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authorJunegunn Choi <>2021-04-07 06:44:01 +0900
committerJunegunn Choi <>2021-04-07 06:46:17 +0900
commitb2098435456e45bbddfefdcfa234f3924b68c522 (patch)
tree1ca50d25ec07e50b45978be2e2f34593ce63eb3a /
parent19759ed36edae830ac794f20320b6501fe0ca260 (diff)
Advanced fzf examples
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+Advanced fzf examples
+*(Last update: 2021/04/06)*
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->
+* [Introduction](#introduction)
+* [Screen Layout](#screen-layout)
+ * [`--height`](#--height)
+ * [`fzf-tmux`](#fzf-tmux)
+ * [Popup window support](#popup-window-support)
+* [Dynamic reloading of the list](#dynamic-reloading-of-the-list)
+ * [Updating the list of processes by pressing CTRL-R](#updating-the-list-of-processes-by-pressing-ctrl-r)
+ * [Toggling between data sources](#toggling-between-data-sources)
+* [Ripgrep integration](#ripgrep-integration)
+ * [Using fzf as the secondary filter](#using-fzf-as-the-secondary-filter)
+ * [Using fzf as interative Ripgrep launcher](#using-fzf-as-interative-ripgrep-launcher)
+* [Log tailing](#log-tailing)
+* [Key bindings for git objects](#key-bindings-for-git-objects)
+ * [Files listed in `git status`](#files-listed-in-git-status)
+ * [Branches](#branches)
+ * [Commit hashes](#commit-hashes)
+* [Color themes](#color-themes)
+ * [Generating fzf color theme from Vim color schemes](#generating-fzf-color-theme-from-vim-color-schemes)
+<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->
+fzf is an interactive [Unix filter][filter] program that is designed to be
+used with other Unix tools. It reads a list of items from the standard input,
+allows you to select a subset of the items, and prints the selected ones to
+the standard output. You can think of it as an interactive version of *grep*,
+and it's already useful even if you don't know any of its options.
+# 1. ps: Feed the list of processes to fzf
+# 2. fzf: Interactively select a process using fuzzy matching algorithm
+# 3. awk: Take the PID from the selected line
+# 3. kill: Kill the process with the PID
+ps -ef | fzf | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+While the above example succinctly summarizes the fundamental concept of fzf,
+you can build much more sophisticated interactive workflows using fzf once you
+learn its wide variety of features.
+- To see the full list of options and features, see `man fzf`
+- To see the latest additions, see [](
+This document will guide you through some examples that will familiarize you
+with the advanced features of fzf.
+Screen Layout
+### `--height`
+fzf by default opens in fullscreen mode, but it's not always desirable.
+Oftentimes, you want to see the current context of the terminal while using
+fzf. `--height` is an option for opening fzf below the cursor in
+non-fullscreen mode so you can still see the previous commands and their
+results above it.
+fzf --height=40%
+You might also want to experiment with other layout options such as
+`--layout=reverse`, `--info=inline`, `--border`, `--margin`, etc.
+fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse
+fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse --info=inline
+fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse --info=inline --border
+fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse --info=inline --border --margin=1
+fzf --height=40% --layout=reverse --info=inline --border --margin=1 --padding=1
+*(See `Layout` section of the man page to see the full list of options)*
+But you definitely don't want to repeat `--height=40% --layout=reverse
+--info=inline --border --margin=1 --padding=1` every time you use fzf. You
+could write a wrapper script or shell alise, but there is an easier option.
+Define `$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS` like so:
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height=40% --layout=reverse --info=inline --border --margin=1 --padding=1"
+### `fzf-tmux`
+Before fzf had `--height` option, we would open fzf in a tmux split pane not
+to take up the whole screen. This is done using `fzf-tmux` script.
+# Open fzf on a tmux split pane below the current pane.
+# Takes the same set of options.
+fzf-tmux --layout=reverse
+The limitation of `fzf-tmux` is that it only works when you're on tmux unlike
+`--height` option. But the advantage of it is that it's more flexible.
