path: root/girok/calendar_cli/
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Diffstat (limited to 'girok/calendar_cli/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/girok/calendar_cli/ b/girok/calendar_cli/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d54c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/girok/calendar_cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+import asyncio
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import calendar
+from import App, ComposeResult
+from textual.containers import Container, Horizontal, Vertical
+from textual.widgets import Button, Footer, Header, Static, Label, Placeholder, Tree, DataTable
+from textual.messages import Message
+from textual.widget import Widget
+from textual.reactive import var
+from rich.text import Text
+from import Style
+from rich.segment import Segment
+from rich.panel import Panel
+from rich.markdown import Markdown
+from textual import log
+import girok.api.task as task_api
+import girok.api.category as category_api
+import girok.utils.calendar as calendar_utils
+import girok.utils.general as general_utils
+import girok.utils.task as task_utils
+import girok.constants as constants
+from girok.calendar_cli.sidebar import CategoryTree, TagTree
+class WeekdayBarContainer(Horizontal):
+ pass
+class CalendarHeader(Vertical):
+ year =
+ month =
+ cat_path = ""
+ tag = ""
+ def on_mount(self):
+ self.display_date()
+ def compose(self):
+ month_name = task_utils.get_month_name_by_number(self.month)
+ with Horizontal():
+ with Container(id="calendar-header-category-container"):
+ yield Static(self.cat_path, id="calendar-header-category")
+ with Container(id="calendar-header-date-container"):
+ yield Static(Text(f"{month_name} {self.year}", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_HEADER_DATE_COLOR, bold=True)), id="calendar-header-date")
+ with Container(id="calendar-header-tag-container"):
+ yield Static(f"{self.tag}", id="calendar-header-tag")
+ yield Horizontal()
+ with WeekdayBarContainer(id="weekday-bar"):
+ yield Static(Text("Monday", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_NAME_COLOR, bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Tuesday", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_NAME_COLOR, bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Wednesday", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_NAME_COLOR, bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Thursday", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_NAME_COLOR, bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Friday", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_NAME_COLOR, bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Saturday", style=Style(color="#87C5FA", bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ yield Static(Text("Sunday", style=Style(color="#DB4455", bold=True)), classes="calendar-weekday-name")
+ def update_year_and_month(self, year, month):
+ self.year, self.month = year, month
+ self.display_date()
+ def update_cat_path(self, new_cat_path):
+ self.cat_path = new_cat_path
+ self.display_date()
+ def update_tag(self, new_tag):
+ self.tag = new_tag
+ self.display_date()
+ def display_date(self):
+ month_name = task_utils.get_month_name_by_number(self.month, abbr=False)
+ calendar_header_category = self.query_one("#calendar-header-category")
+ calendar_header_date = self.query_one("#calendar-header-date")
+ calendar_header_tag = self.query_one("#calendar-header-tag")
+ calendar_weekday_bar = self.query_one("#weekday-bar")
+ calendar_header_category.update(Text(f"Category: /{self.cat_path}", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_HEADER_DATE_COLOR)))
+ calendar_header_date.update(Text(f"{month_name} {self.year}", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_HEADER_DATE_COLOR, bold=True)))
