or value > 5:
- raise typer.BadParameter("[Invalid priority] priority must be in [1, 5].")
- return value
-def category_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- command_name =
- if value is None:
- return None
- if not re.match("^([a-zA-Z0-9]+/)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+/?$", value):
- raise typer.BadParameter("[Invalid category path] Category path must be in 'xx/yy/zz format.'")
- if value.endswith('/'):
- value = value[:-1]
- if command_name == "showtask" and value == 'none': # Show "no category" tasks
- return value
- return value
-def full_date_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- command_name =
- if command_name == "addtask":
- add_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- elif command_name == "showtask":
- show_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- elif command_name == "chdate":
- change_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- # "2023/02/23", "4/23"
- value = value.strip()
- args = value.split(" ")
- if len(args) != 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter("Deadline must be in 'yyyy/mm/dd' or 'mm/dd' format.")
- date = args[0]
- if not re.match("^([0-9]){4}/([0-9]){1,2}/([0-9]){1,2}|([0-9]){1,2}/([0-9]){1,2}$", date):
- raise typer.BadParameter("Deadline must be in 'yyyy/mm/dd' or 'mm/dd' format.")
- year, month, day =, None, None
- date_list = list(map(int, date.split('/')))
- if len(date_list) == 3:
- year, month, day = date_list
- elif len(date_list) == 2:
- month, day = date_list
- if not task_utils.is_valid_year(year):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid year: {year}. Year must be in [current_year - 3, current_year + 10]")
- if not task_utils.is_valid_month(month):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid month: {month}")
- if not task_utils.is_valid_day(year, month, day):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid day: {day}")
- return year, month, day
-def time_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: str):
- time_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- if not re.match("^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$", value):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"[Invalid time: {value}. Time must be in hh:mm format.")
- hour, minute = value.split(':')
- if not task_utils.is_valid_hour(int(hour)):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid hour: {hour}. Hour must be in [00-23].")
- if not task_utils.is_valid_minute(int(minute)):
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid minute: {minute}. Hour must be in [00-59].")
- return f"{hour}:{minute}:00"
-def all_day_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: bool):
- time_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- if value is None:
- return False
- return value
-def after_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: int):
- command_name =
- if command_name == 'addtask':
- add_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- elif command_name == 'chdate':
- change_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- if value <= 0:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Invalid offset: {value}. It must be greater than 0.")
- return value
-def everyday_callback(value: bool):
- if value is None:
- return None
- return value
-def offset_callback(ctx: typer.Context, param: typer.CallbackParam, value: int):
- command_name =
- if command_name == "showtask":
- show_task_date_exclusivity_callback(ctx, param, value)
- if value is None:
- return None
- if value < 1:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Date offset must be greater or equal to 1.")
- if value > 1000:
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"Date offset is too big (must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000)")
- return value
-def complete_color():
- return ['A', 'B', 'C']
-# Required: name, deadline
-@app.command('addtask', help="[yellow]Add[/yellow] a new task", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def add_task(
- name: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Task name"),
- cat: str = typer.Option(None, "-c", "--category", help="[yellow]Category path - xx/yy/zz..[/yellow]", callback=category_callback),
- priority: int = typer.Option(None, "-p", "--priority", help="[yellow]priority[/yellow]", callback=priority_callback),
- deadline: str = typer.Option(None, "-d", "--deadline", help="[yellow]Deadline[/yellow]", callback=full_date_callback),
- today: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tdy", help="Set deadline to [yellow]today[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- tomorrow: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tmr", "--tomorrow", help="Set deadline to [yellow]tomorrow[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t1", "--thismon", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Monday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t2", "--thistue", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t3", "--thiswed", help="Set deadline to, this [yellow]Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t4", "--thisthu", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Thursday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t5", "--thisfri", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Friday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t6", "--thissat", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Saturday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t7", "--thissun", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Sunday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n1", "--nextmon", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Monday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n2", "--nexttue", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n3", "--nextwed", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n4", "--nextthu", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Thursday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n5", "--nextfri", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Friday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n6", "--nextsat", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Saturday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n7", "--nextsun", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Sunday[/yellow]", callback=add_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- after: int = typer.Option(None, "-a", "--after", help="Set deadline to [yellow]after x days[/yellow]", callback=after_callback),
- time: str = typer.Option(None, "-t", "--time", help="Deadline [yellow]time, xx:yy[/yellow]", callback=time_callback),
- tag: str = typer.Option(None, "-T", "--tag", help="[yellow]Tag[/yellow]"),
- # Category
- cat_id = None
- if cat and cat != 'none':
- cats = cat.split('/') if cat else []
- cat_id = category_api.get_last_cat_id(cats)
- # Deadline
- this_week_group = [this_mon, this_tue, this_wed, this_thu, this_fri, this_sat, this_sun]
- next_week_group = [next_mon, next_tue, next_wed, next_thu, next_fri, next_sat, next_sun]
- if not any(this_week_group + next_week_group + [deadline, today, tomorrow, after]):
- raise typer.BadParameter("At least one of deadline options is required.")
