path: root/src/interactive/widgets/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-10fix: mark-pane help bar now shows closest to the selected item.Sebastian Thiel
2024-03-10fix possible overflow during substraction in mark paneSebastian Thiel
2024-03-10Add scrollbar for mark listCyandev
2023-12-26fix: avoid duplicate key input on windows (#203).Sebastian Thiel
2023-12-26upgrade to latest verison of tui-crates and native crossterm events. (#203)Sebastian Thiel
2023-12-23remove treeview abstraction in favor of something simplerSebastian Thiel
2023-12-19Implements glob search modePiotr Wach
2023-12-10refactorSebastian Thiel
2023-12-10Calculates mark pane item count consistently with the rest of the appPiotr Wach
2023-12-09upgrade to latest crossterm; switch to `ratatui` from `tui`Sebastian Thiel
2023-11-20Fixes marking parent directory for deletion counts children twicePiotr Wach
2023-05-05thanks clippySebastian Thiel
2022-01-21feat: interactive mode learns 'toggle [a]ll' and 'remove [a]ll'.Sebastian Thiel
2022-01-20Add `a` key to toggle marked status of all entriesOmnikar
2021-10-26thanks clippySebastian Thiel
2021-08-22Merge branch 'style'Sebastian Thiel
2021-08-22Support Home/End and fix inconsistent help textKid
2021-08-22Improve mark widget tip styleKid
2021-07-13Make the trash feature optionalLewis Cook
2021-06-30cargo fmtSebastian Thiel
2021-06-30Add mark pane prompt message for ctrl + tSebastian Thiel
2021-06-30Refactor: deduplicate codeFederico Stra
2021-06-27Implement Ctrl+t move to trashFederico Stra
2021-06-08Print marked items upon exit if these are left in the marked paneSebastian Thiel
2021-02-15thanks clippySebastian Thiel
2021-02-15Add bindings 'H' and 'G' to go to the top/bottom of any paneSebastian Thiel
2020-07-23fix clippy warningsMaxim Zhukov
2020-07-22fix mark paneSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Upgrade to tui 0.10 step oneā€¦tui-react-v0.10.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-06convert input handling to crosstermionSebastian Thiel
2020-07-02Use u128 for byte sizesThomas Hurst
2020-05-04Upgrade to tui 0.9v2.6.0tui-react-v0.4.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-05-04Add 'x' key to mark for deletion, without togglingSebastian Thiel
2020-03-29Toggle help for entries and mark paneSebastian Thiel
2020-03-29auto-help which follows through the panesSebastian Thiel
2019-07-25Run rustfmt; use debug_assert; rename functionSebastian Thiel
2019-07-24Use same colors in mark pane as in entries paneVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-24Fix color scheme for light terminalsVinzent Steinberg
2019-06-15pane is now displayed during deletion; keeps last item selectedSebastian Thiel
2019-06-15better separation of concerns when iterating marked itemsSebastian Thiel
2019-06-15First half-baked version of deletion within traversal treeSebastian Thiel
2019-06-15refactorSebastian Thiel
2019-06-15refactorSebastian Thiel
2019-06-15First rough version of the required pieces in MarkPaneSebastian Thiel
2019-06-14first sketch of the delete-draw-loopSebastian Thiel
2019-06-08Dehli/India: Make marker selection feel rightSebastian Thiel
2019-06-08Pune/India: Nicer colors for warn window in selectionSebastian Thiel
2019-06-08Pune/India: Warning window follows user selectionSebastian Thiel
2019-06-08Pune/India: Fix handling of deleting the first index in the mark listSebastian Thiel
2019-06-08Pune/India: more prominent selection in mark paneSebastian Thiel