AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-27bump patch levelv2.10.2Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-27refactorSebastian Thiel
2020-07-27src, aggregate: fix colors for aggregate modeMaxim Zhukov
2020-07-24(cargo-release) version 2.10.1v2.10.1Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-24Update changelogSebastian Thiel
2020-07-23fix styling for folders (cyan=folders, not chagned - regular files)Maxim Zhukov
2020-07-23fix clippy warningsMaxim Zhukov
2020-07-22arm also has a problem now - ignore it for nowv2.10.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22And one more…Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22nigthly is definitely required for windows builds, let's hope that worksSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Seems nightly is broken right now - stable it is everywhereSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Try again to make things build on linux, argh!Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22try to build on stable on arm (which fails otherwise now)Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Minor style improvements to handle special caseSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Avoid jump when cycling through byte visualizationSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22(cargo-release) version 0.10.1tui-react-v0.10.1Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Fix incorrect render area of tui-react listSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22fix mark paneSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Help is back to normalSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Help looks better now, but is far from 'normal'Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Switch to crosstermion 0.3 for tui 0.10 supportSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22use published version of tui-reactSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Upgrade to tui 0.10 step one…tui-react-v0.10.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Fix path construction of 'sample_02_tree' for testRoy Ivy III
2020-07-22Fix platform size difference of 'sample_01_tree' for testRoy Ivy III
2020-07-22tui-react now works with tui 10.0; tracks tui's version number nowSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Re-enable test, disabled accidentallySebastian Thiel
2020-07-22update to colored 2.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22fix test on windows - it's breaking now since #53 is fixedSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22dependency updateSebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Don't pay extra on linux for helping with #53Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-22Use full path for obtaining the 'real size on disk'Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-13Speedup build times by not optimizing build dependenciesSebastian Thiel
2020-07-11Replace flume with just std::sync::mpscSebastian Thiel
2020-07-10update dependenciesSebastian Thiel
2020-07-10update dependenciesSebastian Thiel
2020-07-10patch bump tui-reacttui-react-v0.4.1Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-10Calculate block width without going through graphemesSebastian Thiel
2020-07-07update dependenciesSebastian Thiel
2020-07-07Bump patch levelv2.9.1Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-07Merge branch ''Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-07Fix color handling (causing the text to disappear); fix tty detectionSebastian Thiel
2020-07-06add windows wildcard argument support (using `wild`)Roy Ivy III
2020-07-06fix windows compiler warnings (unused_variables)Roy Ivy III
2020-07-06Cut new release: 2.9v2.9.0Sebastian Thiel
2020-07-06releases are working as expectedSebastian Thiel
2020-07-06Skip one test on windowsSebastian Thiel
2020-07-06fix release.ymlSebastian Thiel
2020-07-06windows is nightly only right nowSebastian Thiel