- # if everyday and any(this_week_group + next_week_group + [deadline, today, tomorrow, after]):
- # raise typer.BadParameter("'--everyday' option cannot be used with other deadline options.")
- year, month, day = None, None, None
- if deadline:
- year, month, day = deadline
- if today:
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(True,
- if tomorrow:
- is_this_week = True
- weekday_num = + 1
- if weekday_num == 6:
- is_this_week = False
- weekday_num = 0
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(is_this_week, weekday_num)
- if after:
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_offset(after)
- if any(this_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(this_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=True,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- if any(next_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(next_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=False,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- # if everyday:
- # year, month, day = "2000", "01", "01" # meaningless date in case of everyday
- full_deadline = f"{year}-{month}-{day} {time if time else '12:00:00'}"
- # Color - 만약 카테고리있으면 자동설정 (category 하고 Color 중복설정 불가)
- color = None
- if cat and cat != "none":
- cat_color = category_api.get_category_color(cat_id)
- if color: # duplicate colors - prioritize default category color
- raise typer.BadParameter(f"\nInput color: {color}. However, you have set the color for {cat} as {cat_color}.")
- color = cat_color
- else:
- if not color: # default color
- color = constants.DEFAULT_TASK_COLOR
- task_data = {
- "task_category_id": cat_id,
- "name": name,
- "deadline": full_deadline,
- "priority": priority,
- "color": color,
- # "everyday": everyday,
- "tag": tag,
- # "all_day": all_day,
- "is_time": time is not None
- }
- task_id = task_api.create_task(task_data)
- display_utils.center_print("Task added successfully!", type="success")
- tasks = task_api.get_tasks(view="category")
- # tasks = general_utils.bytes2dict(tasks_resp.content)['tasks']
- color_dict = category_api.get_color_dict()
- task_tree = display_utils.display_tasks_by_category(
- tasks,
- color_dict=color_dict,
- marked_task_id=task_id,
- marked_color=constants.TABLE_TASK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR
- )
- print(task_tree)
-@app.command("showtask", help="[yellow]View[/yellow] tasks with options", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def show_task(
- cat: str = typer.Option(None, "-c", "--category", help="[yellow]Category path - xx/yy/zz..[/yellow]", callback=category_callback),
- exact_day: str = typer.Option(None, "-e", "--exact", help="[yellow]Exact Deadline[/yellow]", callback=full_date_callback),
- within_days: int = typer.Option(None, "-d", "--day", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within the specified days[/yellow]", callback=offset_callback),
- within_weeks: int = typer.Option(None, "-w", "--week", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within the specified weeks[/yellow]", callback=offset_callback),
- within_months: int = typer.Option(None, "-m", "--month", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within the specified months[/yellow]", callback=offset_callback),
- today: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t", "--tdy", help="Show tasks due [yellow]today[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- within_tomorrow: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tmr", help="Show tasks due [yellow]today and tomorrow[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- within_this_week: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tw", "--thisweek", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within this week[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- within_next_week: bool = typer.Option(None, "--nw", "--nextweek", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within next week[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- within_this_month: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tm", "--thismonth", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within this month[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- within_next_month: bool = typer.Option(None, "--nm", "--nextmonth", help="Show tasks due [yellow]within next month[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t1", "--thismon", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Monday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t2", "--thistue", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t3", "--thiswed", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t4", "--thisthu", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Thursday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t5", "--thisfri", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Friday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t6", "--thissat", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Saturday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t7", "--thissun", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly this