path: root/src/
diff options
authorMatthias Beyer <>2021-04-17 14:37:46 +0200
committerMatthias Beyer <>2021-04-17 14:59:43 +0200
commit056a0728c775e37460ed00791ad503e03a88f3d6 (patch)
treea7bcc714aa39dd4bfb6e64d4c9e7689487c2da9f /src/
Initial import
Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd5fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use anyhow::Context;
+use anyhow::Error;
+use anyhow::Result;
+use anyhow::anyhow;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+mod config;
+mod cli;
+mod schema;
+fn main() -> Result<()> {
+ let cli = crate::cli::app();
+ let _ = env_logger::try_init()?;
+ let mut config = ::config::Config::default();
+ {
+ let xdg = xdg::BaseDirectories::with_prefix("fss")?;
+ let xdg_config = xdg.find_config_file("config.toml")
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No configuration file found with XDG: {}", xdg.get_config_home().display()))?;
+ log::debug!("Configuration file found with XDG: {}", xdg_config.display());
+ config.merge(::config::File::from(xdg_config).required(false))
+ .context("Failed to load config.toml from XDG configuration directory")?;
+ }
+ let config = config.try_into::<crate::config::Config>()?;
+ let index_path = tantivy::directory::MmapDirectory::open(config.database_path())?;
+ let schema = crate::schema::schema();
+ let index = tantivy::Index::open_or_create(index_path, schema.clone())?;
+ let field_path = schema.get_field("path")
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("BUG"))?;
+ let field_ft = schema.get_field("ft")
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("BUG"))?;
+ let field_body = schema.get_field("body")
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("BUG"))?;
+ match cli.get_matches().subcommand() {
+ ("index", Some(mtch)) => {
+ let mut index_writer = index.writer(50_000_000)?;
+ mtch.values_of("file")
+ .unwrap() // safe by clap
+ .map(|filepath| {
+ let path_str = String::from(filepath);
+ let path = PathBuf::from(&path_str);
+ let filetype = path.extension()
+ .map(ToOwned::to_owned)
+ .and_then(|osstr| osstr.to_str().map(|s| s.to_string()))
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Path {} is not UTF8", filepath))?;
+ let mut doc = tantivy::Document::default();
+ doc.add_text(field_path, &path_str);
+ doc.add_text(field_ft, &filetype);
+ doc.add_text(field_body, std::fs::read_to_string(path)?);
+ index_writer.add_document(doc);
+ Ok(())
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()?;
+ index_writer.commit()?;
+ Ok(())
+ },
+ ("search", Some(mtch)) => {
+ let query_str = mtch.values_of("term")
+ .unwrap() // safe by clap
+ .join(" ");
+ let reader = index
+ .reader_builder()
+ .reload_policy(tantivy::ReloadPolicy::OnCommit)
+ .try_into()?;
+ let searcher = reader.searcher();
+ let query_parser = tantivy::query::QueryParser::for_index(&index, vec![field_path.clone(), field_ft, field_body]);
+ let query = query_parser.parse_query(&query_str)?;
+ let top_docs =, &tantivy::collector::TopDocs::with_limit(10))?;
+ let mut output = std::io::stdout();
+ top_docs.into_iter()
+ .map(|(_score, adr)| {
+ let retrieved_doc = searcher.doc(adr)?;
+ retrieved_doc.get_all(field_path)
+ .map(|value| {
+ value.text().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Not a text value.."))
+ })
+ .map_ok(|txt| {
+ writeln!(output, "{}", txt).map_err(Error::from)
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>>>()
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<Vec<_>>>>()
+ .map(|_| ())
+ },
+ (_other, _) => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ },
+ }