AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-07(cargo-release) version 2.10.9v2.10.9Sebastian Thiel
2021-01-07Fix jwalk, the other way around; related to #72Sebastian Thiel
2021-01-04upgrade to tui 14Sebastian Thiel
2021-01-04bump tui version to 0.14tui-react-v0.14.0Sebastian Thiel
2021-01-04(cargo-release) version 2.10.8v2.10.8Sebastian Thiel
2021-01-04update changelogSebastian Thiel
2021-01-04dependencies: bump itertools 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0Maxim Zhukov
2021-01-04dependency updateMaxim Zhukov
2020-12-16increase crate size limitSebastian Thiel
2020-12-16dependency updatev2.10.7Sebastian Thiel
2020-12-16(cargo-release) version 2.10.7Sebastian Thiel
2020-12-16prepare next releaseSebastian Thiel
2020-12-16Select better default thread count on Apple Silicon (M1)Sebastian Thiel
2020-12-16hopefully fix release pipelineSebastian Thiel
2020-12-07dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-11-15bump patch levelv2.10.5Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15Custom usage to fix #71Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15switch from structup to clap 3 beta.2Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15patch bumpv2.10.4Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15upgrade to tui 0.13Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15update tui-react to tui v0.13tui-react-v0.13.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-11-15dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-11-02Show 'scanning' note even without entering a directorySebastian Thiel
2020-10-27Update README to reflect only working installation methodsSebastian Thiel
2020-10-26disable release-build test mode in preparation for mergeSebastian Thiel
2020-10-26See if ARM works againTEST-0.0.1release-testSebastian Thiel
2020-10-15(cargo-release) version 2.10.3v2.10.3Sebastian Thiel
2020-10-15dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-09-30dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-09-28Provide alternative installation instructions for linuxSebastian Thiel
2020-09-28upgrade to latest version of tuiSebastian Thiel
2020-09-28update to tui 0.12tui-react-v0.12.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-09-28dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-09-14Dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-09-03dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-07-27bump patch levelv2.10.2Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-27refactorSebastian Thiel
2020-07-27src, aggregate: fix colors for aggregate modeMaxim Zhukov
2020-07-24(cargo-release) version 2.10.1v2.10.1Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-24Update changelogSebastian Thiel
2020-07-23fix styling for folders (cyan=folders, not chagned - regular files)Maxim Zhukov
2020-07-23fix clippy warningsMaxim Zhukov
2020-07-22arm also has a problem now - ignore it for nowv2.10.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22And one moreā€¦Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22nigthly is definitely required for windows builds, let's hope that worksSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Seems nightly is broken right now - stable it is everywhereSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Try again to make things build on linux, argh!Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22try to build on stable on arm (which fails otherwise now)Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Minor style improvements to handle special caseSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Avoid jump when cycling through byte visualizationSebastian Thiel