Sunday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n1", "--nextmon", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Monday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n2", "--nexttue", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n3", "--nextwed", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n4", "--nextthu", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Thursday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n5", "--nextfri", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Friday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n6", "--nextsat", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Saturday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n7", "--nextsun", help="Show tasks due [yellow]exactly next Sunday[/yellow]", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- urgent: bool = typer.Option(None, "-u", "--urgent", help="Show [yellow]urgent[/yellow] tasks (due within 3 days)", callback=show_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- priority: str = typer.Option(None, "-p", "--priority", help="Show tasks of the given [yellow]priority[/yellow]"),
- tag: str = typer.Option(None, "-T", "--tag", help="Show tasks belonging to the given [yellow]tag[/yellow]"),
- category_view: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tree", help="Show tasks with [yellow]tree view[/yellow]"),
- list_view: bool = typer.Option(None, "--list", help="Show tasks with the [yellow]list view - DEFAULT VIEW[/yellow]")
- if not category_view and not list_view:
- list_view = True
- # (1) Category - if None, show ALL categories (including "None" category)
- # To show "None" category, user must provide explicitly
- if cat is None: # ALL categories
- cats = None
- elif cat == 'none': # "None" category
- cats = ['']
- else:
- cats = cat.split('/')
- # (2) Date: start_date, end_date
- start_date, end_date = None, None
- this_week_group = [this_mon, this_tue, this_wed, this_thu, this_fri, this_sat, this_sun]
- next_week_group = [next_mon, next_tue, next_wed, next_thu, next_fri, next_sat, next_sun]
- if today is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(0, 0)
- if within_tomorrow is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(0, 1)
- if within_days is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(0, within_days)
- if within_weeks is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(0, 7 * within_weeks)
- if within_months is not None: #
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_month_offset(within_months)
- if within_this_week is not None:
- # 오늘이 ex. 수요일이라도 이번주 월~일 다 보여주기
- current_weekday_num = task_utils.get_current_weekday_num()
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(-current_weekday_num, 6 - current_weekday_num)
- if within_next_week is not None:
- current_weekday_num = task_utils.get_current_weekday_num()
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_day_offsets(-current_weekday_num, 6 - current_weekday_num + 7)
- if within_this_month is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_current_month_time_window()
- if within_next_month is not None:
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_month_offset(1)
- if urgent:
- today_ = task_utils.get_date_from_offset(0)
- three_days_after_ = task_utils.get_date_from_offset(3)
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window([*today_], [*three_days_after_])
- if any(this_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(this_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=True,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window([year, month, day], [year, month, day])
- if any(next_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(next_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=False,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- start_date, end_date = f"{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00", f"{year}-{month}-{day} 11:59:59"
- if exact_day:
- year, month, day = exact_day
- start_date, end_date = f"{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00", f"{year}-{month}-{day} 11:59:59"
- no_priority = False
- if priority == "none":
- no_priority = True
- priority = None
- if category_view:
- tasks = task_api.get_tasks(
- cats=cats,
- start_date=start_date,
- end_date=end_date,
- tag=tag,
- priority=priority,
- no_priority=no_priority,
- view="category"
- )
- elif list_view:
- tasks = task_api.get_tasks(
- cats=cats,
- start_date=start_date,
- end_date=end_date,
- tag=tag,
- priority=priority,
- no_priority=no_priority,
- view="list"
- )
- if category_view:
- color_dict = category_api.get_color_dict()
- task_tree = display_utils.display_tasks_by_category(tasks, color_dict=color_dict)
- current_date = task_utils.build_date_info(
- display_utils.center_print(current_date, type='title')
- print(task_tree)
- elif list_view:
- current_date = task_utils.build_date_info(
- display_utils.center_print(current_date, type='title')
- display_utils.display_tasks_by_list(tasks)
-@app.command("done", help="[red]Delete[/red] a task", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def remove_task(
- task_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]Task ID[/yellow] to be deleted"),
- force: bool = typer.Option(False, '-y', '--yes', help="Don't show the confirmation message")
- ):
- task_ids_cache = general_utils.read_task_ids_cache(cfg=cfg)
- if str(task_id) not in task_ids_cache:
- display_utils.center_print("Task ID not found.", type="error")
- exit(0)
- target_task_id = task_ids_cache[str(task_id)]
- target_task = task_api.get_single_task(target_task_id)
- target_task_name = target_task['name']
- tasks = task_api.get_tasks()
- if not force:
- done_confirm = typer.confirm(f"Are you sure to delete task [{target_task_name}]?")
