AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-02-22dependency update, cut releasev2.2.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-02-22Merge branch 'Freaky-apparent-size'Sebastian Thiel
2020-02-22Add support for real/apparent sizeThomas Hurst
2020-02-01Upgrade tui-reactSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01New release of tui-reactSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01cargo update - will a better lock file fix this issue?Sebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Fix installation instructionsSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01For now, only run unit-tests on CISebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Fix script paths; add badge2.1.13Sebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Add installation noteSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Add travis support including releasesSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Update tui to 0.8Sebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Update petgraphSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01cargo-update + new Cargo.lock formatSebastian Thiel
2020-02-01Nicer and leaner makefileSebastian Thiel
2019-12-29Fix version in READMESebastian Thiel
2019-11-06Update all dependencies to latest versionSebastian Thiel
2019-10-23Bump versionv2.1.12Sebastian Thiel
2019-10-23Make sure borders are drawn more priminently on focusSebastian Thiel
2019-07-26Bump version to 2.2.0v2.1.11Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-26Update dependenciesVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-26Don't follow symlinks when calculating size interactivelyVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-26Don't follow symlinks when deleting files recursivelyVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-25Prepare next releasev2.1.10Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-25A single decimal slot for percentages; Fixes #26Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-25Update README for upcoming releaseSebastian Thiel
2019-07-25Run rustfmt; use debug_assert; rename functionSebastian Thiel
2019-07-24Use same colors in mark pane as in entries paneVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-24Fix color scheme for light terminalsVinzent Steinberg
2019-07-22Forbid unsafe everywhereSebastian Thiel
2019-07-21Bump versionv2.1.9Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-21Show broken symlinks on the first level of iterationSebastian Thiel
2019-07-21Handle broken symlinks, they can now be deletedSebastian Thiel
2019-07-21Assure we flush stdout to switch back to the previous screenSebastian Thiel
2019-07-14Allow for pageup/down to work in selector pane (interactive mode)Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-14bump patch levelv2.1.8Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-14Do not follow symbolic links when iterating directories!Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-03Fix Cargo.lock... again. 2.1.7 is 2.1.6 effectivelyv2.1.7Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-03Bump patch; fixes #14v2.1.6Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-03Fix inconsistent cargo.lock file; update all depsv2.1.5Sebastian Thiel
2019-07-02prep for re-releasev2.1.4Sebastian Thiel
2019-06-23Add `Cargo.lock` because this is a binaryPascal Hertleif
2019-06-18add install instructions for voidlinuxJan Christian Grünhage
2019-06-17Additional limitations related to symlinks and hardlinkesSebastian Thiel
2019-06-16Patch release to get a working github release - no changes to codev2.1.3Sebastian Thiel
2019-06-16Make filename smaller; related to #10Sebastian Thiel
2019-06-16Inform about the dark-mode limitationSebastian Thiel
2019-06-16performance improvementsv2.1.2Sebastian Thiel
2019-06-16Reopen #2; removal of windows supportv2.1.1Sebastian Thiel
2019-06-16Better progress display when deleting multiple itemsSebastian Thiel