+ calendar_header_tag.update(Text(f"Tag: {self.tag}", style=Style(color=constants.CALENDAR_HEADER_DATE_COLOR)))
+class CalendarCell(Vertical):
+ pass
+class Calendar(Container):
+ year =
+ month =
+ cat_path = "" # If "", show all categories
+ tag = ""
+ tasks = []
+ can_focus = True
+ cur_month_first_day_cell_num = None
+ cur_focused_cell_cord = (None, None)
+ cur_focused_cell = None
+ m = 5
+ n = 7
+ grid = [[False for _ in range(7)] for _ in range(5)]
+ is_pop_up = False
+ class TaskCellSelected(Message):
+ def __init__(self, cell_tasks, year, month, day):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.cell_tasks = cell_tasks
+ self.year = year
+ self.month = month
+ = day
+ def on_mount(self):
+ self.update_calendar()
+ def compose(self):
+ for i in range(35):
+ yield CalendarCell(classes="calendar-cell", id=f"cell{i}")
+ def on_key(self, event):
+ if self.is_pop_up:
+ return
+ x, y = self.cur_focused_cell_cord
+ if event.key == 'h': # left
+ next_cell_coord = (x, y - 1)
+ elif event.key == 'j': # down
+ next_cell_coord = (x + 1, y)
+ elif event.key == 'k': # up
+ next_cell_coord = (x - 1, y)
+ elif event.key == 'l': # right
+ next_cell_coord = (x, y + 1)
+ elif event.key == 'o':
+ pass
+ else:
+ return
+ if event.key in ['h', 'j', 'k', 'l']: # moving on cells
+ nx, ny = next_cell_coord
+ if nx < 0 or ny < 0 or nx >= self.m or ny >= self.n: # Out of matrix
+ return
+ if not self.grid[nx][ny]: # Out of boundary of the current month
+ return
+ prev_cell_num = calendar_utils.convert_coord_to_cell_num(*self.cur_focused_cell_cord)
+ prev_cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{prev_cell_num}")
+ calendar_utils.remove_left_arrow(prev_cell)
+ cur_cell_num = calendar_utils.convert_coord_to_cell_num(nx, ny)
+ next_cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{cur_cell_num}")
+ calendar_utils.add_left_arrow(next_cell)
+ self.cur_focused_cell_cord = (nx, ny)
+ self.cur_focused_cell = next_cell
+ elif event.key == 'o': # select a cell
+ cur_cell_num = calendar_utils.convert_coord_to_cell_num(x, y)
+ cur_cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{cur_cell_num}")
+ cell_tasks = cur_cell.children[1:] # task data
+ # Retrieve tasks for the selected day
+ selected_day = calendar_utils.convert_cell_num_to_day(self.year, self.month, cur_cell_num)
+ cell_tasks = list(filter(
+ lambda x: calendar_utils.get_date_obj_from_str_separated_by_T(x['deadline']).day == selected_day,
+ self.tasks
+ ))
+ self.post_message(self.TaskCellSelected(cell_tasks, self.year, self.month, selected_day))
+ self.is_pop_up = True
+ def on_focus(self):
+ x, y = calendar_utils.convert_cell_num_to_coord(self.cur_month_first_day_cell_num)
+ target_cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{self.cur_month_first_day_cell_num}")
+ # target_cell.add_class("focused-cell")
+ calendar_utils.add_left_arrow(target_cell)
+ self.cur_focused_cell_cord = (x, y)
+ self.cur_focused_cell = target_cell
+ def update_year_and_month(self, year, month):
+ self.year, self.month = year, month
+ self.update_calendar()
+ def update_cat_path(self, new_cat_path: str):
+ self.cat_path = new_cat_path
+ self.update_calendar(show_arrow=False)
+ def update_tag(self, new_tag: str):
+ self.tag = new_tag
+ self.update_calendar(show_arrow=False)
+ def refresh_cell_days(self):
+ self.grid = [[False for _ in range(7)] for _ in range(5)]
+ first_weekday, total_days = calendar.monthrange(self.year, self.month)
+ self.cur_month_first_day_cell_num = first_weekday
+ now =
+ for i in range(35):
+ cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{i}")
+ for child in cell.walk_children():
+ child.remove()
+ if i >= first_weekday and i <= first_weekday + total_days - 1:
+ x, y = calendar_utils.convert_cell_num_to_coord(i)
+ self.grid[x][y] = True
+ day = calendar_utils.convert_cell_num_to_day(self.year, self.month, i)
+ day_text = Text()