- if not done_confirm:
- exit(0)
- task_api.remove_task(target_task_id)
- color_dict = category_api.get_color_dict()
- task_tree = display_utils.display_tasks_by_category(tasks, color_dict=color_dict, marked_task_id=target_task_id)
- current_date = task_utils.build_date_info(
- display_utils.center_print(current_date, type="title")
- print(task_tree)
-@app.command("chtag", help="[green]Change[/green] the tag of a task", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def change_tag(
- task_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]Task ID[/yellow]"),
- tag_name: str = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]New tag name[/yellow]")
- task_ids_cache = general_utils.read_task_ids_cache(cfg=cfg)
- target_task_id = task_ids_cache[str(task_id)]
- task_api.change_task_tag(target_task_id, tag_name)
-@app.command("chpri", help="[green]Change[/green] the priority of a task (1 ~ 5)", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def change_tag(
- task_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]Task ID[/yellow]"),
- priority: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]New Priority[/yellow]")
- task_ids_cache = general_utils.read_task_ids_cache(cfg=cfg)
- target_task_id = task_ids_cache[str(task_id)]
- task_api.change_task_priority(target_task_id, priority)
-@app.command("chdate", help="[green]Change[/green] the deadline of a task", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def change_date(
- task_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]Task ID[/yellow]"),
- deadline: str = typer.Option(None, "-d", "--deadline", help="[yellow]Deadline[/yellow]", callback=full_date_callback),
- today: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tdy", help="Set deadline to [yellow]today[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- tomorrow: bool = typer.Option(None, "--tmr", "--tomorrow", help="Set deadline to [yellow]tomorrow[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t1", "--thismon", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Monday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t2", "--thistue", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t3", "--thiswed", help="Set deadline to, this [yellow]Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t4", "--thisthu", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Thursday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t5", "--thisfri", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Friday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t6", "--thissat", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Saturday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- this_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-t7", "--thissun", help="Set deadline to this [yellow]Sunday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_mon: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n1", "--nextmon", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Monday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_tue: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n2", "--nexttue", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Tuesday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_wed: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n3", "--nextwed", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Wednesday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_thu: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n4", "--nextthu", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Thursday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_fri: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n5", "--nextfri", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Friday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sat: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n6", "--nextsat", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Saturday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- next_sun: bool = typer.Option(None, "-n7", "--nextsun", help="Set deadline to next [yellow]Sunday[/yellow]", callback=change_task_date_exclusivity_callback),
- after: int = typer.Option(None, "-a", "--after", help="Set deadline to [yellow]after x days[/yellow]", callback=after_callback),
- time: str = typer.Option(None, "-t", "--time", help="Deadline [yellow]time, xx:yy[/yellow]", callback=time_callback),
- # Deadline
- this_week_group = [this_mon, this_tue, this_wed, this_thu, this_fri, this_sat, this_sun]
- next_week_group = [next_mon, next_tue, next_wed, next_thu, next_fri, next_sat, next_sun]
- if not any(this_week_group + next_week_group + [deadline, today, tomorrow, after]):
- raise typer.BadParameter("At least one of deadline options is required.")
- year, month, day = None, None, None
- if deadline:
- year, month, day = deadline
- if today:
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(True,
- if tomorrow:
- is_this_week = True
- weekday_num = + 1
- if weekday_num == 6:
- is_this_week = False
- weekday_num = 0
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(is_this_week, weekday_num)
- if after:
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_offset(after)
- if any(this_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(this_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=True,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- if any(next_week_group):
- this_week_day_num = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(next_week_group) if val][0]
- year, month, day = task_utils.get_date_from_shortcut(
- this_week=False,
- weekday_num=this_week_day_num
- )
- full_deadline = f"{year}-{month}-{day} {time if time else '12:00:00'}"
- task_ids_cache = general_utils.read_task_ids_cache(cfg=cfg)
- target_task_id = task_ids_cache[str(task_id)]
- task_api.change_task_date(target_task_id, full_deadline)
-@app.command("chname", help="[green]Change[/green] the name of a task", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def change_date(
- task_id: int = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]Task ID[/yellow]"),
- name: str = typer.Argument(..., help="[yellow]New Task Name[/yellow]")
- task_ids_cache = general_utils.read_task_ids_cache(cfg=cfg)
- target_task_id = task_ids_cache[str(task_id)]
- task_api.change_task_name(target_task_id, name)
-@app.command("showtag", help="[yellow]Show[/yellow] all tags", rich_help_panel=":fire: [bold yellow1]Task Commands[/bold yellow1]")
-def show_tag():
- tags = task_api.get_tags()
- for tag in tags:
- print(tag) \ No newline at end of file