AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-12!command and cli_application display their command and outputv0.1.24-use_rcqkzk
2023-12-12remove useless importqkzk
2023-12-12FIX: opening help or fuzzyfindhelp crashes if a listed action has no keybindqkzk
2023-12-11FIX: delete from context menu is mapped to DEL key action not DeleteFileqkzk
2023-12-11FIX: menu click is offset by one when term height is oddqkzk
2023-12-11FIX command mode does nothingqkzk
2023-12-11FIX: leaving sort mode doesn't reset the sort to default valuesqkzk
2023-12-11FIX: chmod does nothing when flagged is emptyqkzk
2023-12-11readme & devqkzk
2023-12-11make every session parameter private, ensure they can't be modified outside t...qkzk
2023-12-10documentation & session refactoringqkzk
2023-12-10Use session to save display settings. Inspired by Felixqkzk
2023-12-10use a trait to refactor header & footer. Only export the public APIqkzk
2023-12-10Make footer clickableqkzk
2023-12-10WIP: header & footer. Display ok. Header click ok. Footer click TODO!qkzk
2023-12-08WIP: cleaner header & footer. Better struct for line drawingqkzk
2023-12-07fix typo in config, update second pane when clicking fileqkzk
2023-12-07updated default config file to reflect uniform keybindingsqkzk
2023-12-07uniform keybindingsqkzk
2023-12-06WIP: selectable menus are clickableqkzk
2023-12-06remove non existant binds from helpqkzk
2023-12-05WIP: parse click on secondary window. Detect which window was clickedqkzk
2023-12-05context menu with most common actions (right clic, alt+t)qkzk
2023-12-05WIP context menuquentin konieczko
2023-12-05devquentin konieczko
2023-12-05calc metadata lazylly, don't if not displayedquentin konieczko
2023-12-05rewrote tree preview. Don't use old methodsqkzk
2023-12-04WIP: first step at remaking tree contentqkzk
2023-12-04simplify coloreffectqkzk
2023-12-04use Rc instead of owned string in ColoredTripletqkzk
2023-12-03FIX: wrong position of cursor in edit modeqkzk
2023-12-03allow .lock to be opened as text filesqkzk
2023-12-03remove specific commandsqkzk
2023-12-03WIP merge specific commands into cli infoqkzk
2023-12-03clean display importsqkzk
2023-12-03don't use fn _name for called functions or methodsqkzk
2023-12-03use a trait to get canvas heightqkzk
2023-12-03store term size before drawing tree & files. Limit drawing in real window for...qkzk