path: root/_posts/
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authorDrew DeVault <>2016-05-28 11:10:21 -0400
committerDrew DeVault <>2016-05-28 11:10:21 -0400
commit09cdb4cdc23c629e78d76155051c14eab14745d1 (patch)
tree9e19c6b7e7ad6beb8f82081577c9aa0a05246759 /_posts/
parent418c97aabdd2104f63a8360ae284cda5da679ff4 (diff)
Add blog post about pointers
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1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..f66a431
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+# vim: tw=80
+layout: post
+title: Understanding pointers
+I was recently chatting with a new contributor to Sway who is using the project
+as a means of learning C, and he had some questions about what `void**` meant
+when he found some in the code. It became apparent that this guy only has a
+basic grasp on pointers at this point in his learning curve, and I figured it
+was time for another blog post - so today, I'll explain pointers.
+To understand pointers, you must first understand how memory works. Your RAM is
+basically a flat array of
+[octets]( Your compiler
+describes every data structure you use as a series of octets. For the context of
+this article, let's consider the following memory:
+| 0x0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0003 | 0x0004 | 0x0005 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 |
+| 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x08 | 0x42 | 0x00 | 0x00 |
+We can refer to each element of this array by its index, or address. For
+example, the value at address 0x0004 is 0x08. On this system, we're using 16-bit
+addresses to refer to 8-bit values. On an i686 (32-bit) system, we use 32-bit
+addresses to refer to 8-bit values. On an amd64 (64-bit) system, we use 64-bit
+addresses to refer to 8-bit values. On Notch's imaginary DCPU-16 system, we use
+16-bit addresses to refer to 16-bit values.
+To refer to the value at 0x0004, we can use a pointer. Let's declare it like so:
+uint8_t *value = (uint8_t *)0x0004;
+Here we're declaring a variable named value, whose type is `uint8_t*`. The *
+indicates that it's a pointer. Now, because this is a 16-bit system, the size of
+a pointer is 16 bits. If we do this:
+printf("%d\n", sizeof(value));
+It will print 2, because it takes 16-bits (or 2 bytes) to refer to an address on
+this system, even though the value there is 8 bits. On your system it would
+probably print 8, or maybe 4 if you're on a 32-bit system. We could also do this:
+uint16_t address = 0x0004;
+uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)address;
+In this case we're not casting the `uint16_t` value 0x0004 to a `uint8_t`, which
+would truncate the integer. No, instead, we're casting it to a `uint8_t*`, which
+is the size required to represent a pointer on this system. All pointers are the
+same size.
+## Dereferencing pointers
+We can refer to the value at the other end of this pointer by *dereferencing* it.
+The pointer is said to contain a *reference* to a value in memory. By
+*dereferencing* it, we can obtain that value. For example:
+uint8_t *value = (uint8_t *)0x0004;
+printf("%d\n", *value); // prints 8
+## Working with multi-byte values
+Even though memory is basically a big array of `uint8_t`, thankfully we can work
+with other kinds of data structures inside of it. For example, say we wanted to
+store the value 0x1234 in memory. This doesn't fit in 8 bits, so we need to
+store it at two different addresses. For example, we could store it at 0x0006
+and 0x0007:
+| 0x0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0003 | 0x0004 | 0x0005 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 |
+| 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x08 | 0x42 | 0x34 | 0x12 |
+*0x0007 makes up the first byte of the value, and *0x0006 makes up the second
+byte of the value.
+<div class="well">
+ Why not the other way around? Well, most systems these days use the "little
+ endian" notation for storing multi-byte integers in memory, which stores the
+ least significant byte first. The least significant byte is the one with the
+ smallest order of magnitude (in base sixteen). To get the final number, we
+ use (0x12 * 0x100) + (0x34 * 0x1), which gives us 0x1234. Read more about
+ endianness <a href="">here</a>.
+C allows us to use pointers that refer to these sorts of composite values, like
+uint16_t *value = (uint16_t *)0x0006;
+printf("0x%X\n", *value); // Prints 0x1234
+Here, we've declared a pointer to a value whose type is `uint16_t`. Note that the
+size of this pointer is the same size of the `uint8_t*` pointer - 16 bits, or
+two bytes. The value it *references*, though, is a different type than
+`uint8_t*` references.