+# On the right (50%)
+fzf-tmux -r
+# On the left (30%)
+fzf-tmux -l30%
+# Above the cursor
+fzf-tmux -u30%
+#### Popup window support
+But here's the really cool part; tmux 3.2 (stable version is not yet released
+as of now) supports popup windows. So if you have tmux built from the latest
+source, you can open fzf in a popup window, which is quite useful when you're
+working on split panes.
+# Open tmux in a tmux popup window (default size: 50% of the screen)
+fzf-tmux -p
+# 80% width, 60% height
+fzf-tmux -p 80%,60%
+Dynamic reloading of the list
+fzf can dynamically update the candidate list using an arbitrary program with
+`reload` bindings (The design document for `reload` can be found
+### Updating the list of processes by pressing CTRL-R
+This example shows how you can set up a binding for dynamically updating the
+list without restarting fzf.
+(date; ps -ef) |
+ fzf --bind='ctrl-r:reload(date; ps -ef)' \
+ --header=$'Press CTRL-R to reload\n\n' --header-lines=2 \
+ --preview='echo {}' --preview-window=down,3,wrap \
+ --layout=reverse --height=80% | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
+- The initial command is `(date; ps -ef)`. It prints the current date and
+ time, and the list of the processes.
+- With `--header` option, you can show any message as the fixed header.
+- To disallow selecting the first two lines (`date` and `ps` header), we use
+ `--header-lines=2` option.
+- `--bind='ctrl-r:reload(date; ps -ef)'` binds CTRL-R to `reload` action that
+ runs `date; ps -ef`, so we can update the list of the processes by pressing
+- We use simple `echo {}` preview option, so we can see the entire line on the
+ preview window below even if it's too long
+### Toggling between data sources
+You're not limiited to just one reload binding. Set up multiple bindings so
+you can switch between data sources.
+find * | fzf --prompt 'All> ' \
+ --header 'CTRL-D: Directories / CTRL-F: Files' \
+ --bind 'ctrl-d:change-prompt(Directories> )+reload(find * -type d)' \
+ --bind 'ctrl-f:change-prompt(Files> )+reload(find * -type f)'
+Ripgrep integration
+### Using fzf as the secondary filter
+* Requires [bat][bat]
+* Requires [Ripgrep][rg]
+fzf is pretty fast for filtering a list that you will rarely have to think
+about its performance. But it is not the right tool for searching for text
+inside many large files, and in that case you should definitely use something
+like [Ripgrep][rg].
+In the next example, Ripgrep is the primary filter that searches for the given
+text in files, and fzf is used as the secondary fuzzy filter that adds
+interactivity to the workflow. And we use [bat][bat] to show the matching line in
+the preview window.
+This is a bash script and it will not run as expected on other non-compliant
+shells. To avoid the compatibility issue, let's save this snippet as a script
+file called `rfv`.
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# 1. Search for text in files using Ripgrep
+# 2. Interactively narrow down the list using fzf
+# 3. Open the file in Vim
+IFS=: read -ra selected < <(
+ rg --color=always --line-number --no-heading --smart-case "${*:-}" |
+ fzf --ansi \
+ --color "hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse" \
+ --delimiter : \
+ --preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}' \
+ --preview-window 'up,60%,border-bottom,+{2}+3/3,~3'
+[ -n "${selected[0]}" ] && vim "${selected[0]}" "+${selected[1]}"
+And run it with an initial query string.
+chmod +x rfv
+./rfv algo
+I know it's a lot to digest, let's try to break down the code.
+- Ripgrep prints the matching lines in the following format
+ ```
+ man/man1/fzf.1:54:.BI "--algo=" TYPE
+ man/man1/fzf.1:55:Fuzzy matching algorithm (default: v2)
+ man/man1/fzf.1:58:.BR v2 " Optimal scoring algorithm (quality)"
+ src/pattern_test.go:7: ""
+ ```
+ The first token delimited by `:` is the file path, and the second token is
+ the line number of the matching line. They respectively correspond to `{1}`
+ and `{2}` in the preview command.
+ - `--preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}'`
+- As we run `rg` with `--color=always` option, we should tell fzf to parse
+ ANSI color codes in the input by setting `--ansi`.
+- We customize how fzf colors various text elements using `--color` option.
