path: root/index.html
diff options
authorDrew DeVault <>2014-02-24 11:23:47 -0700
committerDrew DeVault <>2014-02-24 11:23:47 -0700
commit75bdc191d1c87f0547bdb45a77dc8f5f8270375b (patch)
tree0857f543bc4714c2de4ec44cc58f33ab22180d19 /index.html
parent0f34f1de087b8c258a3c681dfe6a15c49c308a93 (diff)
Site redesign
Diffstat (limited to 'index.html')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index c133f34..2bedfb5 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -4,24 +4,53 @@ title: Drew DeVault
<p>I am a software developer. In my spare time, I do lots of open source stuff. Occasionally, I will
-compose a post for this blog. It runs on <a href="" target="_blank">Jekyll</a> and
-<a href="" target="_blank">Bootstrap</a>, and is hosted on
-<a href="" target="_blank">GitHub Pages</a>. Some of my more popular projects include
-<a href="" target="_blank">KnightOS</a>, an operating sytem for Texas Instruments calculators;
-<a href="" target="_blank">Craft.Net</a>, several .NET libraries for Minecraft; and
-<a href="" target="_blank">various others</a>. I will only write an article here if I have
-something interesting to say, so expect infrequent articles.</p>
+compose a post for this blog.</p>
+<h2>Open Source</h2>
+<p>I work on <a href="">a lot</a> of open source software. Here are some interesting projects of
+mine that could use your help. I accept pull requests on all of my GitHub repositories, so feel free to contribute to anything
+else that interests you.</p>
+<div class="media">
+ <div class="post-stub">
+ <a target="_blank" href=""><h2>MediaCrush</h2></a>
+ <p>Need someone to host your video, audio, or images? Want to run your own server for doing the same? I've worked with
+ my friend <a href="">@jdiezlopez</a> to make a cool site for doing just that. We could use
+ help with our enourmous <a href="">backlog of GitHub issues</a>,
+ or <a href="">donations</a> to keep the servers online. Site's written in Python, CoffeeScript,
+ and SCSS, so feel free to join in if that's your cup of tea.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="post-stub">
+ <a target="_blank" href=""><h2>KnightOS Kernel</h2></a>
+ <p>If you have an interest in the low-level world, you'll love this. This is a kernel (and technically a userspace, but
+ it's pretty bare) for Texas Instruments calcultors, written entirely in z80 assembly. Working on it is a challenge, but
+ it's very fun. It's got a lot of Unix-isms, like a tree-based filesystem, multitasking, and proper memory management.
+ There's lots to do and there's an <a href"">IRC channel</a> to do
+ it in, if you're interested.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="post-stub">
+ <a target="_blank" href=""><h2>Craft.Net</h2></a>
+ <p>An open-source implementation of Minecraft, written in C#. Includes a client, server, and a bunch of useful libraries
+ for doing things like editing levels or simulating worlds. It's functional, but it could use a lot of work getting to
+ feature-pairity with the official Minecraft software. If you'd like to help, glance through
+ <a href="">the backlog</a> or join the
+ <a href="">IRC channel</a>. The exciting work is trying to get things
+ working for Minecraft 1.7.x, which introduced an entirely new networking stack.</p>
+ </div>
+<h2>Recent Posts</h2>
<div class="media">
{% for post in site.posts %}
{% if post.thumbnail != nil %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}" class="pull-left">
- <img class="media-object" src="{{ post.thumbnail }}" />
+ <img width=64 height=64 src="{{ post.thumbnail }}" />
{% endif %}
- <div class="media-body">
- <a href="{{ post.url }}"><h4 class="media-heading">{{ post.title }}</h4></a>
- <small>{{ | date_to_string }}</small>
+ <div class="post-stub">
+ <a href="{{ post.url }}"><h2>{{ post.title }} <small class="text-muted">{{ | date_to_string }}</small></h2></a>
<p>{{ post.excerpt }}</p>
{% endfor %}