AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-08-18Use id-arena for Vertexid_arena_for_vertexWilfred Hughes
2023-08-18feat: display commit info in --version (#558)eth3lbert
2023-08-18Improve variable namesWilfred Hughes
2023-08-17Update typed-arena library versionWilfred Hughes
2023-08-17Add JSON cli flagAlex Krantz
2023-08-16Fix typoWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Move changelog parsing to justfileWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Roll versionWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Fix spelling in CHANGELOG0.50.0Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Mention merge conflicts in FAQWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Automatically bump version after releaseWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Clippy fixesWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Prefer Option<&T> over &Option<T>Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Dim the extra information section in hunksWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Improve wording of conflict informationWilfred Hughes
2023-08-15Add the ability to parse conflict markers and diff the two filesWilfred Hughes
2023-08-14Renamed `old_path` to `extra_info` and format it during option parsingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-14Move local variable closer to first useWilfred Hughes
2023-08-13Mention --check-only in the FAQWilfred Hughes
2023-08-13Move option parsing before argument parsingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-13Move content detection out of diff_file_contentWilfred Hughes
2023-08-13Update regression tests for humansize file formattingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-12Use humansize for file size formattingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-12Silence warning on compiling tree-sitter-goWilfred Hughes
2023-08-11Rename information in header should only be shown on first hunkWilfred Hughes
2023-08-09Use the Kotlin parser's built-in highlightingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit '06a2f6e71c7fcac34addcbf2a4667adad1b9c5a7'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit '7dc4fb60390218b09bc351062eeede7dcdbb4d9f'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit 'e398400a0b785af3cf571f5a57eccab242f0cdf9'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit '338db38330f0d25cba8e2c6428240ebc5e020264'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit '5f2c94b897601b4029fedcce7db4c6d76ce8a128'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit 'a2861e88a730287a60c11ea9299c033c7d076e30'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit 'bbaa67a180cfe0c943e50c55130918be8efb20bd'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Merge commit '7aa24fe8616072fc1a659f72d5b60bd8c01fb5cc'Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Improve rename stylingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-08Update to latest rayonWilfred Hughes
2023-08-07Increase MSRV to 1.59Wilfred Hughes
2023-08-05Update year in in LICENSEWilfred Hughes
2023-08-05Add note about how MSRV is chosenWilfred Hughes
2023-08-04Fix rustc warning on recent nightlyWilfred Hughes
2023-08-04Implement some other useful traits on EqOnFirstItemWilfred Hughes
2023-08-04Ensure size_hint never exceeds graph_limitWilfred Hughes
2023-08-04Log the number of bytes in the arena at the end of route findingWilfred Hughes
2023-08-03Be consistent in lifetime names for VertexWilfred Hughes
2023-08-03add comment for symbol/number parse6cdh
2023-08-02bump version: v0.3.06cdh
2023-08-02feat: optimize symbol/number parse and reduce library size6cdh
2023-07-31Adjust header styleWilfred Hughes
2023-07-29Don't fail CI if coverage upload failsWilfred Hughes
2023-07-27Improve Java highlightingWilfred Hughes