+ `-1` tells fzf to keep the original color from the input. See `man fzf` for
+ available color options.
+- The value of `--preview-window` options consists of 4 components delimited
+ by `,`
+ 1. `up` — Position of the preview window
+ 1. `60%` — Size of the preview window
+ 1. `border-bottom` — Preview window border only on the bottom side
+ 1. `+{2}+3/3` — Scroll offset of the preview contents
+ 1. `~3` — Fixed header
+- Let's break down the latter two. We want to display the bat output in the
+ preview window with a certain scroll offset so that the matching line is
+ positioned near the center of the preview window.
+ - `+{2}` — The base offset is extracted from the second token
+ - `+3` — We add 3 lines to the base offset to compensate for the header
+ part of `bat` output
+ - ```
+ ───────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+ │ File:
+ ───────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
+ 2 │ =========
+ 3 │
+ 4 │ 0.26.0
+ 5 │ ------
+ ```
+ - `/3` adjusts the offset so that the matching line is shown at a third
+ position in the window
+ - `~3` makes the top three lines fixed header so that they are always
+ visible regardless of the scroll offset
+- Once we selected a line, we open the file with `vim` (`vim
+ "${selected[0]}"`) and move the cursor to the line (`+${selected[1]}`).
+### Using fzf as interative Ripgrep launcher
+We have learned that we can bind `reload` action to a key (e.g.
+`--bind=ctrl-r:execute(ps -ef)`). In the next example, we are going to **bind
+`reload` action to `change` event** so that whenever the user *changes* the
+query string on fzf, `reload` action is triggered.
+Here is a variation of the above `rfv` script. fzf will restart Ripgrep every
+time the user updates the query string on fzf. Searching and filtering is
+completely done by Ripgrep, and fzf merely provides the interactive interface.
+So we lose the "fuzziness", but the performance will be better on larger
+projects, and it will free up memory as you narrow down the results.
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# 1. Search for text in files using Ripgrep
+# 2. Interactively restart Ripgrep with reload action
+# 3. Open the file in Vim
+RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case "
+IFS=: read -ra selected < <(
+ fzf --ansi \
+ --disabled --query "$INITIAL_QUERY" \
+ --bind "change:reload:sleep 0.1; $RG_PREFIX {q} || true" \
+ --color "hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:underline:reverse" \
+ --delimiter : \
+ --preview 'bat --color=always {1} --highlight-line {2}' \
+ --preview-window 'up,60%,border-bottom,+{2}+3/3,~3'
+[ -n "${selected[0]}" ] && vim "${selected[0]}" "+${selected[1]}"
+- Instead of starting fzf in `rg ... | fzf` form, we start fzf without an
+ explicit input, but with a custom `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND` variable. This way
+ fzf can kill the initial Ripgrep process it starts with the initial query.
+ Otherwise, the initial Ripgrep process will keep consuming system resources
+ even after `reload` is triggered.
+- Filtering is no longer a responsibitiliy of fzf; hence `--disabled`
+- `sleep 0.1` in the reload command is for "debouncing". This small delay will
+ reduce the number of intermediate Ripgrep processes while we're typing in
+ a query.
+Log tailing
+fzf can run long-running preview commands and render partial results before
+completion. And when you specify `:follow` flag in `--preview-window` option,
+fzf will "`tail -f`" the result, automatically scrolling to the bottom.
+# With "follow", preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom.
+# "\033[2J" is an ANSI escape sequence for clearing the screen.
+# When fzf reads this code it clears the previous preview contents.
+fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
+ echo "$i"
+ sleep 0.01
+ (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
+Admittedly, that was a silly example. Here's a practical one for browsing
+Kubernetes pods.
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+read -ra tokens < <(
+ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces |
+ fzf --info=inline --layout=reverse --header-lines=1 --border \
+ --prompt "$(kubectl config current-context | sed 's/-context$//')> " \
+ --header $'Press CTRL-O to open log in editor\n\n' \
+ --bind ctrl-/:toggle-preview \
+ --bind 'ctrl-o:execute:${EDITOR:-vim} <(kubectl logs --namespace {1} {2}) > /dev/tty' \
+ --preview-window up,follow \
+ --preview 'kubectl logs --follow --tail=100000 --namespace {1} {2}' "$@"
+[ ${#tokens} -gt 1 ] &&
+ kubectl exec -it --namespace "${tokens[0]}" "${tokens[1]}" -- bash
+- The preview window will *"log tail"* the pod
+ - Holding on to a large amount of log will consume a lot of memory. So we
+ limited the initial log amount with `--tail=100000`.
