AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-17rename modes requiring inputmode-refactorqkzk
2022-12-17refactor event exec and event dispatch. Documentationqkzk
2022-12-17Combine preview and helpqkzk
2022-12-17regroup modes requiring an inputqkzk
2022-12-17use one mode with variants for completionqkzk
2022-12-17document mark actionsqkzk
2022-12-17enum for completion kindqkzk
2022-12-17Merge pull request #59 from qkzk/needconfirmation-enumqkzk
2022-12-17remove everything about last edition attribute.needconfirmation-enumqkzk
2022-12-17create an enum for confirmed actionqkzk
2022-12-17fix readmeqkzk
2022-12-17document cd on quit. readmeqkzk badgeqkzk
2022-12-17readme imageqkzk
2022-12-17replace some stderr output to loggingqkzk badgeqkzk
2022-12-17new version in development : 0.1.1qkzk
2022-12-17specify chrono dependency0.1.0qkzk
2022-12-17specify all dependecy versions with maximum precisionqkzk
2022-12-17specify 0.4.5 of tuikit for skim compatibilityqkzk
2022-12-17specify * dependency for crates.ioqkzk
2022-12-17license: common clauseqkzk
2022-12-17change name since fm is takenqkzk
2022-12-17typo in cargo.tomlqkzk
2022-12-17use dependency instead of gitqkzk
2022-12-17cargo publishing: cargo.tomlqkzk
2022-12-16search for next element matching the typed stringqkzk
2022-12-16improve build.rsqkzk
2022-12-16build: creating default config files.qkzk
2022-12-16refactor, use &str when possibleqkzk
2022-12-16refactor completionqkzk
2022-12-16sanitize filenames, go to relative pathqkzk
2022-12-16constant for dragndropqkzk
2022-12-16moved config files to specific folderqkzk
2022-12-16Merge pull request #58 from qkzk/graphemesqkzk
2022-12-16Documentation of input stringqkzk
2022-12-16move cursor to end after completionqkzk
2022-12-16use vect a chars instead of string for input. Allow utf-8 support in inputqkzk
2022-12-16grapheme supportqkzk
2022-12-16force display of cursor in correct placeqkzk
2022-12-16prevent text insertion of non ascii charsqkzk
2022-12-16move string to specific file, readme for usersqkzk
2022-12-16massive documentaion and some refactoring.qkzk