+## Indirect pointers
+Here comes the crazy part - you can work with pointers to pointers. The address
+of the `uint16_t` pointer we've been talking about is 0x0006, right? Well, we
+can store that number in memory as well. If we store it at 0x0002, our memory
+looks like this:
+| 0x0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0003 | 0x0004 | 0x0005 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 |
+| 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x06 | 0x00 | 0x08 | 0x42 | 0x34 | 0x12 |
+The question might then become, how do we get it out again? Well, we can use a
+pointer *to that pointer*! Check out this code:
+uint16_t **pointer_to_a_pointer = (uint16_t**)0x0002;
+This code just declared a variable whose type is `uint16_t**`, which a pointer
+whose value is a `uint16_t*`, which itself points to a value that is a
+`uint16_t`. Pretty cool, huh? We can dereference this too:
+uint16_t **pointer_to_a_pointer = (uint16_t**)0x0002;
+uint16_t *pointer = *pointer_to_a_pointer;
+printf("0x%X\n", *pointer); // Prints 0x1234
+We don't actually even need the intermediate variable. This works too:
+uint16_t **pointer_to_a_pointer = (uint16_t**)0x0002;
+printf("0x%X\n", **pointer_to_a_pointer); // Prints 0x1234
+## Void pointers
+The next question that would come up to your average C programmer would be,
+"well, what is a `void*`?" Well, remember earlier when I said that all pointers,
+regardless of the type of value they reference, are just fixed size integers?
+In the imaginary system we've been talking about, pointers are 16-bit addresses,
+or indexes, that refer to places in RAM. On the system you're reading this
+article on, it's probably a 64-bit integer. Well, we don't actually need to
+specify the type to be able to manipulate pointers if they're just a fixed size
+integer - so we don't have to. A `void*` stores an arbitrary address without
+bringing along any type information. You can later *cast* this variable to a
+specific kind of pointer to dereference it. For example:
+void *pointer = (void*)0x0006;
+uint8_t *uintptr = (uint8_t*)pointer;
+printf("0x%X", *uintptr); // prints 0x34
+Take a closer look at this code, and recall that 0x0006 refers to a 16-bit value
+from the previous section. Here, though, we're treating it as an 8-bit value -
+the `void*` contains no assumptions about what kind of data is there. The result
+is that we end up treating it like an 8-bit integer, which ends up being the
+least significant byte of 0x1234;
+## Dereferencing structures
+In C, we often work with structs. Let's describe one to play with:
+struct coordinates {
+ uint16_t x, y;
+ struct coordinates *next;
+Our structure describes a linked list of coordinates. X and Y are the
+coordinates, and next is a pointer to the next set of coordinates in our list.
+I'm going to drop two of these in memory:
+| 0x0000 | 0x0001 | 0x0002 | 0x0003 | 0x0004 | 0x0005 | 0x0006 | 0x0007 |
+| 0xAD | 0xDE | 0xEF | 0xBE | 0x06 | 0x00 | 0x34 | 0x12 |
+Let's write some C code to reason about this memory with:
+struct coordinates *coords;
+coords = (struct coordinates*)0x0000;
+If we look at this structure in memory, you might already be able to pick out
+the values. C is going to store the fields of this struct in order. So, we can
+expect the following:
+printf("0x%X, 0x%X", coords->x, coords->y);
+To print out "0xDEAD, 0xBEEF". Note that we're using the structure dereferencing
+operator here, `->`. This allows us to dereference values *inside* of a
+structure we have a pointer to. The other case is this:
+printf("0x%X, 0x-X", coords.x, coords.y);
+Which only works if `coords` is not a pointer. We also have a pointer within
+this structure named next. You can see in the memory I included above that its
+address is 0x0006 and its value is 0x0006 - meaning that there's another `struct
+coordinates` that lives at 0x0006 in memory. If you look there, you can see the
+first part of it. It's X coordinate is 0x1234.
+## Pointer arithmetic
+In C, we can use math on pointers. For example, we can do this:
+uint8_t *addr = (uint8_t*)0x1000;
+Which would make the value of `addr` 0x1001. But this is only true for pointers
+whose type is 1 byte in size. Consider this:
+uint16_t *addr = (uint16_t*)0x1000;
+Here, `addr` becomes 0x1002! This is because ++ on a pointer actually adds
+`sizeof(type)` to the actual address stored. The idea is that if we only added
+one, we'd be referring to an address that is *in the middle* of a uint16_t,
+rather than the next uint16_t in memory that we meant to refer to. This is also
+how arrays work. The following two code snippets are equivalent:
+uint16_t *addr = (uint16_t*)0x1000;
+printf("%d\n", *(addr + 1));
+uint16_t *addr = (uint16_t*)0x1000;
+printf("%d\n", addr[1]);
+## NULL pointers
+Sometimes you need to work with a pointer that points to something that may not
+exist yet, or a resource that has been freed. In this case, we use a NULL
+pointer. In the examples you've seen so far, 0x0000 is a valid address. This is
+just for simplicity's sake. In practice, pretty much no modern computer has
+any reason to refer to the value at address 0. For that reason, we use NULL to
+refer to an uninitialized pointer. Dereferencing a NULL pointer is generally a
+Bad Thing and will lead to segfaults. As a fun side effect, since NULL is 0, we
+can use it in an if statement:
+void *ptr = ...;
+if (ptr) {
+ // ptr is valid
+} else {
+ // ptr is not valid
+I hope you found this article useful! If you'd
+like something fun to read next, read about ["three star
+programmers"](, or programmers who
+have variables like `void***`.