path: root/src/interactive/app/tests/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-09refactorSebastian Thiel
2024-01-08clippyPiotr Wach
2024-01-08Fixed testsPiotr Wach
2023-12-26Keep consistent language/punctuation/case throughout the app.Piotr Wach
2023-12-26upgrade to latest verison of tui-crates and native crossterm events. (#203)Sebastian Thiel
2023-12-19Implements glob search modePiotr Wach
2022-09-12feat: Automatically resize if the terminal changes in size. (#28)Sebastian Thiel
2021-07-14Merge branch 'optional-trash'Sebastian Thiel
2021-07-14disable test that now starts failing on windows even though…Sebastian Thiel
2021-07-14refactorSebastian Thiel
2021-06-05refactorSebastian Thiel