AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-01Refactoring of ga_widget (DRY)refactoring-concurencymatthieu
2020-05-01Bring back error displaymatthieu
2020-04-30Now every widget query API data concurentlymatthieu
2020-04-29Continue refactoring for crazy fast concurencymatthieu
2020-04-28Get rid of debug printlnmatthieu
2020-04-28Make the whole concurency topic works... need to refactor nowmatthieu
2020-04-28First try to make everything concurentmatthieu
2020-04-24Add important TODO to refactor the whole systemmatthieu
2020-04-05Add entry in changelog and small adjustment on ga_widgetmatthieu
2020-04-05Add ga.bar_devices and improve code of stacked barmatthieu
2020-04-05* Fix bug on x-axis headers for bar_pagesmatthieu
2020-03-21Add possibility to have bar widget with countries from Google Analyticsmatthieu
2020-03-18Move two badges 'cause why notmatthieu
2020-03-18Add labelmatthieu
2020-01-14Update CHANGELOGMatthieu
2020-01-14[master] Modify examplesv0.3.0Matthieu
2019-11-02Update README for manual installMatthieu
2019-11-02Update dependenciesMatthieu
2019-10-26Fix crash when feedly doesn't send back any subscribersMatthieu
2019-10-21Bold is not by default for box widgetMatthieu
2019-10-20Add Git serviceMatthieu
2019-10-19Add display serviceMatthieu
2019-10-19Fix typo (tracis -> travis)Matthieu
2019-10-16Refactor and test feedly implementationMatthieu
2019-10-15Add Feedly serviceMatthieu
2019-10-13Add Travis service + widget travis.table_buildsMatthieu
2019-10-11Cleaner way to avoid concurrency between the different reload (shortcutMatthieu
2019-10-10Minor README fixMatthieu
2019-10-10Fix testsMatthieu
2019-10-06FIX READMEMatthieu
2019-10-05Add images on README + link to my blog article on DevDashMatthieu
2019-10-05Add changelogs for version v0.2.0Matthieu
2019-10-05Fix typo for Github Stars bar widget default titleMatthieu
2019-10-05Add link to new documentation in READMEMatthieu
2019-10-04Drop go 1.10 support for Travis CIMatthieu
2019-10-04Enable go module for travis CIMatthieu
2019-10-04Try to fix CIMatthieu
2019-10-04Add hot reload key + refactoringMatthieu
2019-09-23Merge branch 'feature/github-widgets'Matthieu
2019-09-23[github-widgets] Add the possibility to limit dates for github starsMatthieu
2019-08-25[github-widgets] Add hot reloadingMatthieu
2019-08-25[github-widgets] Replace title_options by name_options in config and addMatthieu
2019-08-24[github-widgets] Minor fixesMatthieu
2019-08-20[github-widgets] Modify CHANGELOGMatthieu
2019-08-20Modify changelogsMatthieu
2019-08-20Better color management + add the option color to have same color forMatthieu
2019-08-18[github-widgets] Add concurrency to fetch stars overtimeMatthieu
2019-08-18Add a lot of commentsMatthieu
2019-08-17[github-widgets] Small refactoringMatthieu