path: root/plugin/fzf.vim
diff options
authorJunegunn Choi <>2020-10-27 23:57:03 +0900
committerJunegunn Choi <>2020-10-27 23:57:03 +0900
commit51dfacd5421678cd2d453774176516ef71445dfc (patch)
treee6b5b61e66630d296128027af556ccdfeed67597 /plugin/fzf.vim
parentc691d52fa7f326e0f0ad162aa3e0e0107b0bef48 (diff)
parenteaa413c566ba6e5c0e39fa93403198202054776a (diff)
Merge branch 'devel' into master
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin/fzf.vim')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/fzf.vim b/plugin/fzf.vim
index 7dc677f4..50fcbc02 100644
--- a/plugin/fzf.vim
+++ b/plugin/fzf.vim
@@ -154,7 +154,20 @@ function! fzf#install()
-function! fzf#exec()
+function! s:version_requirement(val, min)
+ let val = split(a:val, '\.')
+ let min = split(a:min, '\.')
+ for idx in range(0, len(min) - 1)
+ let v = get(val, idx, 0)
+ if v < min[idx] | return 0
+ elseif v > min[idx] | return 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
+let s:checked = {}
+function! fzf#exec(...)
if !exists('s:exec')
if executable(s:fzf_go)
let s:exec = s:fzf_go
@@ -169,6 +182,26 @@ function! fzf#exec()
throw 'fzf executable not found'
+ if a:0 && !has_key(s:checked, a:1)
+ let command = s:exec . ' --version'
+ let output = systemlist(command)
+ if v:shell_error || empty(output)
+ throw printf('Failed to run "%s": %s', command, output)
+ endif
+ let fzf_version = matchstr(output[0], '[0-9.]\+')
+ if s:version_requirement(fzf_version, a:1)
+ let s:checked[a:1] = 1
+ return s:exec
+ elseif a:0 < 2 && input(printf('You need fzf %s or above. Found: %s. Download binary? (y/n) ', a:1, fzf_version)) =~? '^y'
+ redraw
+ call fzf#install()
+ return fzf#exec(a:1, 1)
+ else
+ throw printf('You need to upgrade fzf (required: %s or above)', a:1)
+ endif
+ endif
return s:exec
@@ -432,6 +465,7 @@ try
elseif use_term
let optstr .= ' --no-height'
+ let optstr .= s:border_opt(get(dict, 'window', 0))
let command = prefix.(use_tmux ? s:fzf_tmux(dict) : fzf_exec).' '.optstr.' > '.temps.result
if use_term
@@ -656,6 +690,32 @@ function! s:getpos()
return {'tab': tabpagenr(), 'win': winnr(), 'winid': win_getid(), 'cnt': winnr('$'), 'tcnt': tabpagenr('$')}
+function! s:border_opt(window)
+ if type(a:window) != type({})
+ return ''
+ endif
+ " Border style
+ let style = tolower(get(a:window, 'border', 'rounded'))
+ if !has_key(a:window, 'border') && !get(a:window, 'rounded', 1)
+ let style = 'sharp'
+ endif
+ if style == 'none'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ " For --border styles, we need fzf 0.24.0 or above
+ call fzf#exec('0.24.0')
+ let opt = ' --border=' . style
+ if has_key(a:window, 'highlight')
+ let color = s:get_color('fg', a:window.highlight)
+ if len(color)
+ let opt .= ' --color=border:' . color
+ endif
+ endif
+ return opt
function! s:split(dict)
let directions = {
\ 'up': ['topleft', 'resize', &lines],
@@ -869,12 +929,8 @@ else
function! s:popup(opts) abort
- " Support ambiwidth == 'double'
- let ambidouble = &ambiwidth == 'double' ? 2 : 1
" Size and position
let width = min([max([8, a:opts.width > 1 ? a:opts.width : float2nr(&columns * a:opts.width)]), &columns])
- let width += width % ambidouble
let height = min([max([4, a:opts.height > 1 ? a:opts.height : float2nr(&lines * a:opts.height)]), &lines - has('nvim')])
let row = float2nr(get(a:opts, 'yoffset', 0.5) * (&lines - height))
let col = float2nr(get(a:opts, 'xoffset', 0.5) * (&columns - width))
@@ -885,45 +941,9 @@ function! s:popup(opts) abort
let row += !has('nvim')
let col += !has('nvim')
- " Border style
- let style = tolower(get(a:opts, 'border', 'rounded'))
- if !has_key(a:opts, 'border') && !get(a:opts, 'rounded', 1)
- let style = 'sharp'
- endif
- if style =~ 'vertical\|left\|right'
- let mid = style == 'vertical' ? '│' .. repeat(' ', width - 2 * ambidouble) .. '│' :
- \ style == 'left' ? '│' .. repeat(' ', width - 1 * ambidouble)
- \ : repeat(' ', width - 1 * ambidouble) .. '│'
- let border = repeat([mid], height)
- let shift = { 'row': 0, 'col': style == 'right' ? 0 : 2, 'width': style == 'vertical' ? -4 : -2, 'height': 0 }
- elseif style =~ 'horizontal\|top\|bottom'
- let hor = repeat('─', width / ambidouble)
- let mid = repeat(' ', width)
- let border = style == 'horizontal' ? [hor] + repeat([mid], height - 2) + [hor] :
- \ style == 'top' ? [hor] + repeat([mid], height - 1)
- \ : repeat([mid], height - 1) + [hor]
- let shift = { 'row': style == 'bottom' ? 0 : 1, 'col': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': style == 'horizontal' ? -2 : -1 }
- else
- let edges = style == 'sharp' ? ['┌', '┐', '└', '┘'] : ['╭', '╮', '╰', '╯']
- let bar = repeat('─', width / ambidouble - 2)
- let top = edges[0] .. bar .. edges[1]
- let mid = '│' .. repeat(' ', width - 2 * ambidouble) .. '│'
- let bot = edges[2] .. bar .. edges[3]
- let border = [top] + repeat([mid], height - 2) + [bot]
- let shift = { 'row': 1, 'col': 2, 'width': -4, 'height': -2 }
- endif
- let highlight = get(a:opts, 'highlight', 'Comment')
- let frame = s:create_popup(highlight, {
- \ 'row': row, 'col': col, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'border': border
- \ })
call s:create_popup('Normal', {
- \ 'row': row + shift.row, 'col': col + shift.col, 'width': width + shift.width, 'height': height + shift.height
+ \ 'row': row, 'col': col, 'width': width, 'height': height
\ })
- if has('nvim')
- execute 'autocmd BufWipeout <buffer> bwipeout '..frame
- endif
let s:default_action = {