+- With `execute` binding, you can press CTRL-O to open the log in your editor
+ without leaving fzf
+- Select a pod (with an enter key) to `kubectl exec` into it
+Key bindings for git objects
+I have [blogged]( about my fzf+git key
+bindings a few years ago. I'm going to show them here again, because they are
+seriously useful.
+### Files listed in `git status`
+### Branches
+### Commit hashes
+The full source code can be found [here](
+Color themes
+You can customize how fzf colors the text elements with `--color` option. Here
+are a few color themes. Note that you need a terminal emulator that can
+display 24-bit colors.
+# junegunn/seoul256.vim (dark)
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color=bg+:#3F3F3F,bg:#4B4B4B,border:#6B6B6B,spinner:#98BC99,hl:#719872,fg:#D9D9D9,header:#719872,info:#BDBB72,pointer:#E12672,marker:#E17899,fg+:#D9D9D9,preview-bg:#3F3F3F,prompt:#98BEDE,hl+:#98BC99'
+# junegunn/seoul256.vim (light)
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color=bg+:#D9D9D9,bg:#E1E1E1,border:#C8C8C8,spinner:#719899,hl:#719872,fg:#616161,header:#719872,info:#727100,pointer:#E12672,marker:#E17899,fg+:#616161,preview-bg:#D9D9D9,prompt:#0099BD,hl+:#719899'
+# morhetz/gruvbox
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color=bg+:#3c3836,bg:#32302f,spinner:#fb4934,hl:#928374,fg:#ebdbb2,header:#928374,info:#8ec07c,pointer:#fb4934,marker:#fb4934,fg+:#ebdbb2,prompt:#fb4934,hl+:#fb4934'
+# arcticicestudio/nord-vim
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color=bg+:#3B4252,bg:#2E3440,spinner:#81A1C1,hl:#616E88,fg:#D8DEE9,header:#616E88,info:#81A1C1,pointer:#81A1C1,marker:#81A1C1,fg+:#D8DEE9,prompt:#81A1C1,hl+:#81A1C1'
+# tomasr/molokai
+export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color=bg+:#293739,bg:#1B1D1E,border:#808080,spinner:#E6DB74,hl:#7E8E91,fg:#F8F8F2,header:#7E8E91,info:#A6E22E,pointer:#A6E22E,marker:#F92672,fg+:#F8F8F2,prompt:#F92672,hl+:#F92672'
+### Generating fzf color theme from Vim color schemes
+The Vim plugin of fzf can generate `--color` option from the current color
+scheme according to `g:fzf_colors` variable. You can find the detailed
+explanation [here](
+Here is an example. Add this to your Vim configuration file.
+let g:fzf_colors =
+\ { 'fg': ['fg', 'Normal'],
+ \ 'bg': ['bg', 'Normal'],
+ \ 'preview-bg': ['bg', 'NormalFloat'],
+ \ 'hl': ['fg', 'Comment'],
+ \ 'fg+': ['fg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn', 'Normal'],
+ \ 'bg+': ['bg', 'CursorLine', 'CursorColumn'],
+ \ 'hl+': ['fg', 'Statement'],
+ \ 'info': ['fg', 'PreProc'],
+ \ 'border': ['fg', 'Ignore'],
+ \ 'prompt': ['fg', 'Conditional'],
+ \ 'pointer': ['fg', 'Exception'],
+ \ 'marker': ['fg', 'Keyword'],
+ \ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
+ \ 'header': ['fg', 'Comment'] }
+Then you can see how the `--color` option is generated by printing the result
+of `fzf#wrap()`.
+:echo fzf#wrap()
+Use this command to append `export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="..."` line to the end of
+the current file.
+:call append('$', printf('export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="%s"', matchstr(fzf#wrap().options, "--color[^']*")))