+ day_text.append(f"{day}")
+ if self.year == now.year and self.month == now.month and day ==
+ day_text = Text(str(day_text), style=Style(bgcolor=constants.CALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR, color="black"))
+ # day_text.stylize(style=Style(bgcolor=constants.CALENDAR_TODAY_COLOR, color="black"))
+ cell.mount(Label(day_text, id=f"cell-header-{i}"))
+ def update_calendar(self, show_arrow=True):
+ """
+ If val == "", then "root category" is selected
+ """
+ if self.cat_path == "": # all categories
+ cat_list = None
+ elif self.cat_path == "No Category":
+ cat_list = ['']
+ else:
+ cat_list = self.cat_path[:-1].split('/')
+ if self.tag == "":
+ tag = None
+ else:
+ tag = self.tag
+ log("CATS", cat_list),
+ log("tag", tag)
+ start_date, end_date = task_utils.build_time_window_by_year_and_month(self.year, self.month)
+ resp = task_api.get_tasks(
+ cats=cat_list,
+ start_date=start_date,
+ end_date=end_date,
+ tag=tag,
+ view="list"
+ )
+ if resp.status_code == 200:
+ self.refresh_cell_days()
+ tasks = general_utils.bytes2dict(resp.content)['tasks']
+ self.tasks = tasks
+ first_weekday, last_day = calendar.monthrange(self.year, self.month)
+ if self.cur_focused_cell:
+ if show_arrow:
+ calendar_utils.remove_left_arrow(self.cur_focused_cell)
+ self.cur_focused_cell_cord = calendar_utils.convert_cell_num_to_coord(first_weekday)
+ self.cur_focused_cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{first_weekday}") # update
+ if show_arrow:
+ calendar_utils.add_left_arrow(self.cur_focused_cell)
+ for idx, task in enumerate(tasks):
+ full_date = task['deadline']
+ day = datetime.strptime(full_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").day
+ cell_num = calendar_utils.convert_day_to_cell_num(self.year, self.month, day)
+ cell = self.query_one(f"#cell{cell_num}")
+ color = task['color']
+ name = task['name']
+ # if len(name) > 13:
+ # name = name[:13] + ".."
+ task_item_name = Text()
+ task_item_name.append("●", style=constants.CIRCLE_COLOR[color])
+ task_item_name.append(" " + name)
+ task_item = Static(task_item_name, id=f"task-cell{cell_num}-{idx}", classes="task-item")
+ cell.mount(task_item)
+ task_item = self.query_one(f"#task-cell{cell_num}-{idx}")
+ task_item.styles.overflow_x = "hidden"
+ task_item.styles.overflow_y = "hidden"
+ elif resp.status_code == 400:
+ err_msg = general_utils.bytes2dict(resp.content)['detail']
+ exit(0)
+ else:
+ exit(0)
+class CalendarContainer(Vertical):
+ year =
+ month =
+ cat_path = None # If none, show all categories
+ tag = None
+ def update_month_by_offset(self, offset: int):
+ new_year, new_month = task_utils.get_year_and_month_by_month_offset(
+ month_offset=offset,
+ year=self.year,
+ month=self.month
+ )
+ self.year, self.month = new_year, new_month
+ calendar_header = self.query_one(CalendarHeader)
+ cal = self.query_one(Calendar)
+ calendar_header.update_year_and_month(self.year, self.month)
+ cal.update_year_and_month(self.year, self.month)
+ def update_year_and_month(self, year: int, month: int):
+ self.year, self.month = year, month
+ calendar_header = self.query_one(CalendarHeader)
+ cal = self.query_one(Calendar)
+ calendar_header.update_year_and_month(self.year, self.month)
+ cal.update_year_and_month(self.year, self.month)
+ def update_cat_path(self, cat_path: str):
+ """
+ cat_path: ex) HKU/COMP3230 or ""
+ """
+ self.cat_path = cat_path
+ cal = self.query_one(Calendar)
+ cal.update_cat_path(new_cat_path=cat_path)
+ cal_header = self.query_one(CalendarHeader)
+ cal_header.update_cat_path(new_cat_path=cat_path)
+ def update_tag(self, tag: str):
+ self.tag = tag
+ cal = self.query_one(Calendar)
+ cal.update_tag(new_tag=tag)
+ cal_header = self.query_one(CalendarHeader)
+ cal_header.update_tag(new_tag=tag)
+ def compose(self):
+ yield CalendarHeader(id="calendar-header")
+ yield Calendar(id="calendar")