path: root/src/backend/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-26Reset source to only contain type definitionsMatthias Beyer
2021-07-14Add logging in testMatthias Beyer
2021-07-14Add helper IpfsEmbedBackend::get_payload()Matthias Beyer
2021-07-14Add more loggingMatthias Beyer
2021-07-14Add roundtrip testMatthias Beyer
2021-07-14Add loggingMatthias Beyer
2021-05-22Update ipfs-embed implMatthias Beyer
2021-04-06Implement first CLIMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add IpfsEmbedBackend::write_payload()Matthias Beyer
2021-04-05Wrap IPFS endpoint in Arc, so IpfsEmbedBackend can be CloneMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add getter for IPFS in backendMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add IpfsEmbedBackend::new_in_memory()Matthias Beyer
2021-04-05Implement IPFS backendMatthias Beyer