path: root/src/types/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-08Split codebase in subcrates for lib, cli and guiMatthias Beyer
2021-12-04Rewrite using "ipfs" crateMatthias Beyer
2021-11-27Ensure we actually create DAG linksMatthias Beyer
2021-11-27Implement putting in a text block and fetching it againMatthias Beyer
2021-11-27Implement putting a block on the chainMatthias Beyer
2021-11-27Remove everything from datatypes which is unusable right nowMatthias Beyer
2021-11-26Reset source to only contain type definitionsMatthias Beyer
2021-01-01Remove stuffMatthias Beyer
2020-05-20Unite ipfs-api client abstraction into one "Model" typeMatthias Beyer
2020-05-12Switch to anyhowMatthias Beyer
2020-04-29Add checker methods what enum variant is thereMatthias Beyer
2020-04-29Add methods to deep-load one blockMatthias Beyer
2020-04-29Move Payload type to own moduleMatthias Beyer